Showing Posts For Axamana.2960:
Why are the “major” runes of tormenting, perplexity and exuberance min lvl 60 when all other major runes are lvl 39? I could see it if the superior versions of the same runes were min lvl 80 but they’re not, they’re also min lvl 60. Why are they such a high min lvl compared to all the others? If I can’t use them until I have lvl 60 gear then I’d rather just use the superior ones that give a 6 piece bonus for better stats. This logic makes them kind of useless imo
I’m curious if anyone would be interested in Anet coming out with material specific salvage kits. Most armor and weapons are made using 2 different material types. Heavy armor needs metal and cloth to make, medium needs leather and cloth, light needs cloth and leather. Even some weapons use metal and wood to make.
So what if you have a surplus of one but not enough of the other? Material specific salvage kits could be an answer.
Cloth salvage kits salvage all armor to that tier’s cloth scrap
Leather salvage kits salvage med and light to that tier’s leather
In total there would be 4 new types of salvage kits: metal, leather, cloth and wood
I have the same problem a lot. Mostly with my cursor getting lost as I like to click on utility and elite skills. The AOE target area does get lost too although that ones easier to find for me
I think the isssue is more that every armor type needs it for ascended, and light armor got hit hardest. It will still be expensive if you need only 50, because every player who wants ascended has to obtain it. Instead of lessening the amount needed (which would upset lots of players like myself who has made four and a half ascended sets), they could increase the amount of silk. Why do heavy and medium armor need cloth to make, but don’t produce cloth when salvaged? Why can’t we refine cloth from silkworms and leather from cattle? There are a lot of things they could do, but I think they like silk as the big ol gold sink it has become.
What about giving us an option when we salvage as to what we get from it? Like how you can select your stats now for certain gear, or the new carapace armor chest drops.
heavy armor salvage: choice of metal or fabric
med armor: choice of leather or fabric
light armor: choice of leather or fabric (higher quality light armor still has leather involved)
They can also have certain types of salvage kits….Fabric Salvage kit, Leather Salvage kit for examples
None of this is actually true.
Look at spool of thick elonian cord. Leather has always been dirt worthless as well and we have an over supply of it, how many of those are required for it?
This was nothing but unprofessional and messy development and that excuse has always been used as a scapegoat for the real reason, and to this date they’ve messed with the economy so badly that they refuse to make any changes to it – and guess whos paying for it?
Cloth users.
I feel like it should be changed to 50 silk required. You can still only craft 1 spool of thread per day per account anyway. The only think it will effect will be the TP prices. That would be good too because it would put them more in line with the other ascended mat prices. that’s just my opinion on it.
There used to be a whole kitten load of silk on the market, it was useless before ascended crafting hit game. Because there was so much of it, they decided to have a silk sink. They haven’t fixed it now that all that silk is gone…wish they would -.-
They should reverse it and maybe make mithril 100 per ingot. Maybe then I’d have a reason to stop and mine those nodes again lol
Why did ANET make it so you need 100 bolts of silk to make a silk weaving thread but only 50 of every other material to make their respective ascended mat? Has ANET ever posted a reason for this, beside “we’re ANET and we’ll do what we want”?
Since the latest 3/18 patch my client has crashed 3 times and froze once. 2 crashes and the freeze was during the Melandru event in Cursed Shore and the latest crash was in SW defending Red Rock. Seems with every “fix” you do it gets worse.
It wouldn’t be as bad if I didn’t log back into another instance where the events aren’t even taking place.
My client is still crashing after this latest patch. I can’t even send the error report that follows the crash because that freezes up after 2 seconds or so. I have to use task manager to close everything out.
The only thing I can tell you was that I was in Iron Marches doing the Fire Shaman event and it was at 25% health on the 3rd phase. After the client crashed I logged back in and found myself in a different instance where the event wasn’t even active. So I did not get completion or the trait unlock :/
You’re right…’s not the Asuran outsourcing, it’s the guild workshop not working properly. I confused the 2. The guild workshop is definitely broken though as I’m currently only building 1 ( which seems to be stuck at 0:00) and there about 4-5 in que
The Asuran outsourcing guild upgrade has been moved to Politics Tier III. It was previously available after either I or II, (can’t remember which). I all ready purchased this upgrade and now I have to purchase it again? Is this WAI? If so, it’s not mentioned in the release notes
I just completed the story “The source of Orr”. During that instance I fight along side the largos Sayeh al’Rajhid. In the very next story instance, “Temple of the forgotten God”, Trahearne introduces me to her as if we’ve never met and this is the first encounter with her.
I’m not sure if this constitutes a “bug” post but the chain of events is all messed up and wasn’t sure where else to post it.
Anyone else notice this?
I’m having the same problem. I try to create a new character and it goes to a black screen. Game music and cursor are there but nothing else. I have to alt+tab out and shut down the game via task manager. I have 6 of 8 character slots filled and have had this account for 2 years so it’s not a new account thing