Showing Posts For Barradin.3164:

Want PvP to be MOBA-like or not?

in PvP

Posted by: Barradin.3164


I think it was a push toward MOBA that crippled the game at launch, and wholeheartedly want to see Gw2 return to the philosophies that once made the franchise so strong.

It’s the company, they are very bad.
They are incapable of tweaking a game to be more enjoyable.
They can only balance.

That will sink any game short of one lucky enough to be all but balanced, out of the block.

‘’They are very bad and incapable’’ isn’t exactly constructive.

You’re right, except for all the condi atm the classes ARE very well balanced and the combat IS very engaging.

I see no reason why they cant focus on an actual fun gametype now and pull the scene out of the red.

We could have the best of both worlds and something truly phenominal.

This push towards moba was responsible for conquest and it hasn’t worked.

Want PvP to be MOBA-like or not?

in PvP

Posted by: Barradin.3164


You mean in terms of new gametypes? I can understand why they’d try to push the experience in that direction since everyone wants a slice of that LoL pie right now, but Gw2 is just too different.

I mean if we’re assuming here that conquest is a sinking ship, adopting dota philosophies or even the gametype wholesale (which I doubt will happen) sounds like the complete wrong direction.

If you think about it, isn’t that what they originally tried to do with conquest anyway? Split/skirmish heavy combat in a 5v5 setting. And conquest hasnt resonated with a lot of people at all.

I’d much prefer a shift back to the gamemodes we saw in Gw1. Emphasis on a specific objective, distinct player roles and teamplay. Matches with actual pacing – where the action rises and falls rather than map wide fever pitch all game.

Class balance and the combat itself were really weak in the first game, but GvG was a solid gametype. It seems a shame to me we traded one for another. I also find it odd that conquest is considered superior because ‘’You should always be able to see who’se winning’’.

On the one hand we can see the clear progession of a team to victory represented on the battlefield. At a glance you can see which team is closer to the others base or Lord.

And in the other hand we have the winners decided by an abstract numerical counter on the UI. Constant action split across the entire map. Even seasoned PvPers will have trouble putting those numbers into real world terms at a glance, letalone casual spectators.

I digress.

I think it was a push toward MOBA that crippled the game at launch, and wholeheartedly want to see Gw2 return to the philosophies that once made the franchise so strong.

Dec 10th balance preview.

in PvP

Posted by: Barradin.3164


My thoughts of Diamond skin:

1. People underestimate the base damage on their abilities while running condi specs and it’s good that this change is encouraging condi classes to pay attention to such things.

2. *People are overstating the difficulty in dropping an ele below 10% health. *

Eles are minimum vitality and armour class in the game. We’re talking about 1,400 – 1,600 health here. Even a fully stacked glass cannon condi spec can break through that. Yes it will be harder, but there is no harm in encouraging people to swap amulets and make decisions based on enemy comp.

It’s good thing we’re shaking up the dominant condi heavy meta

3. The trait wont cure conditions. Once the first 10% is dropped, anything you load on there is there to stay. So what if they just healed back to max? They still have bleed, poison, torment, whatever on them. That will sac them back down in no time at all.

4. There are big sacrafices being made on the part of the ele to run this trait, they dont get to have their cake and eat it too. Earth magic is a poor line for offensive eles, who are already much reliant on other tratlines to sustain themselves so we wont be seeing it run on them.

On this spec they cant easily trait far into water for vitality / healing power either because they’re already maxed out in earth. With the move of elemental attunement to master tier rather than adept, they will probably want at LEAST 20 arcane too, so their health will drop.

The condi cleanse on water swap is moving to master too, so simply running 0/0/30/10/30 is a poor choice.

In summation: It’s not a ‘hard counter’ to condi specs. The Elementalist still needs REAL condi cleanse on top of this trait or else they will be hit with condis when their health gets low the first time and they will keep the player below 10% even if they heal back up.

Because of the other trait changes it will be hard for an ele to find REAL condi cleanse while 30 earth, too.

And anyway: We shouldnt be defending the condi meta. Eles are nearly unviable for real play at the moment, don’t over-value the 10% health threshold.

This has the potential to make ele viable for something again AND open up a traitline that, since launch, has never been used in a serious way.

(edited by Barradin.3164)

Dec. 10th Balance Preview - Updated Nov 6th.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Barradin.3164


Elementalist – Diamond skin change. WITH REGARD TO TPVP

Incredibly happy with this change! As a defensive ele there has never been enough reason to drop 30 points into the earth line. Now there will be some real distinction between Earth – Water – Arcane Bunkers and who favours which line.

Despite concerns, I feel that raw condi classes WILL be able to break through the trait considering the elementalists minimum base vitality and armour stats. 10% of an eles health can be burned through /very/ easily.

This is exactly the kind of incentive we needed to try a new line.

Zommoros: Genie or Djinn?

in Lore

Posted by: Barradin.3164


Just dropping in – This is WP.

Yeah, I said Zomorros is a genie. Why? Because I had seen miyani call him that. People then attempted to correct me because ‘’the wiki says hes a Djiin!’’ – to which my response is that the wiki can be edited by anyone, and on its own is not a source.

Days ago on reddit we had a discussion where someone pointed out the wintersday page, which is a REAL source. At this point I conceded they were probably interchangeable terms.

Big deal. Jesus guys please don’t be so pedantic. I am a human being and I have never claimed to know everything ever.

Whatever the case, I doubt this means too much for the story as a whole. We’ll see.

Uncontested Temple of Balthazar

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Barradin.3164


Our ehmry bay push never worked out. Everyones asleep it seems. Any messages about other worlds going for it on NA let us know!

Scratch that we have another push going right now! Ehmry bay, head on over!


This push was succesfull! Thanks to all who came (eventually) but this was basically just 4 guys for a long time. Woot, feelsgoodman.

(edited by Barradin.3164)

Uncontested Temple of Balthazar

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Barradin.3164


We’re pushing this on Ehmry bay right now! About to get started from the very start of the chain, so even when this comment is quite old you may find we still need assistance/the temple is up.

Guesting is free, please come help out if you can!

Multiple Accounts Connectivity Issue

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Barradin.3164


Yeah I have left it for hours before and it still hasn’t fixed itself. I’ve shut the patcher down, shut the system down, deleted by local.dat and reinstalled the game – nothing resolves the issue.

I don’t think the problem is client-side.

Multiple Accounts Connectivity Issue

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Barradin.3164



I’ve been having issues connecting to Guild Wars 2 for the past week or two and I think it has something to do with the fact I have multiple accounts I use on my system.

Normally, things work fine. I can log in and out of either of the accounts I own with no issue.
However, sometimes, when I wish to log out and connect to my second account, I am unable to. When I click ‘log in’ with the alternate credentials on the patcher, it hangs and eventually gives me an error stating:

“The game client is unable to gain access to the log-in server at this time. This is most commonly caused by firewall or router settings, security applications, or connecting through a campus network’’.

However, these issues outlined in the message cannot be the cause of my problem. I am presented with the error regardless of whether I allow Gw2 as an exception through my firewall or turn it off all-together (I only use the windows firewall, no third party).

I have the necessary ports forwarded on my router, have no additional security applications which could be inteferring with the connection and am connecting through a home network, not campus.

I am certain I am using the correct email and password.

If I give up and, once again, use my credentials for the first account, I am able to log in without any problems whatsoever. So a connection can obviously get through, but I’m being blocked somewhere down the line for some reason on one account.

The problem doesn’t happen on one specific email, as far as I am aware. I could connect to account 1 but not 2 on some days, but 2 and not 1 on others. It seems to depend on which I log into first.

Once this issue arises, I have to wait an indeterminate amount of time (hours) before it goes away, which is frustrating.

I think that’s about everything I know. My suspicions are its some kind of anti-botting code, but I can’t be the only legitimate player using more than one account on a single system. In the future, I plan on getting more and would prefer if this problem didn’t get worse each time.


(edited by Moderator)