Showing Highly Rated Posts By AvalonBright.6957:

Moa racing should NOT be part of the meta

in Dragon Bash

Posted by: AvalonBright.6957


First off, count me in with the crowd that thinks the Moa Racing bets are way too expensive in the first place. And to have to get second place to even recoup your losses is ridiculous. Plus, it’s needlessly forcing lowbies out of having a real chance at completing content, since this game’s weird currency system means if you’re in your 40s or 50s and lower you’re going to be out of money in just a few unlucky races. NO ONE has that kind of gold on a lowbie unless they’re alts or have seriously generous friends.

But, that’s not what I’m complaining about in particular. The issue is that the Moa Racing achievement is part of the meta in the first place. And not even a random “Win 1” that is at least semi justifiable, but three.

Achievements should not be based around nothing but luck, especially temporary achievements that aren’t even going to be around forever. Achievements should be about your own skill and the amount of time you’re willing and able to put into work for your progress, NOT whether or not you randomly happen to guess right while having enough money to keep guessing if you continually fail.

I personally blew 2 1/2 gold on a level 30-some character and watched my moa come in dead last every time before I said NOPE, not happening. It’s ridiculous. This should not be any part of the meta at all. If you’re determined to keep it in, fine, but remove the Moa Racing from part of the meta at the very least.