(edited by Arya Whitefire.8423)
Showing Posts For Arya Whitefire.8423:
What changed on YB that you guys are ticking +400 during the day?
We understand that SBI is out to lunch, morale-wise; but Mags is a different matter.
We have fair-weathers to, and instead of blaming them when they abandon us, we welcome them when they join us. And a lot of them have joined us the later part of the week.
Also, I think Mag’s morale may be suffering just a lil bit, but shhh, don’t tell them I said so.
Urban legend. Yak’s only uses f to build siege and repair.
3-5 weeks ago, we were pretty terrible at going for stomps, but we’ve been getting the word out.
Almost every WvW guild knows its not common practice to GvG on a close week, or a week where their server needs to be pushing. I think its quite obvious YB falls into the second category this week.
I wish you folks would stop putting WvW where it should be PPT.
… every PPT guild…
PPT isn’t the deciding factor in WvW since the release of borderlands bloodlust. While it did take a nerf to its original glory, those point do add up, and fast.
Yes because YB is doing a lot of stomping? WTF are you thinking with that response?
At least where I was running, we were stomping the majority of our kills. Most of the small Mag groups I ran into however, were not.
What happened? How come Yaks are winning both Mags and SBIs?
Did you guys get reinforcements from EBay?Most Ebay players transferred to YB. It’s also the reason why EBay lost to BP this week
Some of those Ebay commanders would fit right in on Yak’s, they know how to siege up a keep.
I would be less upset if the rest of yak’s would stand and fight in keeps after we break their siege down. Come on, go out with a fight at least!
Well, since, like most rational offensive teams, you try to hit our keeps, when we’re not in them. You shouldn’t be surprised there aren’t too many there when you do succeed in taking them :P
Well we spent a good hour fighting under a sea of arrow carts in mag hills, so it’s not like the tower was empty. Finally get a treb up to clear out those icky arrow carts, and then everyone leaves
The only mag hills battle I was in where the keep fell, was composed of about 6 YB keep guards, vs 30+ mags escorting about 20 Omega golems. The outer gate melted in 5-10 seconds, the inner gate melted in 5-10 seconds, and the Lord’s room was taken before even a single reinforcement had arrived. It was amazingly well done, we occasionally pull off golem rushes like that, but on average they aren’t so well coordinated.
How dare you all have a bigger thread than the TC/FA love affair. The audacity…..
Unfortunately I don’t think we have time to get to 30, like the last time we faced SBI. That was some epic PvF, and to think, it was my first one
I would be less upset if the rest of yak’s would stand and fight in keeps after we break their siege down. Come on, go out with a fight at least!
Well, since, like most rational offensive teams, you try to hit our keeps, when we’re not in them. You shouldn’t be surprised there aren’t too many there when you do succeed in taking them :P
Hey Mags, I heard YB put mats out in front of their keeps, and they say “WELCOME MAGS! Please come in!”
More like “Welcome to Yak’s Bend Borderland, hope you like disconnecting constantly”
Being hosted on a terrible server is the best borderland defense IMO.
Some people report lagging out every time they attempt to go to YBBL, others just have random disconnects during heavy combat. It’s a weird bug.
The derivation is irrelevant to it’s common usage. And I used it quite correctly to describe menial labor. But that menial labor is kitten important in the game of wvw.
Where the word comes from and how most people view it, is a big deal. Grunts were known to do the bull kitten tasks, hence grunt work. However, they were on the front lines doing the fighting.
This is officially boring, next line of discussion.
Hey Mags, I heard YB put mats out in front of their keeps, and they say “WELCOME MAGS! Please come in!”
You need to check your prescription, those signs read: Keep Out!
And besides, for whatever reason, you’re chosing to use a military lingo specific meaning for the concept of the word grunt, rather than the broader english speaking world meaning.
You mean the most common use of the word?
go to google.com, and type:
define: grunt workI think you’ll find it enlightening, as it has absolutely nothing to do with how the term grunt is used in military parlance.
First thing I found.
Definition of ‘Grunt Work’
An expression used to describe thankless and menial work. Grunt work can also refer to jobs that lack glamour and prestige or are boring and repetitive. This term may be derived from the slang term “grunts,” which was used to describe low-ranking American soldiers during the Vietnam war.
See the part about being derived from.
The derivation is irrelevant to it’s common usage. And I used it quite correctly to describe menial labor. But that menial labor is kitten important in the game of wvw.
hope this boils down to a warcraft 2 showmatch
zug zug
You guys are pushing us really hard atm. It’s great
Yeah this has been the best night of the match. Well, ok forcing SBI to third again was slightly more fun :P But this is close.
And besides, for whatever reason, you’re chosing to use a military lingo specific meaning for the concept of the word grunt, rather than the broader english speaking world meaning.
You mean the most common use of the word?
go to google.com, and type:
define: grunt work
I think you’ll find it enlightening, as it has absolutely nothing to do with how the term grunt is used in military parlance.
Lol worst ‘war’ to talk about.
This whole thing started because, you said sitting inside towers hiding was grunt work.
It’s not. That’s Fobbit work.
You mean like how the colonial militias spent most of their time in forts building up supplies? :P
And besides, for whatever reason, you’re chosing to use a military lingo specific meaning for the concept of the word grunt, rather than the broader english speaking world meaning.
We don’t zerg & we don’t care about ppt but here you are on a thursday night trying to flip everything like crazy, so who was the guys who named a few guilds & said they were the voice of Magumma? sorry dude my post got reported and deleted with yours anyways can you see what’s happening? this is hilarious.
And with roughly 20 golems, no less, on mag BL. Talk about logistics…
Absolutely wrong, demonstrated time and time again. But we tell the soldier’s that, to boost morale. So, if you are a soldier, please continue to believe it.
Argh technical difficulties quoting this post…
The victors write the history books, the victors pretty much always had the best logistics, and the victors pretty much always write that they had the best/bravest/etc. soldiers.
(edited by Arya Whitefire.8423)
This is for all you people that just sit in towers/keeps and don’t go out to fight.
logistics >>>>>> strategy > tactics
Good soldiers > logistics
Absolutely wrong, demonstrated time and time again. But we tell the soldier’s that, to boost morale. So, if you are a soldier, please continue to believe it.
This is for all you people that just sit in towers/keeps and don’t go out to fight.
logistics >>>>>> strategy > tactics
YB gonna win cause their BL causes the most DCs i’ve ever seen
Yeah it’s doing it to us to, has been happening since the patch, and does seem to happen more often on YBBL, than any of the other maps.
Lol, what are you winning? I’m sure the way I play (not for ppt) is far more fulfilling than yours!
Oh, you mean the game where you cut and paste the current FOTM OP builds, play with friends coordinated on voice comms against people that probably aren’t even using the in game text messaging, and then call yourselves “skilled” after downing your 3rd staff ele of the day? :P
I can’t speak for the rest of Yak’s Bend, but I don’t play to fight, I play to win. And I play for PPT. I also play for crushing the enemy’s morale whenever possible
Out of morbid curiosity, how exactly are you crushing the enemy’s morale without fighting?
Well, for starters, a single person willing to dedicate their day to sieging up, guarding, and tagging siege in a keep, is easily worth an entire highly skilled zerg in the field. Yak’s bend has a lot of people willing to do the non sexy, non fighting, grunt work, that is required to win wvw.
You poor skill less soul…
So you admit to losing to the skill-less, what does that make you?
GG YB….Can’t fight us to get to the PAPER DOOR tower, so you bring your omegas. Just…..wow.
I can’t speak for the rest of Yak’s Bend, but I don’t play to fight, I play to win. And I play for PPT. I also play for crushing the enemy’s morale whenever possible, since Anet has not seen fit to even provide a hint of fairness in the baseline population. How many of you logged out after that? :P If even 1? A total success, in my eyes.
(edited by Arya Whitefire.8423)
So either our population dropped from fairweather’s doing PVE, Or you had a bunch of fairweather’s log into the game.
Maguuma doesn’t have fairweathers. The people who log in on Friday are the same people who log in on Tuesday.
If you had any fairweathers, after 7 weeks in Tier 1 leagues, they probably all gave up. Ouch. But those of you that remain, must be some pretty tough cookies.
Is that why every day their map stayed the same color while ours was multi colored?
Please son, you had countless people from your server admitting it, Anyone who watched the matchup saw what was happening, You can deny it all you want.. But we all know what happened that matchup.
Also we had spies and sab’s as well, If i recall, some of the people sabbing was people from AciD that you defended cheating.
Ebay defended their BL very tenaciosly, your keeps could general be ninjaed and or kept papered nearly at will. SBI has a lot of things to learn about defending keeps, especially against even, or overwhelming odds. Though, in your defense, running a karma train for 5 out of 7 weeks doesn’t give you much time to practice.
Is that why in the very next matchup with BP, you took their keeps just fine?
I mean its like you don’t realize that people post screenshots of matchups in previous threads that we can all see.
Actually in that matchup we primarily targeted BP, again because they were much worse at defense than ebay. Also BP didn’t put up much of a fight, they had a lock on 4th, so no reason to expend much effort.
Is that why every day their map stayed the same color while ours was multi colored?
Please son, you had countless people from your server admitting it, Anyone who watched the matchup saw what was happening, You can deny it all you want.. But we all know what happened that matchup.
Also we had spies and sab’s as well, If i recall, some of the people sabbing was people from AciD that you defended cheating.
Ebay defended their BL very tenaciosly, your keeps could general be ninjaed and or kept papered nearly at will. SBI has a lot of things to learn about defending keeps, especially against even, or overwhelming odds. Though, in your defense, running a karma train for 5 out of 7 weeks doesn’t give you much time to practice.
ok enough with the 2vs1 bs mag and yb hate each other just about as much as sbi and yb.
Now as to spy’s and exploiting if it happens (and im sure it does) screen shot it and send it in to support. now enough QQ lets all go pew pew!
We did that, and 3 weeks later the same account is still at it.
Considering you maintained a 2v1 alliance all week long It must of been fairly easy to maintain.
Tell that to the ebay havoc teams that were constantly cutting our supply lines the first 5 days. But hey, that’s ancient history, unlike SBI’s continued need to use spys and saboteurs.
Oh so that’s why we had the hour long 3 way battle in your garrison on the first day? I’d have thought an alliance would mean they’d let us cap it in pece instead on constantly try to take our stuff. Yeah, in the last day there was a real alliance. Because you spent a week trash talking both servers about us doing it.
You confuse smart strategizing with alliance. If there had been a proper alliance from the first day in the matchup, you would have scored much lower.
Also I don’t think we could’ve maintained a week long alliance. I can’t speak for ebay’s side of things, but on the yak’s bend side we had a lot of players that were very unhappy to be told to only target SBI. I can’t imagine keeping that going for more than the 1-2 days the actual alliance lasted.
Ya definitely wasn’t because we wiped out your evening crew / morning crew / afternoon crew. Etc Etc Etc.
We need to start a new poll on how what percentage of SBI is fair weather fighters. I would say 98.2% or so.
Considering we spent all week kicking in your teeth, I’m going to guess it wasn’t you wiping anything, and more likely it was the pve content patches as always (it happens every single patch)
Give it a day or two and we’ll see if they pop back up from the content or not.
Then we’ll go back to pounding on you like a dog in heat.
You mean all weekend? lolz u so funy
Yeah I didn’t start playing til Monday. And I’m only playing as hard as I am, because one of the first things I saw upon logging in to see what was up, was yet another golem jumping to it’s death. SBI needs to learn that any server they feel they need to cheat against, is a server that’s just going to get kitten ed off and grind them into the dirt.
Is Maguuma in first place yet? Can I start using our PPT to justify any fights I lose now?
Yes, you are in first as of the last tick or 2, justify away!
Getting out my popcorn.
Gotta watch Hack’s Bend try to justify this one.
I don’t understand how people can be this honorless.
I wasn’t involved, I do think it is slightly slimy, however absolutely no hacking is involved in gaining access to citadel, and I personally saw multiple SBI players peform the same trick during our last match.
You should be happy to have enemy players in your Citadel, you can kill them while being invulnerable.
(edited by Arya Whitefire.8423)
if it was just 1 person hacking in i wouldn’t have said anything, but no its about 20 that did it all from different guilds on yaks, so yea we can generalize here
At least you can kill them, unlike the spys we’re still dealing with on an almost daily basis.
thx yaks for somehow getting in to sbi spawn on sbi Bl and killing our omegas, you guys rly are that low…
Considering that we still have SBI spys from 3 weeks ago operating against us, consider it just a small amount of the payback you’re owed for your own server’s cheap tricks.
You guys are below pathetic. I was on during it, ppl spent money and time on those. And for you guys to admit here on public and saying its a payback from something we cannot control?( spies)
Match manipulation is a scrubby move, but this is just off the charts.
You’re still going on about match manipulation. I think you need a few refreshers on the purpose of 1v1v1
But anyways, facts:
The very first spy account that showed up just at the point where he could have turned things int SBI’s favor during leagues, has, just yesterday:
1. Destroyed 15+ Omegas on multiple BLs. They also cost money, imagine that.
2. Been in contact with some commander(s) on SBI reporting positions of tagless YB zergs.
Of course the real flaw here is Anet’s complete inability to deal with the griefing.
thx yaks for somehow getting in to sbi spawn on sbi Bl and killing our omegas, you guys rly are that low…
Since we still have SBI spys from 3 weeks ago operating against us, consider it just a small amount of the payback you’re owed for your own server’s cheap tricks.
(edited by Arya Whitefire.8423)
I keep seeing people mention chat suppression. That was fixed(at least partially) several patches ago. When you have your commander tag on, you can use team chat as much as you like without being suppressed.
Two ideas, I think I saw #1 elsewhere, but haven’t seen #2:
1. People on your block list should not be able to see your tag.
2. An option to let only people on your friends list see your tag.
Oh, I hate quoting myself but here goes.
A bunch of forum trash talk is not going to change the fact that the league system makes alliances the smart move on occasion. The servers that realize this will benefit, the servers that don’t, won’t
How about you pan out and show all the maps next time.
There is no alliace, Ebay defends better, so BP is an easier source of points. That’s all you’re seeing.
I posted yesterday saying YB deserved the win and most of them were honorable etc etc …but after todays ‘gifts’ to EB I deleted it. Not sour grapes; the match to YB was lost but giving EB the undeserved 2nd is quite frankly pathetic. Sorry to all those who gave us a genuine run this week but you should be ashamed of todays tactics especially the trolls. To those of you who did play fair this week you guys n gals should probably consider another server.
SBI could’ve stepped up and turned the soft blue properties back to the green, being especially careful to time the tick. Instead they wasted time trying to hold 1-3 towers/keeps, and even occasionally came after a red hard target. It was really up to SBI to lose 2nd place, and for some reason you chose to do so.
Also, I should add:
We worked to get ebay to 2nd place, not to “Stick to to SBI”, but because of the way the league scoring system works. I have a feeling not many of you were thinking about the value of maintaining 2nd place, if you had, I think you could’ve done so.
(edited by Arya Whitefire.8423)
Did you ask for reparations?
I mean, You didn’t know if it was someone from SBI in the first place (Cause the people you’re talking about also trolled us as well)
But did you even bother asking our commanders?
Also, What guild you in?
As I mentioned earlier, who did it was completely irrelevant, after the event, the game was in an unfair state, and it needed to be put back into a fair state. And knowing human nature, I knew exactly what was coming. I’m actually quite surprised it stayed as tame as it did. I expected things to get a lot uglier.
I don’t know any of your commanders, and I’m not in a WVW guild, that’s why I was motivated enough to make a forum post.
You have no way of knowing who started it. There is no way to know. I don’t know. And that is the problem with your logic. For all we know, YB could have had a spy. And so someone “evened the score.”
And let me remind you, no one on YB waited for recompense. Your first reaction was to immediately send people over to SBI to do the same. You didn’t wait for something honorable, you jumped into the mud and started slinging. I wouldn;t be surprised if MORE people went to YB after seeing how you reacted.
What you support is a losing situation for everyone, and is not okay. None of the YB cheaters thought “They wasted X amount of siege and X amount of golems, so I will equally waste their supply and golems to an equal number for fairness.”
That logic is not enforceable, and it is why I say report and hope Anet reacts with a heavy banhammer. Condoning evening the score only makes things worse.
There was a 3-8 hour period between when it started(on YB) and when retaliation(that I am aware of) started. I made a post, my very first post on this forum, trying to let SBI know that they needed to do something quick, or the tit for tat was going to begin. And all that happened was people agreed that cheating is bad, no offer of reparations was forthcoming.
And yep cheating is bad. But not as bad as unanswered cheating leaving a match in an unbalanced state.
Also I fully support any action anet takes against the accounts who perpetrated these acts, on both sides.
And it doesn’t matter whether the troll represented SBI or not, the damage was done on YB’s side of things, so it HAD to be done to SBI’s side of things, to keep the match even.
So you got trolled, possibly by someone on your own server, and your response was to actively cheat against SBI?
Read the forum history, a 30ap account is not a person from our server trolling, it’s someone who made a brand spanking new account, just to cause problems.
And you assumed it was someone from our server and not someone just trolling?
Is that why you support the guy who ended up cheating from Yaks?
I never said I supported him or her, I said I wasn’t in favor of starting a witch hunt.
So you’re not in favor of punishing a cheater if it benefits your server?
If we had started it, I would be all for it.
And it doesn’t matter whether the troll represented SBI or not, the damage was done on YB’s side of things, so it HAD to be done to SBI’s side of things, to keep the match even.
So you got trolled, possibly by someone on your own server, and your response was to actively cheat against SBI?
Read the forum history, a 30ap account is not a person from our server trolling, it’s someone who made a brand spanking new account, just to cause problems.
And you assumed it was someone from our server and not someone just trolling?
Is that why you support the guy who ended up cheating from Yaks?
I never said I supported him or her, I said I wasn’t in favor of starting a witch hunt.
And it doesn’t matter whether the troll represented SBI or not, the damage was done on YB’s side of things, so it HAD to be done to SBI’s side of things, to keep the match even.
So you got trolled, possibly by someone on your own server, and your response was to actively cheat against SBI?
Read the forum history, a 30ap account is not a person from our server trolling, it’s someone who made a brand spanking new account, just to cause problems.
So in otherwords, You’re not going to police your own, despite you just calling for us to police someone who we had no idea who they were. THough from what I understand it was someone from “bags” that I hear was even trolling SBI as well.
So yea..
In an ideal world, you’re right. But in the actual world, where our keeps had 0 supply, and no one wanted to build any golems, since they were all being walked off cliffs, the person in your screen shots, was simply balancing things out again. You had a huge advantage until it was done back to you.
And it doesn’t matter whether the troll represented SBI or not, the damage was done on YB’s side of things, so it HAD to be done to SBI’s side of things, to keep the match even.
If you wanted to avoid tit for tat, you should have immediately offered reparations.
So you can excuse us, if we don’t start a witch hunt against the people who put the match back on an even keel.
I think we on YB should also give a sarcastic thanks to the SBI cheater that really got everyone motivated to achieve our goals this week to the maximum.
We may have been able to accomplish it all without him, but he surely helped light a fire, and conversely, help to burn down his own team.
Absolutely, that incident really strengthened my resolve. And, as I mentioned in another post, I think it brought a lot more casual players in, after they heard about it, and wanted payback.
Let’s assume that’s true, it only emphasizes my point. If SBI was unfocused, disorganized, demoralized, etc. the fact that it took all week to pull Ebay out of third place says a lot about YB/Ebay.
We(YB) only really trying to started to push ebay into 2nd last night, though in retrospect, we should’ve started Wednesday night.
So Ebay helping Yak’s was the priority and Yak’s helping Ebay was one of those, “if we have time” sort of things?
You made it worth our while by continuing to try for first, instead of widening the gap you had with third. We started to make that mistake with FA, but quickly realized our error and concentrated on maintaining 2nd, like you should have done.
It’s kinda interesting where people draw their lines at lately.
Everyone in this matchup knows SBI can put the bodies on the ground. Heck, yesterday, they managed to muster a huge force that pushed BOTH YB and EB hard, out of their lands and took them to 300+ PPT.
Actually the loss of Hills on their BL last night was in large part due to the continued actions of SBI troll accounts, I believe at one point we had 4 separate people zeroing hills and se camp supply.