Showing Posts For Bacon.6042:

Lets see your Warriors!

in Warrior

Posted by: Bacon.6042


I see some nice concepts here, and it looks like I am not the only one to like blacks/reds/blues around here . That being said, let me add to the pile of black/red with this costume. (Note: This is a Norn, and I am still in the process of getting the 2 norn racial pieces I need to complete my ‘look’. Namely the shoulders and pants.)

The chest piece is the norn racial tier 3. So a basic costume for now but I think it fits my taste for a while. Also have the dark 5 skin, celestial hair, red tattoos, along with red eyes (in case you can’t see them) some of the options are from the total makeover pack as I was not happy with what I had.

I am no wizard with paint or the like so sorry for the stretched pictures just zoom in on the character.

Reason for this is that I have 3 screens and play on the main one (as the other 2 are not the same size or resolution of the main one, plan to fix that here soon though.) Main screen is 1080p and I play at Guild Wars 2 at ultra settings on this screen (if that matters).

Oh and dyes are Enameled Crimson (my personal favorite) and Shadow Blue (until I can get a pure black).


(edited by Bacon.6042)