Showing Posts For BRH CSULB Zombie.8421:

Slots 1-5, I'm seriously baffled.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: BRH CSULB Zombie.8421

BRH CSULB Zombie.8421

i agree Quark. 10 trillion is ridiculous. a couple of options for each slot, like the last 5 would be more in line with what they already have. having a cookie cutter preselection template would make it even easier for the casual gamer.

Slots 1-5, I'm seriously baffled.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: BRH CSULB Zombie.8421

BRH CSULB Zombie.8421

So game is built on GW1 engine. All those wonderfully unique and interesting skills aren’t in this version… whhaa!? consider this Anet. A warrior in gw1 has more than 200 unique WEAPON skills. an assassin also has more than 200 unique WEAPON skills. thats 400 descending skills for each slot.
You get 5 skills in GW2 with interesting combos from other weapons. 5 from greatsword. 3 from 1h sword, 2 more in the offhand. 3 from mace, etc. the combos are pretty cool… for awhile. but since the skills are LOCKED there isnt much room for variability.
To be fair lets take ONLY the first 5 slots from GW2 and apply the concept to GW1 using 400 factorial down to 396… the math is simple. 400X399X398X397X396 = 9986232009600 different possible combinations you could potentially have available to just 5 weapon slots. you read that correctly. nearly 10 trillion. Then stack the variation available with the concept of traits and major traits?
Coming from GW1 I was shocked, baffled, disappointed.
Please answer us as to why you took such a huge step in this direction. It was so much FUN creating and tinkering with different ideas.

What isnt fair of me is you said you wanted to take out the overlapping, bland, etc type skills. Well why not a compromise? Use the 1handed sword on a warrior for example. Number 1 is a chain with condition at the end. Add different “chains” that vary those conditions as possible skill slots. 2 is a gap closer, so why not vary the method with which you close? or sacrifice the closer for a ranged movement impairment. 3. the cripple. take it out for more damage? or a shorter version with a secondary condition applied.
Do we need 200 weapon skills? maybe not. I’d love to see it. but a healthy 3-5 for each slot in varying degrees?
Then come Elites. my gosh your signature ability for christ sake! what happened?

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: BRH CSULB Zombie.8421

BRH CSULB Zombie.8421

Many of my IRL friends and Guild mates agree that Guild Wars 1 was more enticing to play because you could customize all 8 slots to make very specific and unique builds.

Essentially, in the current system, one’s play style does not change past level 10. This means players are playing the exact same characters from levels 10 – 80.

OK. massive +1 to you dude. i nearly stopped playing gw2 at around level 10 or so because of this. i projected what pvp would be like. i mean. the same old cookie cutter builds leads to easily anticipating the other players attacks. GW1 was incredible in PvP for the build variation alone. seeing the cast bar of the other player and responding in turn with something to counter it was very gratifying and fun. the combat is active and dynamic sure… until about level 15. then it sinks in. yeah, wow i really cant do anything else but this hundred blades. cool i guess?

Dungeon finder

in Suggestions

Posted by: BRH CSULB Zombie.8421

BRH CSULB Zombie.8421

GW2 confuses me so much. they did so much so well so flawlessly. but then…. stuff like this happens and you sit back for a second and go.. wait WHAT!? are you ##$ kidding me? they dont have THAT!?

its the curse of a good game, really. when its good and polished its great… except that one little smudge you find. then its so glaringly obvious and ugly it nags at you constantly… like spam in lion’s arch. how irritating. oh and wanting a mohawk vigil helmet and finding out at level 80 you need to make a new character to get one cuz you joined the wrong order. some bizarre development iterations there…

Ability to change Order

in Suggestions

Posted by: BRH CSULB Zombie.8421

BRH CSULB Zombie.8421

the gem option is one the one they’d go for. it is a business after all. be careful what you wish for. i have a sarcastic and rude approach that is all too cut and dry: read on for stupid!