Showing Posts For Beh.6093:

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Beh.6093


I have encountered a disturbing problem within World Versus World play. Some players have intentional become a nuisance to Commanders as they will drop siege equipment during attacks on Towers/Keeps/Castle in order to use up and waste the supplies carried by players. This is an attempt to sabotage the efforts of the Commanders for what ever reason, mainly what I see is an act of “trolling”. An example is when a Commander is leading a group of people and gives instructions for no one to build any siege, “to save supplies for building a Golem” or to save supplies for inner gate, in moments where time is short and a quick capture is needed. Then a rogue player starts dropping a couple of rams then an arrow cart or balista “stacking” etc. etc. Then some players clicking build, build these by mistake, which are not even needed, thus using up supplies, now there is not enough supplies to build a Golem and another supply run is needed.

Whether this is an act of sabotage or simply a person not reading chat, it is still a problem and can cause loss of time needed in order to capture a location if an enemy zerg is closing in fast. There is no way to prove it is someone “trolling” or not. However there is a simple solution to this issue. Imagine a Commanders panel/window that could allow the Commander to set a radius around them-self to which the ability to drop siege equipment could be toggled to “Commanders only [ ]” or “All [ ]”. The radius would be controlled by a slide bar on the Commanders panel. The reason for the ability to adjust the radius would be needed not so much for WvW but rather other areas of the game, such as when attempting to have an accurate count of two separate commanders groups for Guild Missions or whatever. The Commanders panel would also show the count of players within the radius and also give a count of supplies. Another feature of the panel would be a Commanders chat box, where all commanders of a Border Land could plan attacks in secret. The panel could be a simple small box just big enough for a tabbed information/options section at the top and a chat window/text box at the bottom.

I hope you will find this to be as needed as I do and implement these options in some manner.


(edited by Beh.6093)