Showing Posts For Baazutai.4807:

Badger Spirits (Desolation)

in Looking for...

Posted by: Baazutai.4807


Badger Spirits is an old guild (Launch) that has toured many servers to finally come to rest on Desolation. We are a WvW guild, and that is our focus. We are currently showing members in all time slots, and need more.

What do we offer?
-Nightly, organized, WvW raids.
-Extensive Build, Zerg, Siege, and tactics knowledge for all classes and players in WvW.
-Friendly community based around the desire to kill people.
-Guild funded private Mumble, and website.
-Help with Dungeons, Gear, items, etc to keep your characters in tip top shape.
-Guild funded buffs and Superior siege for commanders.

What do we expect?
-Must be active on the forum
-Must use the mumble
-Must represent BS 90% of the time. It is your main guild, period.
-Respect toward all Members.
-Desire to kill any server that is not Desolation
-the ability to take a joke and hear us rip apart other servers (we are NOT nice)

Interested? Make your way to and apply to the guild. Provide your in game name on the application and we will get you in the guild withing 48 hours. Usually faster, so no worries.
Respond here if you have any questions or concerns

Badger Spirits, Den Master
Yaks Bend Alliance

[BS] Badger Spirits

in Looking for...

Posted by: Baazutai.4807


Server: Desolation
Emphasis: WvW and Dungeons
Recruiting: Website application and In game contact required
Activity: Nightly WvW runs, with several Dungeon runs weekly.

Recruiting Profile:
-New Players (Emphasis on WvW)
-Day time Euro Players (PvE and WvW accepted)
-Day Time Commanders for WvW
-Night Time WvW players (Commanders welcome, but we have a plethora)

Info: BS is an active WvW guild. We are primarily active in the Euro late night, as a large portion of our players is North American (all nationalities welcome). All members will gain access to our website and will participate in forum discussions that apply to them. We use a private mumble for communication. Information is given to new members acceptance. Any Questions, ask here, or PM me in game or here.

Badger Spirits, Den Master
Yaks Bend Alliance

Your Useless Filter Has Tagged Me

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Baazutai.4807


That’s what it Looks like, except it was sent directly from GW’s email address. Hence the issue. I think it’s resolved, but I am unsure.

Badger Spirits, Den Master
Yaks Bend Alliance

Your Useless Filter Has Tagged Me

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Baazutai.4807


Request #490107
So you are sending me a 72 hour ban notice… because your inaccurate system flagged a legal transaction in game as some kind of flaw. I have no idea what you tagged, but since I follow the rules it is 100% unacceptable that this EVEN occur.
If you are unable to determine between right and wrong, redo the system and make it actually legitimately work. I am actually unable to believe that this is an error you allow to occur at any point. So in an attempt to stop pirating of gold you are punishing legal players, who follow your EULA and the Terms found within… Excellent work.

Badger Spirits, Den Master
Yaks Bend Alliance

Badger Spirits- Desolation WvW/ Dungeon guild

in Looking for...

Posted by: Baazutai.4807


Badger Spirits is a guild focused on skilled, team based WvW play and general dungeon/ fractals play. Who should apply?
New players, or old veterans, both are welcome.
Any class, race, pr level.
Requirements: must be active weekly, and participate in guild activities, events, and conversations.

To apply head to our website at
And apply. Leave your in game or email contact.

Look forward to seeing you on the field

Badger Spirits, Den Master
Yaks Bend Alliance

Piken Square Betterment Guild

in Looking for...

Posted by: Baazutai.4807


We here at Badger Spirits believe that there are critical WvW skills outside the ability to follow a zerg. Defense, class knowledge, map understanding, siege placement. These are critical skills that Piken as a server lacks. This not a bash or disrespect. It is simply fact. We here at BS want as many member in our regime as possible. Everyone can get better. Be you new player or seasoned veteran, we want you, for the betterment of Piken.

Register and apply. Leave your game name. I’d love to talk to you.

Badger Spirits, Den Master
Yaks Bend Alliance

Cliffside on Piken Square Borderlands

in WvW

Posted by: Baazutai.4807


To any Viz player: great! We would love the company
To any SFR: I am an equal opportunity murderer. I kill all people equally

Badger Spirits, Den Master
Yaks Bend Alliance

Piken Square Guild

in Looking for...

Posted by: Baazutai.4807


The Badger Spirits is still recruiting. Spots for this initial recruitment phase are limited. We are a WvW guild. Our requirements revolve around WvW and your time in WvW. If you are in other guilds, great. As long as you are a Badger in the WvW scenario, your outside time is your own.

What we offer:
3 commanders, 2 from launch (over a year of experience)
Support forums for builds, classes and commanding
Guild website
Guild mumble
Nightly WvW presence

Interested? Contact me in game, or a guild member, we roam around, you might just find one. Respond here, or pm me on the forum, or go straight to the website.
Fill out the registration and we’ll see you in game.

Badger Spirits, Den Master
Yaks Bend Alliance

Piken Square WvW Guild

in Looking for...

Posted by: Baazutai.4807


Badger Spirits is growing happily on Piken Square. For Piken players, and for European players as a whole, you know what I am talking about when I say you all run in packs. Players join the team speaks and follow commanders with intense fervor, and it’s impressive. But as any experienced WvW’er will tell you, that’s not enough. And that is where BS comes in. We are the other side. We are the support, the strike team, the defenders, whatever we are needed to do, while the commander is doing his job. And we know what the commander needs, even if he doesn’t.

You follow the zerg. Would you like to learn more about targets? Strategies? Zerg combat? BS is well versed in all aspects of combat, target assault strategies, general map control, and Zerg v Zerg. Simply learn what it takes to be a commander? Badger Spirits housed several commanders on our initial server, Yaks Bend, and trained many new commanders, and several of those that we aided now help lead on Tarnished Coast (top ranking American server). Do you want to improve your personal skills? BS can help you maximize YOUR build, not give you our builds.

How to join? register a GL account, and apply to the guild. For questions, ask in this forum, on the site, or whisper me in game.

What do we offer?
Training sessions
Build Support
Daily WvW
Experience and help with commanding

What do you need?
an open mind
Good sense of Humor
Desire to be better

I look forward to seeing you!

Badger Spirits, Den Master
Yaks Bend Alliance

WvW guild recruiting

in Guilds

Posted by: Baazutai.4807


Guild: Badger Spirits
Server: Yaks Bend

Requirements: High activity in WvW, maturity and respect to others especially guild mates, desire to advance your play style and get better

Info: we use mumble, and are made mostly of parents, students, and military, so play hours are flexible. The rules and requirements are few; we are about having fun here. We have 4 commanders, 150+ members, and guild wide events. Evening WvW events draw 15 – 30 members nightly with peaks around 40.

Contact me: forum, forum pm, or in game. Look forward to hearing from you.

Badger Spirits, Den Master
Yaks Bend Alliance

looking for guild

in Guilds

Posted by: Baazutai.4807


I think you are looking for a large guild, fielding 30 man forces in WvW with a structured, well defined set of goals, parameters, and plans, mixed with actually having fun and cutting up while winning. If so, Badger Spirits, on Yaks Bend server, is recruiting. We have anywhere from 15-30 people on each night in WvW working toward a single goal, which is always victory, and have commanders, crafters, chefs, and siege to make these things happen. Guild has all art of war upgrades active many times a week, and is looking for any and all players. We are also lenient, understanding that when real life comes up, you won’t be in the game. We are mostly made of Military and Students, so if you don’t show up, we don’t mind. We use Mumble to communicate and want more people to join us.
We also do dungeon and PvE, but our main focus is WvW. If you would like to start dungeon groups, just ask in Guild chat, and people will respond. So I hope you will message me, in game, or on here, so I can help get you into Badger Spirits as soon as possible.

Badger Spirits, Den Master
Yaks Bend Alliance

Level 80 Warrior LF a guild.

in Guilds

Posted by: Baazutai.4807


Yaks Bend, Badger Spirits. We do some dungeon running and are very hardcore in WvW. We do WvW each night, in a group of 15-30 (more on a big night) and have 4 commanders and a lot of coordination. All hours and walks of life are welcome; play with us when you can.

Badger Spirits, Den Master
Yaks Bend Alliance

Beginner looking for mature family friendly guild

in Guilds

Posted by: Baazutai.4807


Hola friend,
Badger Spirits, a Yaks Bend guild, with around 200 members and a core group of around 40, are active, friendly, and do a little of everything and a whole lot of WvW. We are members of the Yaks Bend alliance, and have several smaller, friendly guilds that may fit your play style and type, should Badgers be a little to big once you join us. I won’t give you links. I hate that. You asked a question, and I should tell you what there is.
We are laid back; all hours no matter how hectic are welcome. We have our own mumble, as well as groups for WvW, Dungeons, and other things. We have crafting help, class help, and discussions on new/better build. If you are interested in more info, whisper me in game or send me a PM on here. I’ll answer any questions

Badger Spirits, Den Master
Yaks Bend Alliance

[Maguuma] LFG - Level 80 Mature Husband/Wife Team

in Guilds

Posted by: Baazutai.4807


Hola, I don’t know if you are willing to transfer servers, but my guild, Badger Spirits s recruiting members. Casual and serious players come here. We are heavy WvW, with dungeons and PvE thrown in.
We are mostly military, ex-military, parents and college students. Any and all hours are acceptable, and real life comes first.
We use mumble (free) and can be very PG-13 if needed. Our server also has a mumble set up that is free. I would love for you to message me on here or in game with questions or comments. Good luck if you don’t choose us.

Badger Spirits, Den Master
Yaks Bend Alliance

Badger Spirits looking for Active Members

in Guilds

Posted by: Baazutai.4807


Coming to you from Yaks Bend server, I bring tidings from Badger Spirits. We are one of the best, and always getting better. Defense, offense, strategy, coordination: We try to makes ourselves better at each side of combat. We are a part of the Yaks Bend Alliance, and we are looking for YOU.

Our population is friendly, experienced, and from all over the world, from NA to Australia. You like dungeons? We have crews that do it. You want a Legendary weapon? We have members who are farming for theirs now. One of them has his. You need Gear? We have 400 crafters in every profession.

WvW? All Buffs active often, we claim an area and we HOLD IT. Population is over 200 players with a 30 man WvW presence each night.

What is the biggest reason you should come to Badger Spirits? If you are looking here, you want a second home, a new home, or your first home. Stop wandering from home to home. Badger Spirits treat each member, new member to old officer as family. Come and experience GW with good company and win at the same time.

Badger Spirits, Den Master
Yaks Bend Alliance

Guild Searching

in Guilds

Posted by: Baazutai.4807


I’d like to pitch Geus and Obsidian Fear to you. Great guild, one of my closest allies, and they field one of the very best commanders in Yak’s Bend all together. Just giving props from an ally Geus, Badger Spirits have your back.

Badger Spirits, Den Master
Yaks Bend Alliance

11/9 Tarnished Coast/Crystal Desert/Yak's Bend v2

in WvW

Posted by: Baazutai.4807


Talking as a Yaks Bend commander, so far I have been impressed with all of the teams tenacity. This week will be hard on us all, and I have to say, CD and their endless zerg left me exhausted after their 8th attack on EH in YBBL last night. That was one of the best sieges I’ve seen in a while, from both teams.

Keep it hard, and keep it clean. So far, this the best match yet!

Also, anyone who wants to face bash a wall, Look for the Black lion, with the white flame. Badger Spirits are always waiting, always watching.

Badger Spirits, Den Master
Yaks Bend Alliance

Looking for Active guild

in Guilds

Posted by: Baazutai.4807


Greetings, WvW you say? No one is more active in WvW than Yak’s Bend’s Badger Spirits. We are highly active, sporting 4 commanders, a 200 man roster, night groups of near 30 people from our own guild, all WvW upgrades for the guild, we do Golem raids, treb assaults, and ninja anything we can.

Population of the guild is friendly, and we are in an alliance sporting over 1000 members. At prime time hours the server can queue every map, and we are rising in the tiers.

We are a laid back guild for all of our activity. Real world often gets in the way and extended leaves of absence are not an issue. Please consider Badger Spirits as your new home, as you will find no better home, anywhere else, I assure you.

Badger Spirits, Den Master
Yaks Bend Alliance

11/2 Fort Aspenwood vs Yak's Bend vs Eredon Terrace

in WvW

Posted by: Baazutai.4807


Way to go everyone, I liked seeing ET actually show up, it was awesome. And FA did a great job pressing us. It was a hard victory, and we had lots of nice ninjas and tons of really hard fighting.
Well played all, and I hope to see you all again. I really hope ET crawls up to us in the ranks so we can fight them in a higher tier.

Badger Spirits, Den Master
Yaks Bend Alliance

Server Transfers decide WvW results

in WvW

Posted by: Baazutai.4807


As a Yaks Bend commander, I can assure you, while we HATE free server transfers, we do not begrudge any server those transfers. The week got more fun once the transfers happened. Did those transfers effect your scores? Yes, as you had more presence at certain times. Are we crying in our milk? Not the commanders. If one or two is, then I am sorry, but do not take the feelings of a minority to the feelings of the majority.

Good work all week. I wasn’t impressed with the EU transfers anyway. Only people I really remember were Unlimited and PRO. That’s about it.

Badger Spirits, Den Master
Yaks Bend Alliance

11/2 Fort Aspenwood vs Yak's Bend vs Eredon Terrace

in WvW

Posted by: Baazutai.4807


I would like to say, I didn’t see your Euro guilds do to much. Oh sure the influx of players made life harder, but running to where you leave still seemed to paint things Badger Blue in most cases.
PRO (both of them) have been face bashing with us all week. It’s been fun, and I’ve enjoyed it. You let us try out a plethora of tactics.
Favorite moment: 40 people getting stalled at a tower being defended by 9 people. Priceless. That and ninjaing DB keep last night (November after sitting our mesmer inside the keep for several hours, portaling in, dropping our Guild Golem, then watching as FABL slowly turned Blue.
I left after we capped the Garrison, and I must say the battle inside was awesome. PRO and friends vs BS and TOG all over the inner keep. The upper levels, the middle, outside. Outnumbered: they made a huge fight of it.

ET, I am proud you showed some presence the last day. It was nice to see.

FA, way to go, and from the entire Yaks Bend commander corps, thank you for the battle. We look forward to fighting you again soon.

Badger Spirits, Den Master
Yaks Bend Alliance

Looking for Guilds

in Guilds

Posted by: Baazutai.4807


@CGU Demon
I am unsure what you wanted exactly, but you can feel free to contact me in game, or on here. I don’t use ventrillo, but that has not stood between the other teams.

Badger Spirits, Den Master
Yaks Bend Alliance

Looking for Guilds

in Guilds

Posted by: Baazutai.4807


Are you bored out of your skull in your low tier, where you server can’t field more than 30 people to WvW? Or are you in a server so large you have to wait HOURS for your guild to get in? Or are you tired of losing miserably every week?

Yaks Bend server, though full, is looking for WvW guilds. The population fluctuates daily, thanks to Anets free transfers, so we might as well make use of it.

Coming to Yaks Bend as a guild? The Yaks Bend Alliance welcome any and all WvW’ers and wants YOU, yes YOU, to join us. We have risen from our tiny tier, barely able to win a match, to doing well every week. You will be welcome and can easily find where your guild fits into everything.

Coming alone to Yaks bend? Let me invite you to the Badger Spirits. We are a heavy WvW guild, with coordination, structure, and friends. We are always active, and have a mixed population from around the world. If not us, we are home to Foo, known for their golem rushes (25 golems on one map, at one time, taking three different places) as well as OTG and TOG, both large societies.

Please try to come to Yaks Bend and join our family here. If not, see you on the field.

Badger Spirits, Den Master
Yaks Bend Alliance

3 players from seafarers looking for new guild.

in Guilds

Posted by: Baazutai.4807


Hello Friends.
I can tell you now, you and your friends want Yaks Bend server, and the Badger Spirits as your new guild. Why? We are active, with over 50 members active a day. Voice chat? Constantly. We use Mumble, it’s free, easy, and works well with GW2.
We are mainly a WvW guild, but at any time 15 or so people, or more, are running dungeons and farming mats. We have crafting to help you all gear your characters, and we have groups (mainly in WvW) to help you level alts. We have been known to get six levels or more on alts as we do WvW.
You get access to all of our crafters (we have at least one 400 in every profession) as well as our knowledge of classes, builds, and skills. Also you get access to MANY allied guilds, as we are large part of the Yaks Bend Alliance, housing over 20 guilds and over a thousand players.

We have players from Australia, Asia, and Europe in our GUILD, not to mention the server. You can reply here, or in game. I look forward to hearing from you and good luck wherever you go.

Badger Spirits, Den Master
Yaks Bend Alliance

Looking for a fun guild

in Guilds

Posted by: Baazutai.4807


Greetings friend.
Yaks Bend server is the place for you. And the guild you want is Badger Spirits. We are fun, active, and slightly insane. Daily we have over 30 members active in WvW, as well as 15 or more running dungeons and farming mats to further the guild as a whole. We have crafters to help you gear up your character and will help level your character to 80 (we do this really well in WvW). Your hours of play, are fine. Can only be on 3 hours a week? Not a problem. We have members on the roster who don’t play for weeks at a time. Real life comes first. Whisper me in game, or send on here, I would love to talk more about your joining us.
Good luck out there!

Badger Spirits, Den Master
Yaks Bend Alliance

80 Ele LF guild

in Guilds

Posted by: Baazutai.4807


Hola Kallout. Yaks Bend is where you want to go, and the Badger Spirits is the place for you. We are about 100 members with a core of 30 that talk and function together all the time, while we are WvW centered, you will find groups almost constantly in Dungeons and farming materials for their crafting. We are highly active with flexible hours. Comprised mainly of Military, Ex Military, and Students, we are mature and interested in enjoying the game. We have room for yourself and any you want to bring. I can give any other details via private message or through in game.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Badger Spirits, Den Master
Yaks Bend Alliance

Looking for a Guild

in Guilds

Posted by: Baazutai.4807


Greetings. Yaks Bend is the world you want to be in and Badger Spirits is the Guild for you. We are a medium sized guild (100 players or so) and we focus mainly on WvW. However, daily you will find groups running dungeons or farming materials. We are friendly relaxed and made up of mostly Students and Military/ ex military. Our hours are lenient, and the atmosphere is very enjoyable. We want the best gaming experience and are always willing to help a fellow guild member.

Drop me a whisper in game sometime, name’s Baazutai. I’ll be happy to respond and give you details on Yaks Bend.

Badger Spirits, Den Master
Yaks Bend Alliance

11/2 Fort Aspenwood vs Yak's Bend vs Eredon Terrace

in WvW

Posted by: Baazutai.4807


No, those that curse do NOT represent the rest of the server, not even a majority. I spoke directly with PRO’s commander iBludgeon I believe, in civil tones and even gave pointers. We want FA to actually fight all week, and not quit. Most of us want a good match and care little for your tactics. Good players don’t care if a thief is invisible. He burns to death just as fast invis as he does visible.

In general, I do wish ET would do a little more than their own BL. It does get boring wandering around and fighting PRO guild, only to see GODS guild, or a similar green group run up to help. It’s always more fun when it’s 20 on 20 and then the other team’s zerg runs through and roflstomps both groups. I miss weeks where it was 3 teams instead of 2.
But, FA has really started fighting. It’s become far more enjoyable than Friday and Saturday. I hope that ET and their server drama fixes itself so they can field an actual threat before Friday’s reset. And that isn’t insulting, they just don’t have any numbers in WvW. I saw one red player in EB last night, and just didn’t have the heart to kill him so I let him run away.

See you on the field, and good luck.

Badger Spirits, Den Master
Yaks Bend Alliance

11/2 Fort Aspenwood vs Yak's Bend vs Eredon Terrace

in WvW

Posted by: Baazutai.4807


One of Yaks Bend’s biggest feature is team work. I’m serious when I say that we owe 90% of what we do to guilds working together for a single cause: Beating everyone else. Hell we have commanders from all over the map, and they work together, some turning off their Icon for another to take charge. I have seen plenty of good players. Like I said before, GODS and PRO should REALLY be working directly together.

If you watch the Battles this evening, see if you can pick out our guilds. Who is working together? Which is the best at defending? Who’s hitting your camps? Who tracks your strike teams?

Those are things we did. And we directly noticed GODS and PRO. I have respect for both, and hope they are both online tonight so myself and my crew have a real taxing series of battles. The win or loss of the battle isn’t important; it’s ABOUT the battle.

@ Maniac
I assure you, friend, if you take the field, you’ll see something new. On occasion we come up with ridiculous plans right on the spot, just to see if it works. And if you make enough noise, where ever you are, my guild will come JUST to face off with you. So I look forward to seeing you, and wish you the best of luck. Get some of your guilds together. The week is young. Make us fight for every point. Give us the hardest time you can. We WANT it. We relish in that fight.

@ Chris
I can’t promise you a golem raid: since that one was sort of spur of the moment. But if you show up, we will give you all we have at every turn. I look forward to a fight with you. Good luck

@ET, to you, it’s not over. Go to where you see FA and YB fighting the hardest. Throw yourselves into the fray. Fight like… well like me, a Badger. Go nuts, take insane strategies, launch crazy attacks. Don’t quit. You have good players, we see that each night when we are in your BL. Don’t give up on it. Fight. If you lose, learn from it.

Good luck to all; see you on the field.

Badger Spirits, Den Master
Yaks Bend Alliance

Yaks Bend: Badger Spirits

in Guilds

Posted by: Baazutai.4807


There may have been an account on here for this, but I feel I should repost it now. We are a WvW centered guild, looking for members. Whether you are an aged Veteran with more battles under your belt than you can remember, or a total newbie who doesn’t know how to get supply, this IS the place for you, on Yaks Bend, at least.

We want a united server, and want to see battles that are close. We specialize in defense and function as a small unit. We usually aid the main force by being where it isn’t. We are on the field, guild colors are Red, Black and White, if you want to test us in action. Small is a relative term. From our guild alone, we can form upwards of 20 for actions in WvW and have hit 30 at our peak days so far. We are over 150 members now.

Message Baazutai or Drako Windspur in game for information or an invite to the guild. Let us know where you moved from, and why. Look forward to seeing you.

Badger Spirits, Den Master
Yaks Bend Alliance

11/2 Fort Aspenwood vs Yak's Bend vs Eredon Terrace

in WvW

Posted by: Baazutai.4807


As one of Yak’s less vocal commanders, I want to throw in my two cents. The fight has been really fun, with the single exception of ET not being anywhere but their BL. I really hope they throw themselves into the fight.

And as far as Yak’s Bend not giving up: Neither should you. Repair bill? I don’t like losing? I can only say get over it if you want to get better. Each LOSS should teach you as much, if not more than each victory. I have seen GODS and PRO guild lead some really clever and brazen tactics. Of course, 20 guys vs 20 guys is up in the air, they should be getting help from the rest of you.

Also, FA is doing great at holding us. Their Eternal Battlegrounds Keep defense last night was stunningly well done. Took out several golems, and survived cut off for over an hour. That was great. What you should be asking yourself now is “Why didn’t we save it?” Figure out HOW we beat you. I assure you that bigger servers will also do it, and once you know how, you can fix what you did wrong.

About the coverage: I’m not even talking about it. You should be trying to win BATTLES if you are outmanned. Take little victories and then look to big ones when you can. And no, I am not patronizing, I just want the people we fight to get better. I’d rather have a thousand close matches, where we win or lose by 200 than one match where we win by eighty thousand or more. The fun is in the fight.

Free advice from yours truly. To ET, all i can say is keep fighting! Nothing is better between servers than a hard fight to make everything exciting! Now, that is MY advice and thoughts on this week. I look forward to seeing all of you on the field, look for the Badgers. I’ll be with them each day. Good luck and see you on the field

Badger Spirits, Den Master
Yaks Bend Alliance