Showing Posts For Avalaxus.2081:

Gem store error

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Avalaxus.2081


It is funny that not a single… care is given by ANET yet. I understand that it’s only one man problem though. Not a big deal, right?

Gem store error

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Avalaxus.2081


Just called the bank, they said that all the information i entered is correct. Well, i guess i made everything i could to solve that. What a shame.

Gem store error

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Avalaxus.2081


Well i tried it all, it didn’t work. Thanks for your effort, i’m really gratefull!

Gem store error

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Avalaxus.2081


Thanks for quick responce, i really appreciate this. First option failed, trying to “repair” the client now. No high hopes though, as the client is pretty much new

Gem store error

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Avalaxus.2081


Greetings. Several times in the year time i tryed to purchase some gems through your gem store, but failed. I hoped it would be fixed, but alas. So i have no other choice than to write here about it. I want to purchase an event item, i want it badly, but i keep getting that
“error” : “parse”
“type”: “ordermodel:error”
bullkitten. Im using windows 7 machine and Visa Virtual card, so i can’t figure out why it fails time after time. Everywhere else it’s good to go.


Lag / Long Loading and Error: 7:11:3:189:101

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Avalaxus.2081


Highly awaited as# pirates from Uranus broke the broken game… Oh wait…

Why do Thieves use Duel Pistols?

in Thief

Posted by: Avalaxus.2081


Higher dps ranged? As which one?
+ fully agreed with previous dude.

Don't you dare touch Backstab

in Thief

Posted by: Avalaxus.2081


Not sure where this sentiment of backstab only destroys glass cannons is coming from. Glass cannons get destroyed by anything, they’re the ones at fault for speccing that way to begin with.

Nerf high-dps thiefs, they get destroyed by anything. oh wait..

However, I can backstab my friend’s Engineer who is rocking full Rune of the Undead and Rabid Amulet (meaning hella high toughness) for 10.8k consistently every time. This is of course, with the Signet to boost as well. If you add on cloak and dagger and steal damage, if he’s not dead by the backstab, one heartseeker is enough to finish him off. This is with him going full on toughness with 17k HP.

Maybe there is a problem with toughtness then? I figured that vitality is by far more usefull atm. That needs to be tested, before nerfing kitteh out of thief.

Don't you dare touch Backstab

in Thief

Posted by: Avalaxus.2081


…can you imagine if you were allowed to do this nonsense in D&D?

In D&D it’s called hide in plain sight
Also, who said to you guys that you can spam stealth in gw2? learn freacking mechanics, kittenS

How to fix the Thief without nerfing damage.

in Thief

Posted by: Avalaxus.2081


I do play glass-cannon thief. I die alot.
The only way i see to nerf thief without harming it is make “heartseeker” worth more initiative. Backstab doesn’t do as much overall damage as heartseeker spam. But still i don’t know why someone wants to nerf thiefs. There are ****tone of ways to stop thief of being able to harm you in all the professions. Anet nerfed pistol whip.. allright, skill that meant to be used while standing still is now useless for me even more. Do you want to make thief useless as well? I see it as damage dealer glass-cannon class. Not support, not healing, but damage dealing. And equal damage with top damage dealing classes can be achieved by Thief AS IT IS. Use upgrades, not nerfs in this case – upgrade other classes survivability, etc. Don’t ruin the game for those who mastered Thief as it is. We do pay lot of gold for repairs to do this damage f f s.
P.S.: kitten, my kitten. kitten kitten kitten kitten. kitten. As if this game hasn’t enough kittens allready.

(edited by Avalaxus.2081)

For the love of all that is good in the land, plz shut up vendors!

in Crafting

Posted by: Avalaxus.2081


1. Greets shall not be broadcasted for everyone.
2. Add more lines
3. Decrease the frequence of random lines by 1000
4. REMOVE STUPID ******* ********* ******* **** ******* * ** LAUGHTER FROM DIVINITY’S REACH please. Pretty please. Asylum at the loose.

crafting useless?

in Crafting

Posted by: Avalaxus.2081


And not a single care was given today. Or due BWEs.