Showing Posts For Babinski.4207:


in WvW

Posted by: Babinski.4207


do you intend to change retaliation, could it be reduce whit toughness because since the end of culling, i cant even attack a zerg whit my guardian i just do whirling wrath and i drop dead on the the ground i cant even touch them even if i have 2 200 toughness nothing can stop it as soon i enter in it. but when i just do in whit mace and shield to absorb projectile im good i run out when all Cds are used and i live. i just hate to think this will stay this way cause rigth now it looks like this WvW is more of a range fight you cant rush in do your thing and get out you cant survive hitting 30 people at the same time when retaliation is on.

just let me know if anything will be done or do i have to make a new character.