Showing Posts For Arkham.9165:
You should check out the options. You can shift the camera to the L and R of characters.
Woah, didn’t know about this. Either it was added recently, or I just never noticed it before somehow. Thanks!
I’m pretty certain there are no rank requirements for wearing any PVP armor, including the cultural armor.
First-person would be stellar for taking screenshots of scenery/environment art.
My Norn thief, in a mix of cultural medium tier 2, and the Viper’s skin from the gem store.
Been a while since I last posted here; my Norn Thief, Ylfa the Brigand, has been level 80 for a while now.
Her set is mostly Medium Tier 3, plus the Conquest Helm skin (tricorn hat + Zorro mask) from WvW. The boots in the earlier shot are outdated (older screenshots), but I included the shots because I like the way she looks in them generally. The character screen picture shows her with her final boots (Norn Medium Tier 2).
Race: Norn
Sex: Female
Class: Thief
The leg armor of the Magitech medium armor skin on the gem store has a couple issues.
- One is a very severe case of clipping where the skirt goes into the leg on the character’s left side. This isn’t a matter of the leggings clipping with other gear, but rather severe clipping with the character’s own model even when standing in an idle pose, which just seems like it shouldn’t happen.
- The other is these weird lines that show up on the character’s thighs between the skirt and the leg portion of the leg armor. This apparently only happens on the Norn female; the human female, for example, doesn’t exhibit this problem.
The attached screenshot illustrates both of these problems (one is a view of the skirt only, in the preview panel; the other is the preview straight from the gem shop).
Additionally, the latter problem (the lines on the legs) can be compared between the following shots on the GW2 wiki:
- Norn female (has the issue):
- Human female (looks normal):
Hey all —
I’m a newer player to GW2; I started shortly before the Dragon Bash ended.
I was wondering if anyone knows whether players would ever get another opportunity to participate in that event? In particular I’ve been jealously eyeing some of those translucent wings, the back items, and I’d hate to think I missed my only chance of getting them.
Hope someone can help clarify this, and maybe also clarify which sorts of events tend to be recurring and which tend to be one-time only (or if any Living World events repeat at all). Thanks.
My lowbie (40-ish) Norn thief, Ylfa The Brigand.
Her current outfit is something like a cross between Carmen Sandiego and Captain Hook. (Lots of the Scarlet and Midnight Rust dyes)