Showing Posts For Ashraven.1489:

Uncontested Temple of Balthazar

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Ashraven.1489


EU Piken Square just opened!

What Guild Wars 2 needs PvE wise!

in Suggestions

Posted by: Ashraven.1489


The thing is Rizzy, you dont seem to get the point.

“If you want gear grind theres a lot of other gear grinding games, The Secret World comes to mind, the gear grind determinds your level in that game.”

Isn’t this exactly what gw2 is at the moment?
you grind and grind and grind for the legendary, achievements and titles.

What Guild Wars 2 needs PvE wise!

in Suggestions

Posted by: Ashraven.1489



As many of you know that are or have farmed for your first, second or third legendary, the droprate on the tier 6 materials and the chance of getting a precursor is bloody horrifying. Personally I am usually farming in Southsun Cove on the skelks to the south east of the map. Hours and hours with omnomberry and an insanely low drop chance on powerful blood, vicious fang and other materials. Tier 5 drops a decent amount, but the tier 6 mats are nearly no where to be seen.
That is also a thing that needs to be improved for people to actually wanting to farm stuff, and it not being an eternal grind as it is now. Increase the drop chance on the tier 6 mats by the same chance there is to get a tier 5 ingredient.
And now the Precursors. When there was announced that Legendaries where inbound to the game, people bought their precursors for 10-100 gold, and nowdays say the precursor for Twilight, Dusk, is at a price of 700+ Gold. This is so extremely stupid. Mystic Force gambling is not worth it. I read somewhere that the chance of getting a precursor from MF is 0.3% chance of all exotics avaliavble for that specific weapon type, now I do not know if this is correct but it seems like it.
Players have spent nearly 1000 gold in Mystic Forge all together in hopes of a precursor, but the chance of actually hitting the jackpot is around zero. Tho there are people with golden hair on their bottom, that get it within the first 10 tries.
All in all, change the course of getting a precursor from it being a hellish grind, to it being fun and not too much of a pain in the butt to achieve, there is still clovers, runestones, lodestones etc etc that takes time to get.

If you are not willing to read all this, I will sum it up for you.
1 – Dungeons need to be balance to fit every player, playstyle and class.

2 – Give more guild related challenges, fix bounty and implement raid looking tools for the guild to work together, (with a small chance of ascended loot for example).

3 – Fix the goals in the game, let people be able to build up to better gear, and get improvements. Do not let players stay on the same stage all the time, it will wear players out and you will loose players from the game.

4 – Droprates, fix them. The game currently is too much of a grind. Make legendaries worth going for, and not just a skin. UP the damge a bit so it feels like a long waited achievement to actually achieve such a farming hell pain item.

5 – NEW AoE in WvWvW is ridicolous. Hitting 5 enemies max is really stupid. Nowdays when people run in so called “BLOBs” why only hit 5 enemies? Fixing in depth wvw would be awesome. The lootsystem in wvw should get a makeover. Say you are in a blob of 60 people and clash into another blob of 60 people, and you hit 5 people with AOE skills? (meteor stom thingie on Ele’s staff skills). There should be taken some time to go though wvw and fix the things that are not optimal and tweak, cut and paste alot.

This is not a hate /spituponface post, it’s just a few points that would be able to improve the game in MY opinion.
What you think, is for you to think yourself.
Thanks for reading.
Best Regards

(edited by Ashraven.1489)

What Guild Wars 2 needs PvE wise!

in Suggestions

Posted by: Ashraven.1489


PVE – Itemisation:

When you farm say for example CoF for so and so long, get your 2000 tokens and get full zerker gear + weapon, then what? Go for skins? You’ve build up your character from 0 to 100 and it stops.
Legendaries as stated from before is a pain in the f’ing kitten to farm and costs on average around 1400-2000 gold to craft. And as said casual people does not stand a chance to get that kind of dough.
Anyhow, there is no current feeling of building your character and taking it to a new level. Ok, so you get yourselves Twilight, Sunrise, Bolt, Dreamer, Quip, Incinerator, Eternity, whatever, it does not mean jack kitten. you don’t get any stronger at all, and it’s just kitten.
The personal feeling of building your character and reaching higher goals is not in the game at the moment, now I do not want it to be like World of Warcraft where you can critical hit for 10 million, compared to the old days where you could 1 shot a guy if your crit was above 4k.
BUT would be nice to see some achievable upgrades, say you get a legendary (right now all are from 950 – 1100 damage, just like the exotics) and that is BAD! You use around 2k gold and don’t get any upgrade or completion feeling, just another look on your weapon, which in my opinion is just about top bullkitten. The optimal thing in my opinion is say the damage was from 1100 to 1500, you would see a significant increase in damage but still not be ridiculously overpowered and it would be worth going for.
So ok, there will be ascended weapons incoming into the game, but still, the damage would be the same and you would not get that good feeling of getting an upgrade. Another suggestion to getting legendary is going through a series of quests where you need help from the guild. Work together and get the rewards. Not how it is now, as it is “If you have cash, you have gear”, which is the absurd truth.

(edited by Ashraven.1489)

What Guild Wars 2 needs PvE wise!

in Suggestions

Posted by: Ashraven.1489


Hello there,
I just want to share my thoughts and ideas on things that I feel should be changed/added to the game in the near future. These are just ideas, so no need for BM posts.

PVE – Dungeons:

Many people have different opinions on how dungeons are nowadays compared to the start of the game. I hear players moan about things being too hard, and I hear quite the opposite from other players again. I personally feel that the difficulty of the dungeons variate from AC to CoF to Arah. But in total I think that the dungeons as they are now are a bit too hardcore focused. And the 4x Warrior 1x Mesmer groups is starting to pull people away from doing dungeons.
I’ve been in lots of group that has kicked other players from the party because they did not play a warrior or a class that is very efficient in speed runs (who am I kidding, warriors are the speedway!).
To fix this problem, would be to have a tint of the Holy Trinity involved into dungeons, and NO I am not saying “Let’s go full holy trinity with tank, healer and dps”, but let there be a tint of fixed aggro mechanisms. Say a Guardian with Shield + 1H (with for example soldier runes and knight gear) would be aggro taker number 1.
There is too much focus in getting berserker gear and get the highest crits, and when a player goes “down” in a dungeon, people whine about “Oh dude, L2P, dodge that attack noob”. We do not have endless dodge, therefore maybe reduce the damage of the mobs in dungeons? Have more native toughness? The different things that can be done are endless. Dungeon tweaking is a must!
Take for example AC and the dude that pulls you and starts whirling around killing everything. That fight was HARD and people skipped it because it was not worth wasting your time on. And now after the tweaking of AC, he has become even harder. Is it just me or does the meme “kitten LOGIC” come in here perfectly. If you want people to do a boss that they usually skip, it does NOT help making the fight harder.

PVE – Guild Dungeons:

This game is about getting the “looks” doing dungeons and levelling, but when you hit 80, you have 100% world exploration, have done your share of crafting, spvp, wvw and ofc dungeons, there is only so and so many things that is left to do. Getting skins, farm for Legendaries is a pain in the a** if you are a casual player. Everyone wants to get hold of the awesome skin of the legendary, but the prices on the Tier 6 materials and the Precursors are off the charts and sadly, have made people quit.
When you are at that stage, that when you log in for your daily, just sit there and “Erh, so boring, nothing to do.” Why not implement Guild Dungeons, I know people will rage and say “NO WE DO NOT WANT RAIDS THIS IS NOT WOW”. I know this is not wow, but guild dungeons or “raids” could improve the game A LOT. Say for example a dungeon where you can be up to 40 people from your guild and of course since there is no raid interface at this point and time, there could be a maximum of 8 groups allowed into these dungeons. The bosses and mobs would scale depending on how many people that are inside, and let the minimum amount of people be 10 or 15. Think of it as a guild fractal.
I know there are “Guild Bounties” and different challenges to do with the guild, but they get REALLY REALLY REALLY boring in the end due to other guilds tagging for example Short Fuse Felix when you have followed him around for 15-20 minutes and used 10-15 minutes to finding him.
There could also be a slight change in how the bounties work. That they don’t spawn until the bounty has started, and that when they spawn only the guildies are able to locate and kill them, not let other guilds scale it up and mess the kill up for other guilds.
Everything that I’ve written so far is just a thought that I wanted to share, and maybe some of this can be taken into consideration. All in all guild dungeons would be an awesome upgrade to the game.

Meteorlogicus effects.

in Crafting

Posted by: Ashraven.1489


I’m about to craft this weapon pretty soon, and I was wondering if there was going to be any effect changes to this weapon in the near future, seeing as there are not as good as effects like on Sunrise/Twilight/The Dreamer etcetc.

best regards

Launcher login error

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Ashraven.1489


Build: 16845
Error Code: 42:6:3:2158
EU Piken Square.

1 Vista Missing

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Ashraven.1489


just copy the link and use a new tab on the browser -_-
Ain’t as hard as you want it to be…

To all of you who has 100% but still no chest

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Ashraven.1489


Hello there, I’ve seen several posts regarding people who’s got 100% world completion but still have not gotten the chest. Here is what you do:

Go to Fort Trinity. Take the portals to Order of Whispers. Go to the Orb in the middle of the room (in the order of whispers realm) and you will get your chest

GW, FS and cheat!

in WvW

Posted by: Ashraven.1489


If you all would like to know what to do about this bad blood between the FS and VS server, then watch this link. It’s simple, but legit!

All POIs, WPs, Vistas and Hearts completed, but no reward

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Ashraven.1489


After i had 100%-ed all areas on the Map, i went to WvW to discover everything there which i then also did but i only got the reward for the last WvW map i completed, but no letter or any other reward for the World completion.
My world map says 301/301, 507/507, 717/717, 202/202, 266/266, 100%, still others told me there is no star beside my name.
Has anybody else experienced the same or any similar problem?

Go to Fort Trinity. Take the portals to Order of Whispers. Go to the Orb in the middle of the room (in the order of whispers realm) and you will get your chest

Guild Wars 2 Vista Guides!

in Community Creations

Posted by: Ashraven.1489


Hello there fellow gw2 players. I took the liberty to make a series of Vista guides to help those in need. I will be covering ALL zones except from the ones in WvWvW. And I’m trying to make a few each day. If this seems interesting and you think this might help you, then please subscribe to get the newest vista guides and other guides directly. Also, if you have any suggestions or/and requests then write in the comment below or e-mail me at the provided email in the description of every movie.
YouTube Channel:

Have fun and enjoy
Best Regards
Ashraven – Norse Oil eXpedition

99% World Completion. 1 Skill Point bugged.

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Ashraven.1489


^^ happy to help

100% world completion

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Ashraven.1489


Done all in wvwvw?

1 Vista Missing

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Ashraven.1489


there you can find all sp,poi,vista,wp and dungeons

99% World Completion. 1 Skill Point bugged.

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Ashraven.1489


Yeah, a guild member had that same problem, and he had to take the portal to the order of whispers in fort trinity to get the completion. Don’t know why, but that helped him. Try that out.

99% World Completion. 1 Skill Point bugged.

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Ashraven.1489


Hello there.
Just wanted you all to know that the skill point in northwest of plains of ashford is bugged. And It’s the last one I miss for the 100% completion. Any chance it can get fixed within this weekend Anet?
