Showing Posts For Arthodax.3741:

Gem Purchases Disabled

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Arthodax.3741


Down for me too, Hopefully soon. TBH beer first : P

When they will release a guitar?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Arthodax.3741


Add a dub step gun for a ‘complete’ set :P

Supposed upcoming changes to the warrior

in Warrior

Posted by: Arthodax.3741


Is this new condition only limited to Necros/Thieves/Mesmers? Seems a shame not to give it to a Condition Warrior since Torment damage is a 75%/150% of a Bleed. Would make them more useful in PVP too. Or at least give the warrior poison. It’s annoying that our conditions get cleansed right off with little to no protection unless you can time a short burn, while other condition based classes have at least 1 other condition to rely on.

(edited by Arthodax.3741)

[Suggestions] Gemstore Items

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Arthodax.3741


CLOAKS! And before anyone brings up the Charr issue, Give them a cloak that’s Something like this

Allow us some customization with Heavy users getting the Long flowing cloak, slightly tattered. Maybe shoulder cloaks for medium armor users, Think of Ezio for an idea. And Light users a cloak that splits down on the left and right side so nothing interferes with their puffy robes/armor.

On another note, some purchasable emotes. Air guitar anyone? Again allows us more customization.

And lastly, maybe not Gem store specific but an update to pet mini’s. Maybe allow mini’s to sing/emote with the player/mini brawl Just make them more appealing to people who may have no interest in mini’s currently as they are, It would give a much needed boost to the mini market and make people feel like they didn’t just buy it for an title achievement.