Showing Posts For Arimathea.4279:

NC Soft/Arena Net, Stop the Server Hopping!!!

in Suggestions

Posted by: Arimathea.4279


I finally need to chime in on this! The game in its design is actually excellent. The Developers have designed a theory that will work. Where the problem lives, is in the players and our ability to transfer servers for free. This and this alone is killing not only WvWvW, but also killing the game for many servers right now. The free transfers to other servers needs to stop. Players need to pick an server and stick to it. … NC Soft/Arena Net, here is what is needed. Do what WOW has done. Allow one free transfer for the next 30 days, to let everyone have a chance to get where they are going to live and then stop all free transfers. Make it so once transferred in the last free 30 day transfer period, that we are not allowed to transfer again for 90 days. Then if people want to transfer servers at that time, make it so it cost us $25.00 of actual money per transfer per Character.

This will force everyone to stop server hopping and learn to work with the server they finally pick. Again, if it is really important to them to transfer at that point it still gives them a way, but it will cost us. This will do the following;

- Settle the servers down, so that all servers will balance their populations
- Create a fair balance in the WvWvW environment where pvp will once again actually exist
- It will actually put in place what was socially designed to allow each servers population to actually learn to work together
- It will create a tier of WvWvW rankings that will do what was designed. To have each server matched up fairly and eliminate the WvWvW domination exploits that are currently happening

NC Soft/Arena Net, make sure that the winners of each tier are rewarded equally to allow the reward balance to happen throughout the servers, so that playing in the top three servers no longer means anything. Set it up so that the winners of each WvWvW server grouping are rewarded the same. Then pit the winners of each server to go on to play in the next grouping of servers they are balanced to play with in accordance with each game out come 1st place, 2nd place and 3rd place.

Change the one week WvWvW event to 3 days. Award all servers for participating, but make a definite difference in the rewards for 1st place, 2nd pace and 3rd place.

Make it know in the server rankings we all see who each WvWvW top winners are from each grouping, by listing all servers in accordance with the 3 day events server groupings outcome, 1st, 2nd and 3rd positioning.

Then make up the next WvWvW groupings by pitting each winner placement rankings against each other accordingly;

- 1st place winners against 1st place winners
- 2nd place winners against 2nd place winners
- 3rd place winners against 3rd place winners

Pit them against each other for the next go around.

This will finally put some order into this issue, fix the pvp exploits and balance the game. This will finally settle everyone down and put our populations back on track to have once again a good fair game experience that actually make players have to work a little. Making this game easy is not what players need. Most players get board when things become too easy, thus the server problems we are now all currently experiencing.

NC soft/Arena Net, please correct this and correct this quickly or this game will die. People throughout the game are already exodusing back to games they use to play because of this problem. Many have already gone back to WOW, Rift, EVE, Conan, Console games etc. The gauntlet is now thrown down. Be a leader and lead this since this is all in your control !!! Do not hesitate in correcting this or what happened to SWTOR will happen here. Once you lose players, they start prepping for the next latest and greatest. You truly have the saving grace of being free to play so many will come back from time to time. But it will never be the same as it can be in the beginning where you still have a chance to have everyone who is still with us stay playing and real back those who left.

My hope is that this does not fall on deaf ears. Thank you

NC Soft/Arena Net, Fix WvWvW before its to late!!!!

in WvW

Posted by: Arimathea.4279


I finally need to chime in on this! The game in its design is actually excellent. The Developers have designed a theory that will work. Where the problem lives, is in the players and our ability to transfer servers for free. This and this alone is killing not only WvWvW, but also killing the game for many servers right now. The free transfers to other servers needs to stop. Players need to pick an server and stick to it. … NC Soft/Arena Net, here is what is needed. Do what WOW has done. Allow one free transfer for the next 30 days, to let everyone have a chance to get where they are going to live and then stop all free transfers. Make it so once transferred in the last free 30 day transfer period, that we are not allowed to transfer again for 90 days. Then if people want to transfer servers at that time, make it so it cost us $25.00 of actual money per transfer per Character.

This will force everyone to stop server hopping and learn to work with the server they finally pick. Again, if it is really important to them to transfer at that point it still gives them a way, but it will cost us. This will do the following;

- Settle the servers down, so that all servers will balance their populations
- Create a fair balance in the WvWvW environment where pvp will once again actually exist
- It will actually put in place what was socially designed to allow each servers population to actually learn to work together
- It will create a tier of WvWvW rankings that will do what was designed. To have each server matched up fairly and eliminate the WvWvW domination exploits that are currently happening

NC Soft/Arena Net, make sure that the winners of each tier are rewarded equally to allow the reward balance to happen throughout the servers, so that playing in the top three servers no longer means anything. Set it up so that the winners of each WvWvW server grouping are rewarded the same. Then pit the winners of each server to go on to play in the next grouping of servers they are balanced to play with in accordance with each game out come 1st place, 2nd place and 3rd place.

Change the one week WvWvW event to 3 days. Award all servers for participating, but make a definite difference in the rewards for 1st place, 2nd pace and 3rd place.

Make it know in the server rankings we all see who each WvWvW top winners are from each grouping, by listing all servers in accordance with the 3 day events server groupings outcome, 1st, 2nd and 3rd positioning.

Then make up the next WvWvW groupings by pitting each winner placement rankings against each other accordingly;

- 1st place winners against 1st place winners
- 2nd place winners against 2nd place winners
- 3rd place winners against 3rd place winners

Pit them against each other for the next go around.

This will finally put some order into this issue, fix the pvp exploits and balance the game. This will finally settle everyone down and put our populations back on track to have once again a good fair game experience that actually make players have to work a little. Making this game easy is not what players need. Most players get board when things become too easy, thus the server problems we are now all currently experiencing.

NC soft/Arena Net, please correct this and correct this quickly or this game will die. People throughout the game are already exodusing back to games they use to play because of this problem. Many have already gone back to WOW, Rift, EVE, Conan, Console games etc. The gauntlet is now thrown down. Be a leader and lead this since this is all in your control !!! Do not hesitate in correcting this or what happened to SWTOR will happen here. Once you lose players, they start prepping for the next latest and greatest. You truly have the saving grace of being free to play so many will come back from time to time. But it will never be the same as it can be in the beginning where you still have a chance to have everyone who is still with us stay playing and real back those who left.

My hope is that this does not fall on deaf ears. Thank you

WvWvW has been a complete, total, comprehensive failure

in WvW

Posted by: Arimathea.4279


I finally need to chime in on this! The game in its design is actually excellent. The Developers have designed a theory that will work. Where the problem lives, is in the players and our ability to transfer servers for free. This and this alone is killing not only WvWvW, but also killing the game for many servers right now. The free transfers to other servers needs to stop. Players need to pick an server and stick to it. … NC Soft/Arena Net, here is what is needed. Do what WOW has done. Allow one free transfer for the next 30 days, to let everyone have a chance to get where they are going to live and then stop all free transfers. Make it so once transferred in the last free 30 day transfer period, that we are not allowed to transfer again for 90 days. Then if people want to transfer servers at that time, make it so it cost us $25.00 of actual money per transfer per Character.

This will force everyone to stop server hopping and learn to work with the server they finally pick. Again, if it is really important to them to transfer at that point it still gives them a way, but it will cost us. This will do the following;

- Settle the servers down, so that all servers will balance their populations
- Create a fair balance in the WvWvW environment where pvp will once again actually exist
- It will actually put in place what was socially designed to allow each servers population to actually learn to work together
- It will create a tier of WvWvW rankings that will do what was designed. To have each server matched up fairly and eliminate the WvWvW domination exploits that are currently happening

NC Soft/Arena Net, make sure that the winners of each tier are rewarded equally to allow the reward balance to happen throughout the servers, so that playing in the top three servers no longer means anything. Set it up so that the winners of each WvWvW server grouping are rewarded the same. Then pit the winners of each server to go on to play in the next grouping of servers they are balanced to play with in accordance with each game out come 1st place, 2nd place and 3rd place.

Change the one week WvWvW event to 3 days. Award all servers for participating, but make a definite difference in the rewards for 1st place, 2nd pace and 3rd place.

Make it know in the server rankings we all see who each WvWvW top winners are from each grouping, by listing all servers in accordance with the 3 day events server groupings outcome, 1st, 2nd and 3rd positioning.

Then make up the next WvWvW groupings by pitting each winner placement rankings against each other accordingly;

- 1st place winners against 1st place winners
- 2nd place winners against 2nd place winners
- 3rd place winners against 3rd place winners

Pit them against each other for the next go around.

This will finally put some order into this issue, fix the pvp exploits and balance the game. This will finally settle everyone down and put our populations back on track to have once again a good fair game experience that actually make players have to work a little. Making this game easy is not what players need. Most players get board when things become too easy, thus the server problems we are now all currently experiencing.

NC soft/Arena Net, please correct this and correct this quickly or this game will die. People throughout the game are already exodusing back to games they use to play because of this problem. Many have already gone back to WOW, Rift, EVE, Conan, Console games etc. The gauntlet is now thrown down. Be a leader and lead this since this is all in your control !!! Do not hesitate in correcting this or what happened to SWTOR will happen here. Once you lose players, they start prepping for the next latest and greatest. You truly have the saving grace of being free to play so many will come back from time to time. But it will never be the same as it can be in the beginning where you still have a chance to have everyone who is still with us stay playing and real back those who left.

My hope is that this does not fall on deaf ears. Thank you