Showing Posts For BDKev.7432:

No Item Descriptions on Trade Post

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: BDKev.7432


For the past 2 days I haven’t been able to get any item descriptions (stats) to come up on the Trade Post. I’ve tried relogging multiple times and even deleted local.dat hoping that it might spark something to redownload but alas no dice. Anyone else suffering from this or know how to fix it? I barely play the game as is being a bored lvl 80 and was going to gear up for WvW but w/o being able to see item descriptions I can’t do much.

Personal Story - Why does only 1 person get credit for killing last boss?

in Personal Story

Posted by: BDKev.7432


After defeating him my personal story still says to kill the dragon and not the part about meeting in Trinity afterwards to get my part/final prize. I can’t move onto Trinity w/o running the story again so I’m not sure how its not 5x running it.

Personal Story - Why does only 1 person get credit for killing last boss?

in Personal Story

Posted by: BDKev.7432


I know its “personal story” and all but why does only the first person in the final dungeon get story credit for finishing the last boss? It’s kind of silly considering you need 5 people to kill it and you would have to run it 5 times in a row on story mode to get the people their ending story montage and crappy loot (see other posts for that). can you please patch this so that I don’t have to run that dungeon multiple times to get my story mode quest done please?