Showing Posts For Athenodorus.2583:

The Female Human epidemic

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Athenodorus.2583


For those of you who were complaining about lack of manly faces for male humans, I have contracted my wife — who, I have on good authority, likes roosters a lot — to construct me The Manliest Man that can be made in Guild Wars 2. She has been giggling for 20 minutes now.

Being a student of history, she wanted to name him Marcus Manlius, but it was reserved. And Gaius Manlius was in use. The GW1 community rocked, apparently. In the end, we went against history and named him Manlius Manlius, which is at least twice as manly as those other Manlii.

Menfolk! Cover your eyes, lest you be smitten with confusing feelings! I give you your new emperor of masculinity:


Crowd control in GW2?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Athenodorus.2583


No. “Kill the one in the dress!”

The Female Human epidemic

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Athenodorus.2583


It’s kind of sad that folks are so hung up on conforming to arbitrary gender standards in a video game.

If you’re bugged by playing cross-gender, or by your faces not being “masculine” enough, maybe you should think about why you feel that way, instead of why others disagree?

Personally, I think we should have lots more options for faces, bodytypes, etc. than we do now. Then I could get my chubbier female avatars and you could get your masculine (what does that mean anyway?) male ones!

(edited by Athenodorus.2583)

Gearing up at 80?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Athenodorus.2583


If you spend no more than 25s per rare piece, it’s a good deal. 6 armor pieces + 1 or 2 weapons and some MC jewelery (rare jewelery is more expensive, MC is good enough) will run you a bit over 2g. You can make that farming Frostgorge Sound easily enough.

Your idea of a mage

in Elementalist

Posted by: Athenodorus.2583


Wait, is the TLDR version of the original post “Oh no my wife beat me at PvP and she sucks so her class must be overpowered”?

Missed opportunity here, man. My wife beats me at PvP all the time. It’s sexy.

Want weapon swapping like every other class has!

in Elementalist

Posted by: Athenodorus.2583


@Kilger: We do. :-) Attunement swap counts as weapon swap for sigil of battle, at least.

I understand not wanting us to have swap in combat, but it would be a nice convenience to have swapping out of combat.