Showing Posts For Avax.9054:

LF a guild

in Guilds

Posted by: Avax.9054


I am looking for a (if possible, i will consider american) European guild. It doesn’t matter which server since the transfer is still free. I have a lvl 27 Necromancer, a lvl 21 Ranger and a lvl 5 Warrior. I don’t play often with the Warrior but if necessary i will train him. I like a structured, social guild if possible with ranks and the possibility to climb higher up. I like large guilds and teamwork.

(edited by Avax.9054)

Lf a guild

in Guilds

Posted by: Avax.9054


I am a level 19 Human Ranger (or a level 5 Charr Warrior if you prefered) who is looking for a something more then casual but not fully hardcore guilld. I prefer large guilds and if it is possible with a hierarchy (a ranking system like in an army). I don’t play PvP (yet) but i do play WvW. I don’t mind a serverchange.Oh, i train both characters so the low level isn’t a problem.