Showing Posts For Austherus Aynvals.1590:

I hate Waypoints. (constructive cristsism)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Austherus Aynvals.1590

Austherus Aynvals.1590

I agree. There’s just too many waypoints. If you die you will be back in seconds, theres no fear of consequences in PvE.

When I play Skyrim, I ride my horse everywhere, it gives me much more immersion ( same happens with GTA, Saints Row, etc. ). I don’t like flying mounts nor the shiny glowing mounts from other MMOs, but giving us some kind of transportation ( simple, not so fast mounts ), would make exploring and forming groups much more fun than just die – teleport – die – teleport – die – teleport.

…but, I know the game has been designed to work like that ( and there is a lot of fun to be had ), and mounts would require a huge revamp of PvE mechanics… it’s just that this game is not as immersive as I expected, with all the waypoints and loading screens.

Sorry for the bad english.

Light RP, Casual, Friendly Guild - WvW, PvE

in Guilds

Posted by: Austherus Aynvals.1590

Austherus Aynvals.1590

Recruitment is doing great, and is still open for new members!

Light RP, Casual, Friendly Guild - WvW, PvE

in Guilds

Posted by: Austherus Aynvals.1590

Austherus Aynvals.1590

Recruitment still going on, first RP event scheduled for sunday!

Light RP, Casual, Friendly Guild - WvW, PvE

in Guilds

Posted by: Austherus Aynvals.1590

Austherus Aynvals.1590


House Aynvals is looking for casual and friendly players. Our goals are WvW, PvE and light RP. We have events and guild meetings open for roleplayers and non-roleplayers.

Our rank system is based on hierarchy, and promotions are awarded during our guild meetings. RP events include meetings before/after WvW and PvE content, Keg brawl games, and anything else we can think of!

If you want to join us or is just curious and need more information, mail me or send a whisper!

We hail from Devona’s Rest, but players from any server can join.

Archlord Austherus Aynvals

(edited by Austherus Aynvals.1590)