(edited by Baseraver.7241)
Showing Posts For Baseraver.7241:
For the love of god, please admit that you gave up on this task because it was too difficult or annoying for you to track. A simple confession about how some people got left out and I´ll just leave this topic. Ignoring/ deleting posts will also send a message.
- Build up/ join a raiding guild designed for newer players to learn raid content
- be willing to learn and adapt
- be willing to spend gold on meta builds
- get disocrd
- practice on specific days with your guild
- ALTERNATIVE: join training group in LFG, no LI requirements and you can learn mechanics
- if you fail mechanics, analyze the situation and try to improve
- change your keybinding to more comfortable ones (special action key and dodge ability should be on keys that only need 1 button press to activate tbh)
example: dodge on one of the mouse-sidekeys
PvE Weaver:
Only Staff was fun to use. Sword is underpowered and clunky as hell.
The Elite Skill benefits Condi builds over Power builds which is not OK. (It doesnt give Power, but gives you Condi Dmg wtf?)
I would use FGS over the new elite skill in a power based build even in Weaver which is kind of ironic isnt it?
Still nothing received.
1. Karma potions
2. Mystic Clovers
3. Transmutation Charges
4. Hero Challenge unlocks like in WvW
5. Acc Bound t6 food
6. New minis
7. Fun bundle items (like, recently we got some for cats in home instance, it would be cool to get more fun bundles like deployable jump pad etc)
8. new rewards such as gliders, mail carriers, outfits, armor, weapon skins, mount skins
Nice ideas mate!!!
I am building Chuka and Champawat atm and a gift of any kind would be pretty helpful.
It could be anything like
- a couple of Mystic Coins OR
- 100 T6 mats of any kind OR
- a couple of Amalgamated Gemstones OR
- 4000 Elder Wood Logs (LOL!)
Power Staff Tempest:
- for open world/ fractals/ raids with big hitbox enemies or lots of adds you need to
- Easy to gear
Condi Dagger/Focus Tempest:
- for fractals and raids whenever you need to do tons of dps on a single target, preferred on small hitboxes over staff, not good for cleaving through adds
- harder to gear
(edited by Baseraver.7241)
lets take down balthazar then, absorb his powr and gbecome god of war ourselves
I am [Insert name of your hero]
-Commander of the Pact
-Slayer of Dragons
-Aurene`s Champion
-Successor of the God of War and Fire
Nice to meet you!
Still havent received anything.
Did you create a support ticket? If so, work with them. If not, start one now (but be prepared to wait — there’s an expansion demo this weekend plus a lot of new players).
weeks ago I did, all they did was sending me back to this thread
Still havent received anything.
My bad. I feel like an idiot now for not knowing that you can buy them. Thought they were account bound. FML
Thread can be closed.
THE most easy to play and friendly-to-new-players class is DEFINITELY:
For a rather new player like you it`s always best to gear for Berserker stats and run Greatsword + Mace/Shield (= CC and survivability) or Longbow (= ranged dps uptime) or Greatsword + Sword/Warhorn for map completion due to enhanced movement.
Here comes the problem, though:
Power PS Warrior has received a dps-nerf recently for NO good reason at all which is why people in fractals recently only look for Condi PS Warrios which require not-so-easy to obtain Viper`s Stats but do significantly more DPS.
The thing is: due to having Mace/Shield as a second weapon set a Power PS Warrior has A LOT MORE control over pug groups. Let`s say you are playing 99 CM and your group cant get the breakbar done for any kind of reason: Power PS gives you a lot more CC than Condi PS in this scenario which can CARRY pug groups without them realizing it. In a perfect world you would want to run Condi PS and give your group much higher DPS whilst your team manages the CC so that breakbars can be broken. This is doable and happens quite often still in pugs BUT we are not living in a perfect world and players who dont know their class in and out willl happen to be on your team and mess it up. For solo pugging I still think Power PS Warrior gives you much more reliablity.
In raids however there are certain encounters where Power PS Warrior still is more viable even without the CC aspect than the Condi PS Warrior. And there are encounters that favor Condi PS over Power PS.
This is the reason I have both sets in my inventory to switch between the builds (which is quite easy actually on the Warrior).
Power PS: easy to play, friendly to new players, much sustain, many CC possibilities, many movement abilities, quite versatile with weapon usage, viable but off-meta.
Condi PS/ Condi DPS Warrior: Better DPS, a bit more difficult DPS rotation but still easy. Less CC. Needed for raids. Mediocre movement compared to Power. Less versatile (only Sword/Torch + Longbow), THE meta-build for warriors.
To sum it up
You can start with Berserker gear but you will have to gear for Vipers stats in the end. The future also isnt quite clear as the new expansion brings new elite specs with it and the meta can shift quite rapidly towards a new build. But Warrior will let you take a hit or two unlike the elementalist and you will survive a lot more. It is definitely the best class to learn the game with as you progress and learn the encounters by heart. Once you have mastered the mechanics with the warrior it should feel fairly easy to survive with Ele, too.
(edited by Baseraver.7241)
The only way of acquiring Shards of Glory is through the PvP Daily Achievement Chests and the PvP Reward Tracks.
For people like me who want to craft their legendary items and have no interest or fun at all to play PvP just to earn these shards it is quite demotivating.
I really, really HATE the PvP aspect of any multiplayer game because it`s always been a cave of ego-boosted self-declared semi-pro players with toxic behaviour.
I, therefore, have NO motivation AT ALL to play PvP at any cost. Which leaves me with the questions:
Why is there no alternative way for PvE or WvW players to gain Shards of Glory?
Can you imagine how it feels when you HAVE to play a gamemode you absolutely hate from its core?
Most of you we identified did receive what was promised and some haven’t yet taken the items from their mail. But, it turns out, some of you simply didn’t get our in-game mail. Sentinel, Baseraver, and Wilz, you helped us, just by being you, to identify that we had a different bug affect you. Of the thousands upon thousands of players who were deemed eligible, it seems the system we used to send in-game mail failed to send to more than a thousand of you.
It is regrettable that any of you may have been missed. Please be aware that neither Gaile, the CS team, nor Anet in general lied about giving you the gift we promised. Reading through this thred, however, made it clear that something else may have broken.
The first part clearly states that I was eligible and here I am: Weeks after this post without any compensation sent to me.
I can wait.
Seems like they couldnt hold themselvees back and were hyped too much when they installed those many AOEs and effects not realizing when it might be too much
still nothing
my guild leader received the chest twice now for no reason
still nothing. I can remind you every week if needed
Hey guys, can you please do your job right?
It’s inadmissible that people like him get a compensation although never having even stepped into raids and others like me haven’t still gotten anything!
made my day, if this really is true I have a clear view on the situation and it makes me roflmao all over the place because there is nothing else i can imagine to do now
havent got a compensation yet, either.
… xD have a nice day people LUL
(edited by Baseraver.7241)
“GM`s are meant to be mechanically high skill players on pro level”
- lolmao
Every bit of information concerning dungeon or fractal mechanics is important. This actually determines who is able to perform on a high level without many issues.
When you and the rest of the party are at this high level, many group setups will work out one way or the other. The general consensus is that Mesmer/ Druid/ PS/ 2 Eles is THE META group build which gives the most efficient clear times/ results.
I`ve seen random groups at 100 CM in which a bad dps ele ragequitted at the second boss. We got a Viper Necro next and won in the first try. Reason why: the Ele died a lot or didnt know the mechanics by heart. And the Necro actually did.
If you want to get better at fractals and want to know everything about the encounters and mechanics I recommend you to watch Deroirs youtube channel:
Just a really tiny % of the tips he provides is outdated but its still extremely nice for beginners.
We had the issue with our raid group that we killed KC and got the cut scene and all that but nobody received any rewards. Problem is that we have had a few people in our raid group receive the compensation rewards while other have not. I’ve asked them and the ones who got the rewards and none of them attempted any other bosses during that week. So I’m not exactly sure how some members of our raid group can qualify for the rewards while others don’t?
As Jeremy Brown stated, there seems to have been another bug (?) going around that excluded some players from the distribution process. They already said they are actively going to do more research and gift all players who have been affected by this second bug which is an entire different story. And since they are all human beings with a life who might live in other timezones you will have to hold still for a few days as he stated because this cant be done within a few hours.
Just be patient for now.
(edited by Baseraver.7241)
Hi there Raiders!
I’m from the Analytics team; a group of people who review what you do in game with the data you leave behind. We’re sometimes referred to as Business Intelligence or BI.
First, a little background to the methodology we used. We reviewed all of your play throughs and were able to identify each of you who were affected by this bug. What was interesting is that we found some parties where some players got a Legendary Insight, while other didn’t. Was this a result of the reward bug or was this due to weekly resets? Afterall, Monday was not affected by the bug. A few thousand of you would have been eligible, but this didn’t feel right.
So we reframed the question; How many raiding parties likely were affected by this bug? This increased the number of potentially affected players by more than 20%. We knew that this would include people who play repeat raid wings and who, in reality, wouldn’t be affected by this bug because they werent’ eligible. But we also realize that you will play with others who would be eligible. Should a player who played Gorseval on Monday, and recieved their weekly reward, receive this gift when they played on Tuesday? What about when that player noticed that others in their Tuesday raid recieved a gift and they didn’t? Maybe you didn’t get LI, but you should’ve got something, right?
We chose to err on the side of a larger number. This gift wasn’t going to impact the economy, so we felt that we’d rather apologize to all players who were in raiding parties that were affected rather than risk upsetting a sizable subset of you. This was also why we chose not to give out LI.
I don’t like pointing fingers, but it seems that this large number is likely what was to blame. Most of you we identified did receive what was promised and some haven’t yet taken the items from their mail. But, it turns out, some of you simply didn’t get our in-game mail. Sentinel, Baseraver, and Wilz, you helped us, just by being you, to identify that we had a different bug affect you. Of the thousands upon thousands of players who were deemed eligible, it seems the system we used to send in-game mail failed to send to more than a thousand of you.
It is regrettable that any of you may have been missed. Please be aware that neither Gaile, the CS team, nor Anet in general lied about giving you the gift we promised. Reading through this thred, however, made it clear that something else may have broken.
I’ve worked with the CS team specifically to re-identify those of you who feel you were promised but not delivered an apology. Another round of gifts will be going out – though there’s no change in what is being sent.
So why did it take us this long to correct this? Believe it or not, we had to collect more data from you before we could act, and that takes time; several days in this case.
Please accept our apologies for the frustration you have experienced.
Well, thanks for the insight. Considering how much work and stress you guys have to go through I will accept any outcome whether the new system considers me/ us to be eligible or not. Since there was something broken in the system: Rest assured that I, personally, wont accuse you of anything again. After all, this gift was meant to be an apology. I was just extremely angry and it got to me. I really love this game you people keep working on and me playing still after all these years is proof enough.
So if the new system doesnt count me as eligible for the gift for whatever reason, I`ll just accept it this time and let you guys work on more important things.
Thank you for everything and I`m sorry for having been rude. Wont happen again.
The data supports the distribution that was made, and in fact included some players who initially would not have been included. Feel free to contact Customer Support with your concerns, by all means.
And accusing the company — or the people involved in the research and distribution --
of having “lied” is rude and inaccurate.
Sorry. Im just angry.
I`ll take that back then and say some kind of mistake must have happened. Anyway:
I give up! I better shut my mouth and not risk my account getting banned for things I might write otherwise.
Still unacceptable
Note: This account runs on EU servers.
(edited by Baseraver.7241)
Well, it’s sort of a holiday weekend state side and a lot of people might take a day off on Monday, prior to the Tuesday holiday. If the North America team is sending those mails, I wouldn’t be surprised if all activity, and updates about it, will be quiet until Wednesday the 5th. Best just to settle in for a long wait now.
I`m from Europe and didnt know of any holidays in NA^^
I just knew of Independence Day.
I can wait.
(edited by Baseraver.7241)
I was the one reporting on this bug in the bugs forum
https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/support/bugs/No-Loot-after-beating-weekly-Raid-Bosses/first#post6632722at the 20th June 2017 right after I killed Gorseval with my team.
Do you guys need a bit more time to compensate all players or have I been forgotten?
Still havent got anything – 2nd July 2017
A Dev Update would be nice.
(edited by Baseraver.7241)
I appreciate the compensations!
But I havent received mine yet. (28th June 2017, 10:55 pm Berlin Time Zone)
I was the one reporting on this bug in the bugs forum
at the 20th June 2017right after I killed Gorseval with my team.
Do you guys need a bit more time to compensate all players or have I been forgotten?
Still havent got anything – 2nd July 2017
(edited by Baseraver.7241)
Currently working. Will be coming online later tonight. Around 8pm GMT. Looking forward to see you ingame ^.^
Hey mate,
I`m Baseraver.7241, 23 years old, EU Millersund, german guild, I think english is the superior language, though and would like to speak in english at all costs.
15 LI, Solo Pug Raider atm, Looking for a guild without Representation Duty
I have TS3 but dont talk much in fights. I can concentrate better while not talking.
If I am corect, 7pm GMT convertsd to 9 pm in Germany, Berlin Timezone. That would be a perfect time for me. Sunday at 7 pm would be ok, too, but I`m currently working everyday for as long as my motivation is up so Sunday won`t be 100% assured that I am online. But Thursday at 9 pm shouldnt be a problem.
My class pool is as follows:
Power and Condi PS both fully ascended gear; Rotations known
Power DPS, Sc/W or Staff; ascended gear; Rotation known for Sc/W, havent been playing Staff much for a long time but I can look it up again on qT.
Power DPS; fully ascended gear; Rotation not perfect yet, least amount of experience
I am thinking about equiping either my thief OR my ele with vipers gear next to have a condi dps class.
I`ve only done pug raiding with my warrior until now because I feel the most comfy on him and cleared the following encounters:
Easy for me:
VG, Gorse (both methods), Escort
MO (cleared him a couple times but never actually used Claim/ Protect/ Dispel myself due to being in a pug group so I let the organized part take over those things)
Cairn (Killed 3 times, I really hate his mechanics but they didnt hold me back as long as I kept standing near him so others got the agony. In that case its an easy fight for me)
Samarog (No KP yet. Have been fighting him with a random training guild group and they wiped in the last phase cause all got hit by one of his attracks at the same time LOL!; other than that the fight felt really easy to handle)
Sabetha (No KP yet, Training runs, I, personally, dont think its a tough fight. I would like to join this boss as a Cannon Ele in the future with a more experienced group)
Trio (Training Runs as Ele, Easy time 1st boss, I had problems staying alive at the 2nd boss. The group never managed to kill the 3rd boss)
Matthias (No KP yet, Joined a training run, been difficult for me to stay alive after the 40% mark when he transforms)
Never tried:
KC, Deimos, Xera, Slothasor
watched guides to xera, slothasor and would need to rewatch them before a try.
I would gladly try every raid boss with my Elementalist, mainly as power DPS.
I`m looking forward to gear a new Condi DPS (Ele or thief, idk yet)
I can run every fractal from T4 including 100 CM with my Elementalist preferably OR my Warrior (Zerker gear is infused, thats why I dropped him in that one balance patch)
I am interested in efficient runs for those bosses I already cleared and are easy for me as well as training runs for new bosses. I would gladly try to get kills on bosses I already fought in training runs.
A guild like this would be perfect where I am not bound to be a core member. I like filling what you guys are missing as a casual player you can ask to join in times of need who focuses on efficient rotations and class management in total for the classes he plays. (I like perfecting my dps for example and doing my best, utilizing tips and rotations from the qT website. Unfortunately I have no commander tag and havent been in the training golem area until now, but I use dps meters for fractals etc.)
(edited by Baseraver.7241)
“Fixed an issue that prevented players from receiving loot from raid encounters.”
Thanks a lot.
The team is still investigating the issue and working to get a fix out as quickly as they can.
Thanks for the reply! The playerbase certainly appreciates it when devs give out information about the current situation/ communicate with us.
its not his fault
there is a bug since the latest patch which causes massive DCs and palyers not getting their weekly first raid boss kill loot.
This is unacceptable.
As of today, patch of 20th June 2017, there happens to be a bug which denies you any loot from your weekly raid boss kills.
Me and my pug group were killing VG and Gorseval (before you ask: for the first time this week) and at both fights half the team didnt get any chest, any loot, any thing.
The Chest itself apparently did not visually appear AT ALL.
Many players also report massive DCs for the entire party resetting the fight.
I hope you fix this ASAP and give us PLAYERS some kind of Compensation.
Thank you for reading.
(edited by Baseraver.7241)
Mained War for years in pve, mostly power, also got the condi ps gear but for me pwoer was still more fun to play
after the nerfs It just felt like having pingspikes whenever using Arc Divider or Headbutt which pretty much killed the fun of it
and now I benched my warrior to main thief and ele
best balance ever!
I have equipment for both zerk PS and condi PS warrior with zerk PS being my preferred choice
I have to say, until now, zerker GS warrior was more fun to play for me
but when I logged in today to do daily fractals I thought I was lagging all the way through 100 CM when I finally realized they must have nerfed Arc Divider (F1) and Headbutt….
Those cast times feel like you’re frequently playing with pingspikes and I DONT KNOW ANYONE who has fun playing with pingspikes.
Zerk PS is not only inferior to condi PS in terms of damage (and thats still inferior to real top notch dps classes), but its got nerfed in a way thats just not fun to play and its not fluent at all.
Condi PS also is able to provide significant Might to the party which is practically on par with zerk GS PS.
Literally the only good reason to play zerk PS actually is the CC which comes from the Mace/Shield as 2nd Weapon choices.
I wouldnt have increased the cast times of Head Butt and Arc Divider in particular because it`s just PAINFUL to play now. I`d rather have the old cast times back and reduced dmg.
I`ve been maining Warrior for some years now and never have I thought of dropping the class to play something else… until the 16th May 2017. RIP