Showing Posts For Baboon.3510:

Problem with 3 way pvp, with no communication.

in WvW

Posted by: Baboon.3510


I agree with the point that there needs to be a balancing, or at least some sort of benefit/reward for those on the losing end. In the match up that my server is on right now; the ‘winning’ team has more than both other teams combined, they have all the orbs, therefore it makes it not appealing at all to even WvWvW when the team comes in completely buffed up and outnumbering us. As it is we have no chance vs them unless we get lucky with stragglers and over aggressive players. They are running around in kill packs of what seem to be 50+ players, running from point to point on the map, where the most on our side seems to be 25-30.

Communication between the losing teams would be nice in situations like this, but it is not something that I see as necessary.