Showing Posts For Behemoth.9480:

Duplicate Gemstore Skins

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Behemoth.9480


Yes while its true you get a free Transmute out of it, I have probably spent about 2000+ gems on duplicate skins just because I knew I wanted to use them later on but now I have several unopened ones. And I mean a couple of free transmutes definitely would not be equivalent to the amount that a skin or a set costs…

Duplicate Gemstore Skins

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Behemoth.9480


With the announcement that all skins will be account bound with the Wardrobe opening up I was just curious if those of us who have bought duplicate skins or sets will get any kind of compensation since we spent double the gems? For instance I bought 2 Primevil sets and 2 of Marjory’s daggers earlier this week. Now that the Wardrobe is coming out its kind of useless to have 2?

Elonian Wine - Known Issue

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Behemoth.9480


So I guess no gold being returned to the players that bought it at double the price?

Elonian Wine - Known Issue

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Behemoth.9480


I also purchased about ~50 bottles for Lodestone conversions and I didn’t know it had double since I had never done it before. Will there be any kind of compensation or refund?