Showing Posts For Astre.7821:

Gunnar's Hold to Augury Rock

in WvW

Posted by: Astre.7821


@MarzAttakz : I was merely explaining for Spacebanana (Rezo) (and anyone who would like to have an explaination).
You have players at night and they have a right to play.
I must add that I don’t have any craving to be faced with VS even if it would mean fighting against old enemies once again (DAoC).

Ethalyon – Tempest Auld [Tpst] – Augury Rock

(edited by Astre.7821)

Gunnar's Hold to Augury Rock

in WvW

Posted by: Astre.7821


… If you guys think we are rough with the night crew just wait until you see them in action.

I’m not sure anyone gets what is bothering us.
It’s not the fact that you paint (the maps) at night.
It’s the fact that you’re bragging about winning against an alliance of 2 servers !
But there’s no alliance.
And you’re winning because of the nights.
Or to be exact, you cant say that you win with your skill only : you’re not encountering anyone (but PNJ) at night.

Ethalyon – Tempest Auld [Tpst] – Augury Rock

Gunnar's Hold to Augury Rock

in WvW

Posted by: Astre.7821


You guys denying it or making a laughing matter out of it doesn’t change the fact you guys did cooperate and lose. Own up to your own failures instead of covering it up, thats what a man would do.

oh my !
and here I am… A poor girl…

kisses to you too, Spacebanana =)

Ethalyon – Tempest Auld [Tpst] – Augury Rock

Gunnar's Hold to Augury Rock

in WvW

Posted by: Astre.7821


Looks like you need to deploy the unemployed frenchmen Astre, the server has been on its hind legs ever since the proposed alliance. Also if you want to claim that 2 days ago you guys were not working together on AR Borderlands then im a spacebanana. Gunnars hold held greenwater while AR was fighting infront of greenwater with us. Gunnars avoided getting cought up in this fight and stayed back. After that gunnard took greenlake and at the same time let greenlake be taken by the french to build catapults on the ledge. There were no conflicts between AR and GH around the general area of Askalion Hills. If you claim this isn’t cooperation then you were either not there or are trying to cover up your obvious failure.

I can tell you for sure that we ([Tpst]) made no alliance with anyone from another server. simple as that.
And I’m not aware of any alliance being made between our 3 servers.
Then, if you want to convince yourself that there is one, it’s your choice. After all, most people need to believe in something…
At time goals are meeting, so we have to choose a way to achieve them. Be it let Deso and GH weaken themselves by fighting each other before striking or taking the back door to a keep while someone else knocks on the front door etc…
it’s called tactics. (special wink to Odessa)
But alliance is not our thing.

kisses to you, Spacebanana *

Edit : * it’s quite intimate, I know, but you said I could =p

Ethalyon – Tempest Auld [Tpst] – Augury Rock

(edited by Astre.7821)

Prime Time server rankings EU

in WvW

Posted by: Astre.7821


there’s a problem with your ranking : prime time is 20h-00h for everyone. That’s ok. But it’s not 20h (or 00h for that matter) at the same time for everyone.

Ethalyon – Tempest Auld [Tpst] – Augury Rock

Orbs, need to be a double edged sword

in WvW

Posted by: Astre.7821


So Orbs to give faster lvlups gathering etc…resulting into even bigger zergs because of ppl who finish lvling/gearing up faster?

impossible: there’s a limited number of places in WvW. People who finish leveling faster will end up in the queue.

Ethalyon – Tempest Auld [Tpst] – Augury Rock

Gunnar's Hold to Augury Rock

in WvW

Posted by: Astre.7821


it’s currently 9h45 AM in France.
this screenshot is from 6h15 AM (France time) :

Ethalyon – Tempest Auld [Tpst] – Augury Rock