Showing Posts For Ben Lothian.8243:

The King and Queen's Horrorween 2014

in In-game Events

Posted by: Ben Lothian.8243

Ben Lothian.8243

314 for me please. “Ben Lothian” is in game name.

Many thanks.


[TLS] The Legendary Survivors {EU|Aurora}

in Looking for...

Posted by: Ben Lothian.8243

Ben Lothian.8243

Looking for a guild? You might belong here! Whether you are a seasoned MMO veteran, or completely new to the whole MMO thing, if you are looking for a casual-friendly, amicable atmosphere, TLS is the place for you.

The lowdown:

•Small-ish PvE guild on Aurora Glade (European based, 30 or so members overall, normal evenings are 6-12 people online)
•Most active in the evenings across Central European Time timezone
•Regularly run dungeons, fractals, guild missions etc..
•We have a website/forum and TeamSpeak3 server
•New and Veteran players welcome
•Age 16+ preferred (though maturity* is a fair substitute)

The detail:

Are you a Roleplayer who also PvEs and looking for adventure across Tyria? Want to be part of something that could change the lore/history of a community? Join us in our quest across the world that will create stories, songs and legends told and sung through the taverns of Kryta, the Shiverpeaks, Maguuma and Ascalon! All races and professions welcome!

TLS has had been on the GW2 EU Server Aurora Glade since launch. The guild has existed since back in 2006 with the inspiration for the guild being to help others through the GW1 survivor track. A core of players from GW1 remain with the guild today.

We are a semi-casual, traditionally PvE guild that has ran forays into WvW of late and are considering running more raids. We are a close community of players looking to expand both our own horizons as well as that of the guild and are looking for other likeminded mature* individuals.

*By mature we mean relaxed and laid back, yet serious when required, friendly and willing to help others and above all tolerant and willing to compromise when needed.

We prefer and highly encourage guild group play, but we understand that our members can’t take part in every group event. We encourage our members to use guild voice comms (even if only for listening) in game chat and the guild forum as much as possible, so even when you are soloing you will feel you are part of the guild.

What makes us special? In all seriousness, our biggest concerns are compatibility and community. When recruiting, we like to find people who are a good fit for our guild – that means fun, friendly, casual and willingness to be team players. Legendary weapons, map completion, and achievement points are not how we judge applicants – serious, leet-core gamers do not get preferential treatment.

We recruit in small batches, chat with new applicants and like to get to know people better before giving them full membership. We care about whom we recruit knowing that not everyone will fit in our Guild.

In game contacts: Ben Lothian / Katya / Stellar / Qazacolt / Aline rp / Yogo Masako