Showing Posts For AssumetheWorst.9134:
I think 2 hours is fine for a boss. Otherwise it becomes trivial and farmable (and people would just camp permanantly and block others getting in to that server). WHat it needs is in between activities/events either leading up to it or in the aftermath (depending on win/loss) to keep people occupied. Even if it means taking players to other zones.
You made me laugh… farmable. What is there to farm? Aetherblade pieces? I know, Molten Alliance pieces. The champs DO NOT drop even a blue or green when you kill them. There is nothing worth farming in these events. And I agree waiting 2 hours for the robot is insane, it is only temporary. I waited way too long for it, and won’t ever again. The only loot, after killing a slew of minons/vets/champs I had was maybe 40 of various combine pieces a few junk items and one green for when the event failed.
Actually you have a chance of getting Ascended weapons or even a whole Ascended set from this…