Showing Posts For Belleal.8941:
I read the sticky and I this part of it immediately caught my attention:
Please also note that the Suggestions sub-forum will not be open permanently. This is a temporary solution until we roll out a better, more organized way to provide suggestions to the development team than using the forums.
I’ve been using the GetSatisfaction web-application for some time and I think something like this could help you out a lot to organize something like this. I don’t say it has to be exactly this software of course – it’s just the only one I know about.
Well, that’s a good news. At least they acknowledge the problem and take some measures to fight it. I am rather skeptical at this moment about how effective these measures will be, but we can always hope for the better.
It was stressed several times already that our help as players regarding this is imperative. If we do not assist ArenaNet in fighting this plague, then we surely cannot expect them to win the fight alone. Even though it might seem that your actions remains unnoticed, you should continue to report abusers. I suspect that currently the volume of reports is so huge that it takes very long to sort it all out. Hopefully with the planned optimizations this process will speed up significantly and we’ll see swifter response to our actions.
Hi guys, I don’t know if anyone suggested this by now, but this solved the empty Sell tab problem for me:
1. Go to …\Users\<your_windows_user_name>\Documents\Guild Wars 2\ (or the equivalent for older versions of Windows)
2. There is a file called Local.dat – delete it and run the patcher again
Hope it helps.