Showing Posts For Bazz.2874:

A client for OS X

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Bazz.2874


Where I have no argument against an OS X client, I just wanted to state that OS X is not the future… Android is. That is all =D

Agree, but right now, and for a year or so, OS X is SO far ahead of Windows in sheer reliability and usability that this is a great thing for ArenaNet to do.

If I could I’d go to linux as well, but it’s just too much hassle right now. If webOS evolves to the point that OS X is now (or 10.7 at least) it’ll be a major player.

I recently upgraded my iPhone 4 to a Samsung Galaxy SIII and even though it’s still running ICS it’s very much improved on iOS. Hopefully this is an indication that webOS will be very good indeed.

A client for OS X

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Bazz.2874


This is great news. I recently cancelled my SWTOR account because I hate running Windows on my Mac. I installed Windows again to try out GW2, but was really thinking I’ll go back to WoW.

Now I can play both. GOOD job ArenaNet. BioWare, take notice.

It doesn’t hurt any that GW2 has no subscription either.