Showing Posts For Ascherit.4398:

John Smith, You Clever Man!!

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Ascherit.4398


Why play a game if everything is handed to you the moment you install the game and log-in? You want a legendary in your mail?

First of all, there’s more than the binary state between “handed immediately” and “requiring 100 years to get”.

Second, we weren’t talking about time to get reward but how this game mirrors the (incredibly lousy IMO) real life situation of people having more money being able to get more stuff.

Besides that… in my specific case, yeah, I’d actually love an MMO which instantly gives me completely maxxed out characters with the click of a button (sorta like what happens in PvP here). My enjoyment of the game mostly stems from checking out how the various combinations of race/class/build/gear work at max level both against the mobs and against other players. This implies that to me any time spent reaching that point is wasted time.

I hoped GW2 could be this kind of game (the manifesto and all that) but it clearly changed the design fundamentals along the way. What annoys me the most is that this just makes it like the other 63248032800592843 grind-based MMOs out there, while I can’t for the life of me find ONE MMO designed the way I’d like it. And if you just look at the amount of complaints about grinds, I’m pretty sure there IS a market out there for players like me…

Let me get this right, you bought a game know for his way of telling histories and you think any time spent playing the game you bought is wasted time? If you read/watch the manifesto you can clearly see the game was not meant for you, this game was build to apeal to more casual/mature RPGMMO crowd who can’t spent all their time playing but can play a little everyday.
There is a market for people who likes to PVP for the sake of PVP but before you buy a game research about that game or at least stop QQ in the forums because the game wasn’t designed for you.
Sorry for the bad english i hopeyou guys can understand it.

Rate the Norn Name Above You

in Norn

Posted by: Ascherit.4398


7/10 – looks good

9/10 – sounds nordic enought to me.

Ablon Vitantur