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If backstab gets nerfed...

in Thief

Posted by: Ashorah.1345


First of all i think there are a lot of bugs regarding thieves that play in thieves favors. Take for example the stealth ability. EVerytime a thief jumps on me from stealth it takes at least 2 or 3 shots before i actually see the character, considering how much damage a thief can pull does every shot its Deadly.

Now lets talk about backstab build I have tried all the glass cannon classes and out of them alli never say any that could kill others in such a small amount of hits. On my elementalist i am getting 3 shotted every time: Steal >cloak and dagger > backstab and if iam still alive Number 2. The worst of this is that it doesnt even require more than 4 initiative to kill someone and if that person is not dead just have to spam Heartseeker and no matter who you are (unless point holder spec ofc but then you cant kill anything either) you are 100% dead.

If they dont nerf the thief i expect at least other glass cannon classes to get a boost to make it as OP as thief.

If thief was not as OP i dont think we would see Spvp with up to 4 or 5 thieves in every teams.

Its killing the game class balance either a nerf or a Major boost on other glass canon burst is required.