Showing Posts For Aurora Andujo.1479:
I will not leave GW2 because of ascended items, I will leave GW2 because it is bad.
In my eyes it is failing to do what runescape did so so long ago. Everything seems to much like its trying to be that game, the skills, the pvp, the server changes!!! (are these the only 2 mmos with free server changes?) I played that game for 5 years when i was a teenager and from start to finish the armor progression stopped at level 70 (30 levels before maxing) 4 years of me playing the game and they finally added new armor and guess what, it was amazing, awesome, and for level 65.
They made it work, anet will not.
Also I know for a fact that anet bans innocent people, (murders citizens of tyria) so why continue with my 700+ hour account, just as I was about to hit my second 80 ah well.
FYI: your order armor should have been for level 40 when you join your order that’s how you get character progression. You would be able to witness the existential population progression of tyria and its orders if you had done that. You would have been able to see which order was the most popular by looking at your fellow players, instead you give us this kitten. What the hell is the point of having so many available late game skins when I hear people talking about not having money to waypoint.