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WvW Abilities: I am confused!

in WvW

Posted by: B Mo.1652

B Mo.1652

First off I just want to say that I am glad that these new abilities have been implemented, but I am a little confused regarding the lack of detail in their descriptions. Sorry if some of these questions seem like they could be answered with simple common sense, but you never know, right?

“Guard Killer” and “Defense Against Guards”

Does “Guard” include everything from Legendary Castle Lords, Legendary Defenders, Champion Keep Lords, Champion Tower Lords all the way down to wizards, scouts, rogues, lone sentry, etc.? You would hope right? Does it not include Dolyaks or Siegerazor?

“Mercenary’s Bane”

Does this only apply to Enemy Hyleks, Ogres, Quaggan, Dredge (is that all of the potential friendlies? I might have left one out) Does it apply to Krait? Is Siegerazor and his Dolyak a Guard/Mercenary/Neither?

“Siege Bunker” and “Siege Might”

Does this include ALL siege weapons? Golem, Arrow Cart, Ballista, Catapult, Flame Ram, Trebuchet and their superior counterparts? Does it include Defensive siege such as Burning oil, Cannon and Mortar? If it applies to ALL siege why have a different ability for Cannon and Ballista? WHAT DOES SIEGE REALLY MEAN ANET???

“Supply Capacity”

At max ability, does this mean that if I have 0 supply and I take some from a camp with 100 supply, I get an extra 5 supply “for free”, leaving the camp with 90? Or does this mean that if I have 0 supply and I take some from a camp with 100 supply the camp now has 85 supply? If the Camp is claimed for +5 supply already, do I get 20 supply? Will starting a breakout event with Siegerazor give me 15 supply?

“Cannon Mastery”

This one is pretty straight forward, because you have nice descriptions on the different levels of the ability when you mouse over them. My question is No Mortar or Oil boosts? Why were these left off? And, relating to my Siege Bunker and Siege Might question, Does Cannon Mastery work in conjunction with those two abilities???

“Ballista Mastery”

Same question as Cannon Mastery. This ability by itself is straightforward, but does it work in conjunction with Siege Bunker and Siege Might??? Why not “Arrow Cart Mastery”? Why was Cannon and Ballista singled out for their own abilities?

Like I said, some of these questions are kind of dumb, but I think that A LOT of them aren’t dumb at all and NEED to be clarified by a Dev. I can almost already see them overhauling this system to address some of the things that I brought up. At the very least Anet needs to clarify some of these things in the descriptions. Feel free to post your opinions and guesses and get the discussion rolling. But my main goal of writing this is to get Anet to respond with real clarification. Thanks for reading and GOOD LUCK IN WvW!!!!!!!

B Mo
Blackgate NA
Bad Lucks Coming [JINX]