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Suggestion: LFG system/Dungeon finder?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Baptisten.3527


I think this is a “no-brainer” and I am actually kind of surprised that it wasn’t a LFG tool in the game when it was released.

LFG/LFR didn’t kill the “WoW-community”, that’s just nonsense.

I don’t want to stand in a city spamming the chat in 1 hour just to run a dungeon, it happened all the time in WoW before the LFG tool and it sucked.

Don’t say that people are lazy because they don’t want to spam the chat, people have commitments in there real lifes and mabey just got 1.5 hours to play an evening.
If the have to look for people half an hour, then the just wasted a big chunk of their time doing nothing, and that sucks.

I’ll say, implement a LFG-tool for people to use if they want to. Players want to play, not to waste their time.

Ps. Sorry for the grammar.