Showing Posts For ArkhamUK.4961:

Unplayable Solo

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: ArkhamUK.4961


I initially had a lot of trouble soloing HoT (Oh those nasty pocket raptors!). I had the perception from the base game which was very easy in comparison. HoT was different and it frustrated me. You certainly die more regardless but then I tried some different builds adding in more toughness and vitality or steel life foods etc and enjoyed theory crafting again to try new things that worked for me

HoT content is certainly more group focused but I also enjoy that to. Being a solo player mainly, its nice to just join in the larger meta events as and when I come across them. It gives me the feeling of a more drastic war scenario of HoT where you genuinely feel in danger when travelling alone, but I can now travel with less danger. The masteries certainly make things a lot easier which mean the starting experience is even harder (which is backwards really) but you can crack it and once you do start making progress it feels like a refreshing advance but very different from the base game. I’ve learnt to see dying as not a “failure” but it can still be annoying

I have to say Auric Basin meta event blew me away. I saw everyone heading of the forgotten city and just followed. A lot of adrenaline later and I’m presented with an underground labyrinth full of treasure chest. Very memorable to me and an example of how HoT draws you into play in groups yet still makes me feel I have the freedom to solo. (I don’t raid as I find it too restrictive) HoT has just been a different game to crack than the base game which has been hard after 400+ hours of just base game familiarity.

I hope you manage to find something that works for you in HoT, I sympathise with the frustration though. If you can find some enjoyment to stick with it there is a solo game there, but for me at least its certainly been much more of a “hard mode”, certainly different enough to have something on the store page to warn folks.

How are Super Weapon skins being sold?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: ArkhamUK.4961


Hi Guys,

Noob question but i see all the super weapon skins on the trading post. How are people doing this as i understood they were all account bound?

Any Non-shatter condition “legion” builds?

in Mesmer

Posted by: ArkhamUK.4961


Thats fantastic guys thanks for the good advise this really helps a lot. I’m going to try the phantasm build as a base then build from there

Any Non-shatter condition “legion” builds?

in Mesmer

Posted by: ArkhamUK.4961


This is great, exactly what i was after many thanks.

illusionary elasticity is one i really wanted but it urked me to have to go so deep into illusions to get it since there was only Illusionist Celerity that i thought benifitial and i didnt need shatter recharge reduction. But i guess it does give me points into condition damage so thats good synergy. Compounding power is just the only tier one trait i like as i thought it might help with the focus phantasm and add a bit to crits in the duelling line?.

Your point on confussion in PvE is good i can see that, as well as the point about Domination. Im not the most skilled keyboard basher so i thought crippling done by killed clones could take care of that for me lol

Thanks for your utility suggestion too. I can see Null field is great as i level up and i know i should use blink more than i do so id best get training I like decoy, its saved me many a time in PvE along with Temporal Curtain.

Build take 2

In groups i like to fall back into a support role so i may keep illusions at 5 and put 15 into inspiration so allow for alliy buffs at the expense of illusionary elasticity.

I’d be interested to here more about the debate on using dueliing for crit bleeds. Do people think its worth it looking from a PvE perspective?

Any Non-shatter condition “legion” builds?

in Mesmer

Posted by: ArkhamUK.4961


Hi guys

Is there such a thing as a Non-shatter condition “legion” build?

I play PvE, I like staff/sword/focus but I don’t like shattering (the mechanic just grates on me sorry) so I want to keep my illusions up doing things and keeping me safe. From looking around I found the “legion” build which focused on keeping illusions up and staff condition builds but they all seem to be using shattering.

Can you guys help me in merging the two builds effectively to fit this play style of mine? Heres what I fumbled to but im not sure if points in duelling is the way to go?…

I’m guessing gear wise I should just go for Condition damage? Any guidence greatly appreciated.

Crash To Desktop MainCli.cpp(591)

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: ArkhamUK.4961


hdd regenerator and memory tests completed. No issues, game still crashes. Next “educated” guess?

Crash To Desktop MainCli.cpp(591)

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: ArkhamUK.4961


Thanks TooBz but unfortunately i still get the crashes with the 306.97 drivers to.

Crash To Desktop MainCli.cpp(591)

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: ArkhamUK.4961


Same problem here. Tried uping the power management (NVidia control panel > Manage 3D Settings > Select Guild Wars 2 profile > Power Management …prefer maximum performance) and that reduced my crashes from 1 per hour to 1 every 2 to 3 hours, usually on zone change. But still getting the same error. very annoying.

Log attached
