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FPS Issue with the 9/9 patch [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Aronnas.5731


Please Anet, just stop messing around with settings or telling people to try this and that. It is pointless as it is a waste of time, let alone it fixes things up for a minor percentage of players, leaving others with problems. I, as a gamer, love the game as it is, even if it doesn’t perform well most of the time. My problem is that I do not see any point in talking about lowering our system settings or turn sounds off to play a game that should perform with 60 fps on a simple dual core system with an old graphics card. I do believe that we would all appreciate some honesty, at long last, to wether the performance issues of the game are going to be addressed or not. Simple as that. Yes, players with 2.5k+ dollars systems do enjoy ( most of the time ) the full experience of this game performance-wise but the vast majority of players cannot afford such computers, therefore having issues. I know, it is a CPU bound game, old DX9 API and such but, please, just an honest answer. So that we know what we are dealing with here.

Thank you in advance.

Tier 1 WvW Full screen red names FPS=9-11

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Aronnas.5731


Thank you for your reply
1) if i am willing to lower the graphic settings , i dont have to start this topic >.>

2)im not talking about when you are alone in the WvW wildfield and having 60fps, im saying its BGvs JQvs TC 80v80v80 in Garrison 3 servers killing each other, which is 240 players in your screen!

3) There are many other peeps who have i7 4770k+ gtx770, or i5 4670k+gtx680
they never go higher than 30 fps in WvW " they averagely getting 20ish

I definitely feel your pain here, I’m all the way against lowering the visual settings since our specs are way above the minimum and because, well, good graphics immerse you in a game and we wanna get the best out of our equipment but, as I said, it’s not a problem on our end. For me, PvP maps are 50-60 fps, PvE as well, but in cities and WvW I get lows of 15-20 and average of 25 – 30. On the 780 I get an average of 45 – 50 in WvW. I wish I could do more but I guess that’s the way the game is made. Upgrading your GPU will give you an fps boost though your bottleneck will be your CPU, since this game uses our CPU the most. But then again, your CPU clock is definitely good so I strongly believe you are gonna see improved performance on playable fps

Tier 1 WvW Full screen red names FPS=9-11

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Aronnas.5731


As much as I hate to say it, because I’m against it, you need to lower your settings a bit in WvWvW. I’m playing on an i7 930 2.8GHz with an MSI GTX 560 Ti and I get a minimum of 15 in large zergs, all settings to ’’High’’ and ’’Native’’ sampling. To be honest though, on my 4770k with an Asus 780 DirectCU II, in the biggest zerg I’ve been into I got a low of 35-40 so it is not a problem on your end. It is always nice upgrading our hardware so if you can afford to upgrade to the GPU you mentioned then go for it but I wouldn’t expect a solid and stable 60 fps in WvWvW. However, since you expect playable fps as you mentioned, go for it all the way.

Are these good specs?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Aronnas.5731


It is a good setup. As it is mostly common, there are circumstances you will have issues at some points, especially with that AMD cpu but I don’t think that you will be bothered most of the time

FPS issue when it should not happen at all.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Aronnas.5731


As we speak, I’m running on an i7 930 2.8Ghz stock with 6GB or ram and an MSI GTX 560Ti, getting mostly stable 55-60 in every PvE enviroment with a lowest of 15-20 fps in cities and/or WvW. Playable, still. Some people would say that it’s normal (which is not, considering the Minimum Requirments of the game). Truth is though that on my newest rig (onto which I can’t play right now since RMA issues occured with my Samsung SSD) with an i7 4770k oc’ed at 4.5GHz watercooled, with 16GB of ram and an Asus GTX 780 it is simply unacceptable to get a low of 20 fps, even in large zergs. You cannot simply advice people to lower their settings and do this or that on their system just because your project grows beyond your control. You find the issues and patch them instead, as any programmer that respects themselves and their clients, it’s not like GW 2 has graphics anywhere near modern titles out there that run smoothly even in multiplayer mode. If I didn’t have any knowledge on such matters, I wouldn’t even talk though programming ( and IT security, which is irrelevant right now ) are my fields. Cheers.

FPS issue when it should not happen at all.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Aronnas.5731


I’ll never understand why people keep trying to talk others into lowering their settings since there are no issues with it at all. It is a badly optimized and badly programmed game, using an old API and Guild Wars 2 staff will never do something to fix it up, unless we somehow spend 2000 euros or so to buy a really high end pc that will be able to play top notch titles and…well…cope with the requirments of this game, which are by far lower. They simply can’t seem to be able to implement a dx11 feature or just send more to the gpu end or even try to charge it on the bandwidth of the connection. I mean, come on, I’ve been an EvE Online player for 4 years now, having seen massive battles of thousands of people in the same grid and I never had even the smallest issue, either with my hardware (fps dips or overheating/high CPU usage) or with my connection. They implemented the ‘’Time Dilation’’ feature which distributes the same amount of lag among each client in large fights or crowded places and that’s it. No visual lag whatsoever on my MSI GTX 560 Ti there. End of story for them. Guild Wars 2 is simply a different story. Nobody has to lower anything, unless you run on 5-year old (or more) specs. I’d say that Guild Wars 2 staff has to do their job since we, as buyers, did our part well. We paid. And we aren’t getting what we paid for. And that just sums it up. We should have all known that there would be problems when someone displays Minimum Requirments and no RECOMMENDED…
Excuse my bluntness but I hear the game has been out for quite some while and the only changes they make is change abilities in classes. Seriously… Classes, for the most part, are fine. Concentrate on what REALLY matters here. Which is fun. And people can’t have it.

(edited by Aronnas.5731)

FPS issues

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Aronnas.5731


Thank you all for your input guys. I think I might have just found a solution to my problem and maybe it will fix it for others as well. I did some more reading around and found that if you delete the local.dat file, located in ‘’Local Disk/Users/User Name Here/AppData/Roaming/Guild Wars 2’’ and restart the client, it redownloads the file ( less than 30 seconds or so ) and promts you to enter your username and password again. When you log into the game of course the graphic settings will be set to default but if you bring it to your preference ( and your machine’s ability of course ) the increase in fps and performance is dramatic, at least. That worked for me.
Now, of course it is not a decent solution, not even by a long shot, since you have to do it each time you log in but I got loading times reduced to half and almost constant 60 fps in PvE. Visited LA and the lowest I got was around 25 momentarily. Didn’t have the chance to join a WvW and see it in practice yet though.
I don’t know if this has been posted here before as a solution or if Anet is even aware of it but I suggest people having performance issues to try it out and let me know about the results. It is a shame that this game is so poorly optimized since it looks so good and the mechanics are too decent. It should’ve been playable in high settings or even full settings on machines with older specs than mine.

(edited by Aronnas.5731)

FPS issues

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Aronnas.5731


Hey guys, I’m all new to the game, just bought some days ago. The issue here is that in most cases while in PvE I get from 30 – 60 fps, 45 average even with everything turned on max ( including SuperSampling ). I tried having some fun in WvW but when the big fights came up I wasn’t even able to follow what was happening, must have been like 10 fps or less. Anyway, so I read here and there, I lowered things around, installed some programs to help in CPU and optimizing performance for games, I even overclocked at 3.8Ghz but the gain in fps was trivial, so I went back to factory speeds.
Now, I know that Guild Wars 2 is very poorly optimized and I’ve seen that even high end machines get poor performance here and there but I really really need a solution as I really really wanna play this game, but not if I can’t enjoy it at the same time.
One thing I noticed is that turning SuperSampling off ( which offers little in terms of visuals if you ask me ) does give me constant 50-60 fps in PvE but it makes no difference at all in WvW, no matter how much I lower things around or doing combinations with it. I tested my CPU and GPU to see what happens during the dips, everything seems normal, CPU usage at most 60% for brief moments, GPU usage may vary according to the fps at any given moment but it does spend most of the time above 80% and in most cases even 99%.
So, I guess you get the picture here, any suggestions?

My system specs as follows:
Asus P6T Mobo
i7 930 2.8GHz CPU
Corsair XMS 1333 2×3GB Ram
Thermaltake 750W PSU
MSI GTX 560 Ti Twin Frozr OC
Focusrite Saffire Pro 14 ( FireWire ) Soundcard ( yeah, music producer here ).

Thank you all in advance