Showing Posts For Beesu.9203:

How to fix the 4v5 q's

in PvP

Posted by: Beesu.9203


it must be infuriating for you…pushing far point and working your kitten -off on a 1v2 the whole time, TEAM IS STILL FIGHTING 3v3

[SOAC] Stunningstyles Guardian Staff/GS Guide

in Guardian

Posted by: Beesu.9203


dat guardian dps

Team of 3 looking for 2 skilled players

in Looking for...

Posted by: Beesu.9203


I can run with you guys on an alt if you need, do we need to list our LB stats and whatnot? LB rank 34 bunker guard

the BEST BUNKER tPVP build!!!

in Guardian

Posted by: Beesu.9203


Staff if your team is extremely co-ordinated and you don’t need 2 snares.
Staff/Hammer on Spirit and Nifhel usually.
Sword/Shield on Khylo and always hammer on Khylo.

I’d recommend picking up Master of Consecrations instead of Indomitable Courage in the virtues line, been trying it out for the past week and it’s absolutely amazing. Sanctuary lasts 10 seconds on a 90 second cd, even been using it offensively to setup interrupts and knockbacks for kills

Balance in Guild Wars 2

in PvP

Posted by: Beesu.9203


How I would balance this game:

1) Remove stealth and clones from the game
2) Reduce conditions spam
3) Reduce HP disparity between professions
4) With stealth removed, increase HP of thief, add shadow step mechanic ( as in GW1)
5) With clones removed, add hex mechanic to the mesmer ( as in GW1)
6) Remove water heals from ele
7) Increase HP of ele by 5k, add control/evasion water skills, increase overall dmg
8) Add more condition removal to the warrior

-Game fixed and everybody enjoy the game, game is alive and well…..

Just a dream I know, this game is already on its death bed, 60-70% of players use a stealth profession and the current population in sPvP is a display of this screw up

I don’t want to insult you, but we are lucky that you are not working for A-Net balance-wise.

It’s because you play a guardian that’s why!
You never receive nerfs and all your trait lines are usable, you’re required in basically every aspect of the game, you play a profession played by the anet devs…hence you don’t get nerfs..ever!
The rest ( ele for example) get 50-70% reduction on healing and dmg, while still being forced literally in using 2 trait lines all the time as the other three have been left pre-alpha stage, 2/3 of the utilities are garbage and our elites are not game changing….finally with 3s animation skills even my grandma can effectively dodge ele attacks

guardian elites are game changing? lolz

Silven's PvP Guardian Build Guide

in Guardian

Posted by: Beesu.9203


only time that scepter comes outta your hand is on Khylo, too stronk