Showing Highly Rated Posts By Besetment.9187:

wvw is failing

in WvW

Posted by: Besetment.9187


The biggest problem with WvW is the mentality of the people who play it. Faaar too many people have a destructive attitude towards failure.

Since September, 99% of our matchups has followed the same pattern – a bunch of guilds move to a green server who is winning comfortably already, ride the bandwagon up the tiers until it stalls, then hop onto another wagon. Now guilds will openly pay you to jump wagons.

And the forums are clogged with talk about skill and organisation in a game that is played like this? The are many things that can look at on the design level (such as downed state health) but ultimately, they cannot and never have been able to save their game from the people who play it.