(edited by Atronach.6832)
Showing Posts For Atronach.6832:
It’s funny, back in gw1, there were Random Areas (solo queue) and Team Arenas made SEPERATELY! I see ArenaNet still hasn’t fixed that yet. PvP still seems to be neglected badly when they had a good base to build off of from gw1, but whatever i guess lol.
I could not agree more; GvG/HA and the arenas really defined Guild Wars’ PvP game play and i feel the lack of those play styles is impeding on Guild Wars 2’s success, ESPECIALLY from gw1 players!!!
Maybe we should pay 500 gems instead yo
We sure do here a lot from them don’t we? All i see is gem store announcements on the front page of the website. I don’t think it would hurt to make announcements and maybe even polls on the front page going over such things, don’t you think? I wasn’t even informed enough to know of a thread, and for people like me (who don’t really get on the forums much).
Take a look at Sony Online Entertainment, a lot of there games have active updates FROM the developers on the launcher program before you log-in to play. Maybe we just need to be informed better, I’m sure there’s all sorts of things other players and I are probably missing out on because of a lack of communication.
This isn’t a one-topic per day/week/month thread ;D this is as general as it gets
Guild Wars for the most part has been an MMO that stands out from the traditional role -playing games in the past. That being said, there are some features that concern me about the game’s future.
Take a minute and think about how many MMORPGs out there have a “pay to win” system set up. Do you feel Guild Wars 2 is slowly creeping towards this path? What concerns do you have about our future gaming experience? and most importantly, how to you feel we can fix them, and if not that make the best of the system?
This is your place to talk everyone I’ll be on all day keeping notes of everything we talk about any organizing them, so we can hopefully give the developers something from the community to look at as a whole.
(edited by Atronach.6832)
Where do you think Guild Wars 2 should be in the FUTURE?
Before I start on the main topic of this thread i need to put down some ground rules.
What this thread is:
-A place for logical/constructive ideas
-A place to break down good and bad parts of the game and make a BETTER idea
-Any other sort of discussion that would benefit the gw2 community as a whole.
What this thread is NOT:
-A place to complain about current/future gw2 features
-Any sort of negative/immature behavior WILL NOT BE TOLERATED!
-A place to tell me “the developers/arenanet don’t care”
REMEMBER, we’re here to discuss things in a constructive and logical way, not just give up!
I’ll be adding to the thread shortly so please be patient for a few minutes and we’ll get going!
(edited by Atronach.6832)
Been playing Guild Wars since the same year the first game came out For the most part im always in a good mood and am on most late nights. I know how the game works so it’s not like im a newb either whisper me in game for any information, i’ve been basically solo for the most part other than a few friends!