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Issues with the trading post: please post here [MERGED]

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Atrast.5809


Unfortunately the solution i posted, was not permanent and only worked for some of us. Those who have this issue, cant send a mail either, its blocked like the other actions via BLTC.

I agree with Psychomaniack.1953, that this is a huge problem, yet unsolved since months.
It is time to take the support’s stats, and check what is the solution for it, and make a post or announcement here. Its been going for months, and those who turn to support got nothing, as for me the 5th answer was to “restart the computer”, after the “run in administrator mode” + the Ctrl+Vs.

I’m not suggesting anything, but to find a solution for this finally. As Pktje.5097, I can’t recommend the game anymore due to this MASSIVE instability, which ruins the gameplay, and its common and harsh enough to make me stop playing aswell.

Issues with the trading post: please post here [MERGED]

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Atrast.5809



For those who cant sell because they dont see the items, for those who cant buy( may also fix other issues), i found this (myself):

Search for your GW2 folder. And there you will see GW2.exe , GW2.dat and GW2.tmp.
Maybe you will even see a lock on its icon.
Give them every rights/permissions.

How? (WIN7) : Right click — > Properties --> Security — > Special -->

On the Permissions or Rights ( i dont know how does it called on eng. version) you will see : Change/Edit Permissions/Rights. —> Click on it -->
ADD —> Speacial --> Search now —> "Select"the first, which is already selected -->
OK—> OK—> Then tick the “Full Access” and press OK.

Run your GW2 as an administrator!
(sorry i dont know how buttons called in english but i hope you can figure out)

Do this with the GW2.exe mainly, then with the others. Start GW2 and never experience this issue again!
This worked for me, and im so glad i can use my TP again.

Post/Send PMs if question!
<If someone could make photos of an english version and post it, that would be greatly appriciated>

(edited by Atrast.5809)

Issues with the trading post: please post here [MERGED]

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Atrast.5809


Same Bug since DAYS now. I wrote, and no reply. I really dont know whats going on. Why is there no solution or fix yet.

Issues with the trading post: please post here [MERGED]

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Atrast.5809


Same Bug since DAYS now. I wrote, and no reply. I really dont know whats going on. Why is there no solution or fix yet.

(edited by Atrast.5809)

Blacklion Trading Company Bugs

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Atrast.5809


Thanks Drawing Guy, but this is not the issue I mentioned. Players are able to sell via the “Sell on TP” and this is where my items never show up. And yes I meant that even if i move my mouse through items in the Trading Post, its stats wont open.

No i dont use invisible bag or safe box, it is happening randomly, but now it seems permanent.

Blacklion Trading Company Bugs

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Atrast.5809


Hey guys!
I’m writing in hope to get a solution to any of my problem.

First bug i recognised, is that when i try to sell an item via BL, my contain of my backpack doesnt show up. No matter where i use it, Sale on Trading Post is black. Relogg and restart doesnt help, and since i didnt find anything in contact with it i came here for help.

As i saw many other player experienced the issue, and I dont understand why isnt a permanent solution.

The other one is <when i can buy items, becasue due to the mentioned bug i can even buy items> when im trying to buy something via BL, i cant see the stats of the current item. Since i’m able to buy very few times, its an anoyying bug to have, as it removes my slight chance of purchasing.

I also recognised that im not alone with this issue either. I’m just looking for answers, because it was going on since a nice period of time, and it has a great affect to my gaming experience.

Please try to fix these issues already, we deserve a proper BL <finally>.

I would have wrote these lines if the issue wouldnt be permanent, and old enough. So please, try your best to find the solution.

(edited by Atrast.5809)

Issues with the trading post: please post here [MERGED]

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Atrast.5809


I also have thi issue. I cant sell or buy throught the trading post. My items dont show up. Before i had to try several times and it came back, but now its totally dead :<