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Hearts and Minds: Mordremoth fight :(

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: BaronWombat.7195


Thanks folks. I had no idea I could get a group to help with this! I really appreciate the offers of help and tips on how to survive. I can relate to what Rukia said about ragequitting for a few months, I took a few minutes to calm down and wrote this post instead. Glad I did! I feel like I am equipped with the knowledge to make it through this fight now, previous to your responses I felt there was zero chance of that. Cheers!
ps – I am on the NA server, TY for the global offers to help!

Hearts and Minds: Mordremoth fight :(

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: BaronWombat.7195


First and foremost, if you’re on a us server, contact me in game, I’ll be happy to help you get through it.

That said, some challenges in these games are meant to be repeated until you get them and I know it’s possible because I had to repeat them to get them.

Updrafts are definitely not impossible to see, because I see them. But don’t look up. Look on the platform. they’re really not updrafts at all, they’re more like spouts and they’re quite clear. You might be looking too hight.

The best trick during the gliding phase is not to try to dodge at all. There’s a vine that stick out over the arena with an air spout next to it. If you can find it, you might went to check out a video so you don’t have to see it while trying to do it the first time, you can land on the vine in complete safety and wait out that wave.

Again I’d be happy to help you through it in game.

That Vine sounds amazing! Thanks. I have issues seeing the updrafts while I am flying, so landing on the vine sounds great. Thanks, will contact you if I cannot get through it. thanks so much for the informative response!

Hearts and Minds: Mordremoth fight :(

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: BaronWombat.7195


Serious comments only plz, I don’t want to hear how epic you are or how I am a noob. I love this game and am trying to keep playing.

I think I am in the final phase of my HoT story, where I have to defeat Mordremoth in a boss fight over several stages. After spending 2 hours of pushing forward bit by bit, I am giving up. I want to communicate to the dews my thoughts, and would appreciate any tips to get past what I find to be huge problems (my opinion) with this boss fight.
1. No variable difficulty. This thing seems to be stuck on Dark Souls level difficulty, which seems odd for the main story. Not everyone is a hardcore console player, why lock out the vast majority of players? The wiki states there is an Extreme Mode, which sounds wonderful for those who want that. I enjoy a good heroic level raid myself. There should be a lower level of difficulty too.
2. No saved steps. Any death resets player back to beginning of the LONG fight. WTF? Combined with the lethal results of making an error in much of the boss mechanics, the erasing of all progress is very demotivating.
3. Updrafts are nearly impossible to see when gliding is needed. It took me reading a guide to understand that there were updrafts in this fight. They are unlike any other updrafts in the game, coming from the ground and operating like jump mushrooms. Even after I found out they were there, I still could not find them reliably. And when I did find them, my trained response of Jump + Glide just made me hop right through them. Resulting in death. Why not simply spawn jumping mushrooms with updrafts above them? Reuse mechanics you have trained players to use!!!
4. the boss effect during the glider phase knocks characters to the ground, and damages them. So if you ever hit the ground or don’t get airborne in the few seconds available, its death. Why not simply have damage without knockdown? Losing control/agency is generally not fun for players.
If anyone has a tip on how to tweak PC graphic to make the updrafts more visible, I am all ears
4. Thrown rocks during the gliding come without warning* and result in death if they hit because you end up on the ground in that boss effect. Which resets back to start of fight. How is one supposed to spot then dodge them, while trying to navigate to another updraft?

Those are the biggies…so far. I am quite concerned that comments in other threads state that “the really frustrating parts” are still to come!

I am dismayed and frustrated, and hope I have laid out the reasons why. Frankly, this is the kind of “iron wall” experience that makes me park a game and go in search of something else I have loved most of the game up to now, and have been able to get past any of the previous difficult sections by experimentation, reading, or changing tactics. There is zero indication so far that I can apply any of those approaches to getting past this fight, it just seems to require perfection, or more likely, sheer luck (which is again, lack of agency). I have other characters to level up, but its demotivating to know that this fight will spell the end of the game story for them.