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PvX - SoS - [CI] Cage the Incarnation

in Looking for...

Posted by: Beetle Juice.4072

Beetle Juice.4072

Hey there
Cage the Incarnation is recruiting!!
We are an Oceanic guild with 80+ active guild members. We are looking for new and old players to come join us. Whether you are a casual player or hardcore there is a spot in our guild for you! We focus highly on WvW (With one commander and one more coming) and also get together to do guild dungeon raids.
We have our own TS server and soon to have a webpage and FB page.
Please message one of us in game or email me

Guild leaders:
Beetle Juice.4072

My email:

Shields are amazing

in Guardian

Posted by: Beetle Juice.4072

Beetle Juice.4072

I have played around 150+ tournaments both in beta and on release. I’ve played both offensive and defensive guardian specs. I have played roamer as well as point defender. I believe I have poked at every part of the spectrum within the guardian class pvp-wise.

I feel as though focus is a very handy offensive off-hand, I (when playing offensively) pair it with sword, though I ran glass cannon i could stay alive much longer than with shield, I still enjoyed shield because of the knock back to keep enemies of points and to knock people off finishers, to get the revive of course. I could generally take down the mobs on FoN in 6 seconds, yet i wouldn’t take any damage from the mob.

As defensively speced i ran mace shield. I could block an attack (I would save it for when i saw an obviously stun or knockdown e.g bulls charge and pistol whip). I haven’t ran many dungeons but the few dungeon runs I have completed shield worked much better than focus for supporting my team.

the issue with shield skill 4, In pvp i generally am only with 2 other players on my team so it isn’t much of a challenge to hit both of them with the buff. I image with mace and shield you can buff your whole team right before a fight begins and sustain it for a lot of the fight with hammer+mace shield+ shouts (in a dungeon situation).