Showing Posts For Ark.2013:

Dec. 10th Balance Preview - Updated Nov 6th.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ark.2013


don’t think the changes for damage focused guardians go far enough, the real dps ones sacrifice so much of the tanking ability that they have survivability below that of warriors, if we want to play our guars in a pure DPS role, we should have that option, that was the whole point of the removal of the trinity after all, no profession stuck in a stereotyped role

Sell unidentified dyes or ID them first?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Ark.2013


Always open them!

got a celestial dye (pure white), one of the most sought after, on my new lvl 6 avatar, not even gonna sell it for the 8 gold, its epic so im gonna keep it

[Guide/PVE] Guardian 101 - A Beginner's Text

in Guardian

Posted by: Ark.2013


excellent guide mate you should be proud, its actually what got me to create a new guardian character now that ive returned to a game after a long break, the sword section is very interesting i must say, mainly where you said its for the more dmg route, if someone wants to take a guardian into the more application of dps route in pve/pvp at 80 can a guardian with sword/torch match the dmg of a warrior? say a warr with GS or A/A, both with traits atleast taking advantag of there wepons, ty.

Ask a quick question, get a quick answer.

in Guardian

Posted by: Ark.2013


Can a strictly GS gaurdian match the dps of a GS warrior? I was thinking a empowering might/soldier armor/strength runed/berserker trinket gaurdian compared to a shout boon/knight armor/strength runed/knight or valkyrie trinket warrior, each traited for high damage, would their dps output be comparable or noticebly different, I have a 80 warr that with a might GS setup can maintain near 25 stacks of might with semi decent survivability on soldier/knight gear, im curious that if I leveld a gaur can it be setup to have comparable dps on GS or does it pay a price for the gaurs inherent flexibility/uniqueness.