Showing Posts For Asura.4709:

Is this class worth playing yet?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Asura.4709


The ele class needs a rebuild from anet. There is absolutely no incentive to play an ele, regardless of weapon choice. I have spent well over 1000 hours on my ele, I have always loved ele’s in RPG’s, but when my ele does less dmg, less consistently than my gaurdian or warrior and can only take 2 – 3 hit in a dungeon; there is no point in frustrating the hell outta yourself because you can’t keep your ele alive. With all the builds out there the crit builds seem to be wining, where a crit ele can potentially do massive amounts of dmg, with a staff, to STATIONARY targets, 9 times outta 10 your targets have moved out of your AoE and will take no dmg at all. Then there is channeling time, in the time it takes to drop meteor shower a guardian with a crit build could have already pulled 5 targets done a 3 hit gs combo and whirling wrath; dealing 12k + dmg. All in the time it took you just to channel meteor shower and do 0 – 2k dmg. Anet seems to think that this is ok, that ele players still have the edge of versatility, well versatility doesn’t count for much when you are spending your evening dead, observing other players beat the dungeon. If Anet insists on keeping, my favorite class of all time, as squishy as an ambient rabbit then I respectfully request double if not triple the dmg out put with 1/3 the channeling time. That way while I’m watching everyone else beat the boss I can at least sit back and chuckle about how I took him down to 3/4 of his over all health before he killed me. And it would still be a challenge to pick the ele back up without wiping, maintaining the aspect of team play and banning together to get through tough spots.

I really love my ele, but I refuse to play her untill something is done about this unscrupulous disadvantage that no other class seems to have. Like I said, there is absolutely no incentive to play an ele, all it does is raise your blood pressure and drive you to early an early grave.

Dungeon Patch Discussion 1/28

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Asura.4709


What encouragement do other players that are fighting for survival have for res-ing fallen team mates? It’s a huge risk if they are dead not DBNO, the way I see it the damage ratio needs to be adjusted for those that are res-ing; maybe they get a defensive boon, or regen, or maybe adding a mechanic that allows you to drag team members from combat to res. The aversion to “res-run” is fine but adequately compensate the teams. Give bonuses to loot for killing the boss with the whole party alive, maybe penalize teams who don’t focus on team work (not sure how you would do that one.) Then there are problems with players “skipping”, this leaves whole mobs blocking off routs from WPs to Bosses. If you want to fix the dungeons you also have to focus on the human factor, “what do I get for my troubles”, you have to find a punish/reward system for good/bad team work in order to make people play the way you want them to. I agree with a lot of the other posts about how these new changes are going to decrease participation when it is already hard enough to get into groups for dungeon crawls. Take care that your teams manipulations do not kill the very thing you are trying to preserve.