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I love GW2, but dislike HoT

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Avatar Exico.1806

Avatar Exico.1806

I agree this is main reason why I just throw down Gw2 now and just quit the game all together, even have nice loving family guild that call it as second family. The game has gotten to be so revolve around the Mastery System that isn’t much fun anymore, like me I have trouble pushing forward without see improvement of my progression and time gated and stuff that is to prevent me from getting rest of mastery’s to make game any fun it next to nothing at this point. Game gotten so time gated on everything and require you have this or that mastery but require this mastery or that. It has gotten so irritated that isn’t much fun anymore. Also getting mastery’s through achievements is also huge let down cause I don’t mind doing achievements but being forced to get those mastery’s is even more annoying.

All in all game isn’t fun anymore to my eyes as it was of being able to login do whatever if it was Fractals or farm not worry about doing achievements or getting mastery’s to have fun because I suck at jumping and doing puzzles of those sort and getting achievements. If they ever added item like Hero points if it through WvW or what that grant you mastery point from like Tryia or one from Maguuma. Than probably would be motivated to play again.

But at this point have 0 interest to ever play Gw2 ever again now because of how game is.

Ranger Staff

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Avatar Exico.1806

Avatar Exico.1806

I have been playing Druid with staff for few days now, and I have say it pretty fun and pretty beastly elite specialization, healing is pretty awesome and insane to point that keep a pet alive when they are just face tanking a champion. I am being serious most of champ HP bosses fought with my Druid, my pet just face tank them like childs play. The Dps is actually not that bad but it is weaker compared to other classes reason that is because staff dps is suppose to be low dmg but super fast speed esp Soul Beam it 1.5 cast channel spell.

Gear I am running is new stats combo Crusader with Sup rune of Exu. with either Magi for more healing and tankyiness to the pet when facing a hard champ, to marauder accessories for more dps which in fact makes a huge difference.

I am liking the staff and glad that Rangers have it cause allows a lot towards healing and making your pet be the tank for a lot of solo play.

One last thing, Ranger could handle a lot of mobs at once in HoT if control pet through macros of attacking the dangerous targets first than kiting the melee ones as Ranger, and lastly knowing your surroundings, could even solo HoT events.

(edited by Avatar Exico.1806)

Elite Specializations & Hero Point Feedback [Merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Avatar Exico.1806

Avatar Exico.1806

I understand both sides of situation.

In my personal opinion 400 does seem way to much in my opinion. Since A-net announced Heart of Thorns and announced Elite specializations everyone was excited to try new content with it with some work to obtain it just like all other mmos with trump card. When new skill system released hitting lvl 80 gave us all hero points needed to max out all 5 trait lines but looking at Elite one it like 5 trait lines that maxed out again. The Elite extra stuff like runes/sigils etc… shouldn’t be part of Elite specialization and that should be just extras if people want them in my opinion. That spells, traits, unlock and weapon is what should include for Elite.

Also reading have work on Mastery to finish Elite specialization so really majority of content is done and then what else is there left but gear and prepare for raids that come out later.

In opinion I want work for Elite specialization to some to degree but also I don’t spend doing all of content in HoT just to finish it and than play it at it full potential because than what point playing Elite specialization in new area since already know whats happen and such.

Consumables Action Bar

in Suggestions

Posted by: Avatar Exico.1806

Avatar Exico.1806

Hello A-net, I had idea when looking at my consumables and figure out it would be really cool to put a consumables action bar on UI interface for players because than players can just click on consumables they want use without opening their backpack and double clicking on consumables they want to use. This action bar would help so much in time and make consumables much more efficient and easy usage. I believe this would be a UI addition that a lot of players would want to have. The Action bar would be like 4 slots like the weapons slots in Guild Wars 1. I like hear back from you with a response on the idea.

Thank you very much for you time and effort on reading my suggestion.

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Avatar Exico.1806

Avatar Exico.1806

Wintersday idea:
• Snowball fight- A World vs World Style battle, and bases would be Snow Forts etc… Something similar to World Vs World but be more like Huge Snowball fight with Snowball skills.

-Saved Trait System- A Trait System was a lot like build system on Guild Wars 1 where players could save their builds, and players would not have to re train there builds. Get to keep the most awesome builds they made.

-Legendary Weapons Story Chains- Be nice there could be very long chain quests that will result in a Lore Legendary for players could obtain.

-Macros- Be awesome to add a Macro system into game so players could macro items etc. In addition, could just click on macro without opening inventory to click it.