Showing Posts For Beshbaliq.3724:
Just going to add my thoughts to the thread, most has been said before, if not all, but hey, not like everyone else has read each and every post here to avoid repeating what has already been said
The Good:
Let me make one thing exceedingly clear: I love the concept. I really do. The Moment A-Net announced it and showed what it was supposed to be, I fell in love with the Idea of what it could be like.
Sadly, that’s about it. The Idea and the execution seem to be worlds apart.
The Bad:
Where to begin. Well, the new weapon is as good a place as any, so here goes:
The Animation for the Sword-Autoattack seems to have been done after some major mechanics where hashed out and people got lazy. It’s the same animation for all elements with a few different particles on top. Considering the vast mountain of already implemented animations for Sword-Attacks, you could have picked those apart and just sprinkled a few new particles on top.
The attacks themself look horrible, as if the person flourishing that sword around has no Idea what is going on and how to wield a sword in the first place. I understand that maybe you wanted to add some special flair to it, make it seem like the Weaver is, I don’t know, weaving the elements with the sword? While I appreciate the sentiment, if that’s where the animations come from at all – please reconsider. Again, you have a treasure treove of animations already in game. Just take some from Guardian, some from Ranger, maybe a bit from Rev and Mesmer, change the particles and you’re good.
On to other things: The GCD on Attunement-Swap is annoying as can be. It takes all the fun out of it. When I first heard about the Weaver, I imagined my Ele at the fronlines, stancedancing like mad, switching from one dual-attunement to the next. Sadly, that’s not what we got.
To change this, maybe remove the GCD and just stick the 3sec cd to the Element you just exited? Basically like base-ele with way shorter cds on attunements. I guess that would help the spec in a big way.
On to the stances.They are fine. Not good, not bad, just fine. I’d love to have some stability and condi-cleanse in there, but oh well, can’t have everything. Won’t be using any of them anytime soon, seeing as the old skills the ele has just seem to be better in any way, Primordial Stance excluded. That one may be worth looking at.
The Elite in itself is amazing, if only for the looks and nothing else. It needs to support Power-Damage in some way. Maybe you could remove the movement-speed on air and replace it with a ferocity-buff, similar to what fire does for condi-damage? That way it would make sense to take it on a power-build. As it stands now, I’d rather take my trusty fire elemental.
The Ugly:
Moving on to old weapons and weaver. I thought that maybe a Backline-Weaver could be a thing. But after trying it for myself I can’t get over how telegraphed these dual-attacks are, Piledriver excluded. Have you seen the Speed of Plasma Blast (which should NOT be traveling on the ground, imo) and Pyroclastic Blast? I could phone my enemy and tell him that those skills are on the way before he’d get hit by them, seeing as they move so slow. They may hit something in WvW, once two zergs meet. Maybe. But that’s about it. Even in PvE, if the enemy doesn’t have a hitbox as big as a world boss or even moves around somewhat – yeah, that can happen – these two are unlikely to hit. Increase the projectile-speed on these two, please.
If these telegraphed attacks weren’t bad enough, they lack the oomph behind them. And not just them. Nothing from the Weaver, no matter which weapon or Dual Attack – they don’t deal any real damage. I get higher numbers with just about any other class and considering that Ele -a class with the lowest armor, lowest base-health- is going into melee-combat (even more so than with daggers) and thus taking the by far biggest risk, it should be rewarded, not punished. Why give us Melee-Weapons if we’re clearly not supposed to use them?
(edited by Beshbaliq.3724)
Revenant: As was stated a couple of times, Rytlock takes the cake on this one, with being the only canon Revenant . Even the pc doesn’t seem to be, seeing as he’s just as baffled by Rytlocks new magic as everyone else
Guardian: This one would go to Logan by default if it wasn’t for the mentioned changes of his body and Braham powering up with that scroll, so now I guess they’re even now, factoring in Logans accumulated experience versus Brahams evolved Combat Style with Longbow
Warrior: Knut Whitebear takes the crown here. It’s not even a competition. He brought Issormor by himself for Norn-PCs to kill. That means he knocked that giant wurm out cold, pulled him from the ground and dragged him up that mountain – all by himself. If that doesn’tz earn him that spot I don’t know what could
Engineer: While Taimi is a strong contester, I got to go with Scarlet here. Even before she got her mind scrambled by Omadds machine, she mastered just about all the knowledge the Asura had to offer, studied just about any relevant topic with the respective grand masters of the different races, then went on to crate a race of her own (the Steam Creatures), built upgraded versions of those later on and yeah, her later technologies just got more and more advanced
Thief: Yeah, Caithe is the only one that really is in for the competition, since there are no other thiefs worth even mentioning in the whole Story of GW2. IF GW1 and Assassins are facvtored in, I’d go with Vizu
Ranger: Eir, for the same reasons as Caithe. There is just no competition worth mentioning
Elementalist: Baelfire. He almost ascended to godhood. No need to elaborate further
Mesmer: Queen Jennah. Pretty much a No-Brainer by now. Even before Living World Season 3, with what she did during the Ogre Revolt
Necromancer: Am I the only one who remembers Trahearne summoning multiple Flesh Golems at once during the Personal Story? Sure, the Lich and Palawa Joko seem powerfull, but the one had the Scepter of Orr, the other couldn’t even subdue his own servants of old alone, because the Ghost of some sort of descendant of his old Rival took over after he got himself chopped up by said Rival, so… not really that impressive on both accounts
IF this Background-Pic we got with the Release of HoT is anything to go by, it will be destroyed sooner than later…
Right now there is no real gear treadmill in the game. You can craft the gear with the best stats (Ascended quality) quite easily, tho some mats are timegated and can only be refined once a day, which you may already be accustomed to, seeing as you’re a former WoW-Player. You can still buy the mats from the Auction House/Trading Post, so you don’t have to wait if you have the gold to just outright buy em. The armor and weapons can’t be traded tho, as they’re Account Bound the moment you craft them.
Legendary gear shares the same stats as ascended gear, the only difference being that you can swap the stats on legendaries with a few clicks at no cost pretty much anywhere, provided you’re out of combat.
ANet may bring in a new quality that surpasses Ascended gear and push legendaries on to that lvl, seeing as they patched in ascended gear after the initial release and pushed legendaries up to that lvl, but seeing as that move wasn’t that well-received back than I kinda doubt it
Guys, there is a pefectly normal explanation for a canthan looking boat outside of cantha. And that is that people originally from cantha moved to and traded with Kryta and all the other human nations (well, maybe except Ascalon, seeing as they walled themselves in pretty good) before that crazy-ass emperor they got after GW1 closed the borders. Which is why we could see some pretty asian looking guys in Kryta and Elona back in GW1.
So yeah, with people with canthan heritage all around the world, why not build a ship looking like they did in the homeland of your ancestors? Nothing really special about it
@OP: Gambling Chest in MMORPGS may be new to you, but let me assure you that they’ve been around for ages.
You seem to be upset about the irl-money one person may need to spend to get any form of perma-contract inf one wants to get one from BLCs.
And what you need to understand is that Arena Net isn’t selling those permanent contracts at ANY price. Not for a single cent. They offer them as random drops in chests you can get keys for in an abundance of ways, most of them actually free of any cost, except the time you put into playing the game anyway.
(edited by Beshbaliq.3724)
This is an engine that is at least five years old, and has to accommodate players on dated computers. Your suggestion doesn’t seem to be very viable.
To be fair, there are quite a few skins – especially the newer ones – that are thicker than Paper or 0 Polygons. At least where it would be visible if otherwise.. So I don’t think that’s really a big issue. Even tho some players play GW2 on dated machines, I don’t believe t hat the added thickness of some trenchcoats or swordblades/ornaments would cause any noticeable performance issues? Do correct me if I’m wrong, but I dare say that this should not be the issue that forces your game to start lagging.
…less paper, more substance!
Hello and good morning, day, evening or night to you all, wherever and whenever you may read this.
A fair warning, wall of text by a non-native-speaker of the english language incoming:
This thread was opened by me with the hope and intention of capturing the attention of someone at Arenanet, so they may read and hopefully pass on to the relevant devs/designers what I’m about to write here.
I’ve been playing GW2 on and off since it’s release, sometimes taking a short break, sometimes a longer one. Now, this isn’t supposed to be heavy criticism, just my plea for less usage of what me and my friends refer to as “Paper-Equipment”. And before anyone makes this claim: yes, I’m running it on a gaming rig that can and does display GW2 in all it’s glory at max. settings while still getting decent FPS
There are countless examples in the Game of either Weapons or Armor being so thin that you may not even notice they even exist if looking from some point of view. There are the Chains from the new Marjory-Outfit, some Metal-Plates from several sets of heavy armor and while it may be ok for “armor” that’s made out of cloth to be thin, it should at least be there if I look at it from a different angle than the standard position of the Camera. I may be obsessing over some small details, but I find it really depressing to note such small things.
Why not simply make them that small bit bigger? You’re animating them in a way so they seem to be there if looked at from vertain points of view, why not simply put them there in the first place?
Please ANet, stop using Paper while crafting weapons and armor and use the real stuff!
TL:DR: No more parts for Armor or Weapons that are only “1 Pixel / Paperthin” in width
Actually, in one of the story instances (What the Eye Behonds) Trahearne says the following:
These airships are the Pact’s crowning achievement: a combination of asura, charr, and human technology.
The Pact developed these airships so that we might fight Zhaitan from every possible angle: land, sea, and now air.
Thanks for clearing that up. Still not clear on what the humans could have contributed with the technology they usually display, seeing as that is far inferior to either Charr or Asura. The Idea with the ballons maybe, seeing as they are the onlyones to use those (Queen’s Jubilee / Attack on Lion’s Arch)?
You know. i would be pleased if they would show us some of the logisitics.
For all we know, we just suddenly have a fleet of ships, but we don`t know where they are manufactured.
We don`t know anything on how the pact is getting things.
Just that the orders pitched together.We donĀ“t know if they established an HQ, we don`t know where they build their stuff, we don`t know much about their inner workings.
We only went to their forward bases and then poof we saw their toys in action.
Did they take over scarlets facilities?
Did we occupy their airships (even though the pact didn`t take care of Scarlet, but the lionsguard.)?
Did the order build them?By all means, they could still have a ground based army, full of Charr-battle machinery somwhere on the border, ready for another ED, as they wouldn`t have worked for the jungle.
While flying is nice, riding an armored tank of destruction or driving through the desert on some cool Charr-bikes, would be awesome (Coming with the desert expansion Motorcross-Bikes , only available in the dersert region)
Well, from what I gathered, the first batch of airships was actually built by the pact over at Fort Trinity (which I always thought of as the HQ). I vaguely remember touring the Fort for the first time, being led to the Airship docked there and told it was the latest stuff in charr-technology. And later, in the Arah story instance, when you get rescued by Logan on the new flagship which seemed to be created by combining the technoloies of all the races (except maybe Norns/Humans. These don’t seem to contribute much on that front).
Where the fleet came from, well… that’s a whole lot of guesswork. Maybe the pact build them over the course of two years since the defeat of Zhaitan, seeing as they managed to build that flagship in what, a few weeks? Didn’t seem much longer from Claw Island to Orr to Zhaitan, two Months at best? If so, two years should be enough for the twentysomething airships the “Fleet” seemed to consist of, seeing as they could now build from existing plans/blueprints.
And yeah, driving one of those tanks or the pact-enhanced version would be cool. Or, if we do it HoT-Style, we could get a new “vehicle-mastery” akin to the glider, just for the desert. So much possibilities…
Another thing to consider with Kralkatorrik as the next ED to take down is Logistics. With the Pact Fleet out of comission, I don’t really see us leading an Army against Jormag, crossing Mountain Pathways and glaciers or frozen lakes. Ofcourse that’s assuming we don’t have a new fleet of Aurships at our disposal but even if we do – with Jormags sphere being Ice, I wouldn’t rule out that he or his more powerfull minions can crate things like Snowstorms or Blizzards, especially while looking at the Frozen Maw and the Storms summoned by the Elemental/Shaman
So Air is a No-No with that one if we want to keep our new, shiny fleet we may be getting back.
Kralk on the other hand seems to be focusing on Elona/the desert, which can be reached pretty easily as far as we know. And I’m not only talking about Soldiers marching or Airships flying – think about the huge Tanks of the Charr, those seem nice enough for a joyride down south.
Sure, Kralk could have flown off to who knows where and may even now be stirring up trouble in Cantha, but given ANets storytelling so far, I’d rule that out and put my money on Kralk being somek*tten near the Desert/Elona
i did not buy raiding game …
Yes you did. You bought such a game with HoT. They announced long before release that raids would be added and that said raids would have unique rewards that are unobtainable anywhere else.
So why are you whining now? Did you just preorder HoT before any content was known? That’s your fault. You could preorder as late as some hours before release.
You don’t go to any car dealer, “pre-order” next years convertible without getting any information on it and then rage around like “I thought it would get from 0 to 200mp/h in 2 seconds, you betrayed me…”
Seriously, do you guys even read what you write?
the raiding with full info announced last, few weeks before the lunch…not including data mining and speculations.
wait a minute you are saying you do not know when Anet constantly advertising non traditional mmo.
interesting how fanboy defending this at least ask anet to give you some money or something because if you defend them on your own then get life.
they lied they added traditional stuff to the game.
you read what you write before defending a company that advertised their game as non raiding non traditional game for 3 years and few weeks before the lunch suddenly announce raiding is coming.Please never edit your post. It’s hilarious.
i wont because anet said there will be challenging content never directly and officially said it is raiding with legendary armor.
as matter of fact people who were asking is expansion worth the price they were asking what is this challenging stuff exactly even wooden potato had video about it just soon after pre order announcement and asking what is this challenging was speculation and no official announcement.
now that person saying anet announced raiding months before with detail..where is the source??The source? Here:
Announced on the same day that they announced the F2P-Model, at Pax East. So where exactly is your point?omg do you have reading issue,you can not read dates.
first you said months before release now you link announcement made few weeks before release.
really?? you can not read dates?? you do have issue with numbers READ THE DATE OF ANNOUNCEMENT.
never say months before release again because that is lie.Maybe you should read my post again? Never said anything about months, that was you. I only wrote they announced it “long before release” – a month before release counts as long before, at least in my book. So maybe just maybe, don’t throw arround insults about reading issues while having those issues yourself
long before in your book is one month??
then 6months is like years to you and years is like centuries to you…hmmm that explain you now i get are good man be happy
Yup, one month before release is long if I can still “pre-order” 6 to 12 hours before release. The fact that they announced it almost 2 months before release gave people more than enough time to contact ANet so as to cancel any existing pre-order if they wanted to.
i did not buy raiding game …
Yes you did. You bought such a game with HoT. They announced long before release that raids would be added and that said raids would have unique rewards that are unobtainable anywhere else.
So why are you whining now? Did you just preorder HoT before any content was known? That’s your fault. You could preorder as late as some hours before release.
You don’t go to any car dealer, “pre-order” next years convertible without getting any information on it and then rage around like “I thought it would get from 0 to 200mp/h in 2 seconds, you betrayed me…”
Seriously, do you guys even read what you write?
the raiding with full info announced last, few weeks before the lunch…not including data mining and speculations.
wait a minute you are saying you do not know when Anet constantly advertising non traditional mmo.
interesting how fanboy defending this at least ask anet to give you some money or something because if you defend them on your own then get life.
they lied they added traditional stuff to the game.
you read what you write before defending a company that advertised their game as non raiding non traditional game for 3 years and few weeks before the lunch suddenly announce raiding is coming.Please never edit your post. It’s hilarious.
i wont because anet said there will be challenging content never directly and officially said it is raiding with legendary armor.
as matter of fact people who were asking is expansion worth the price they were asking what is this challenging stuff exactly even wooden potato had video about it just soon after pre order announcement and asking what is this challenging was speculation and no official announcement.
now that person saying anet announced raiding months before with detail..where is the source??The source? Here:
Announced on the same day they announced the F2P-Model, at Pax. So where exactly is your point?That post was on the 29th of August. HoTS was released just under two months later on the 23rd of October. Leaving out such an important detail until just two months before launch, after having the game on Prepurchase for quite a while is not really what I’d consider giving players much notice, especially for a game that never had raids for 3 years.
Again, if you pre-order without having all the informations, than that’s your fault, and nobody elses. Sure, you could pre-order way before they announced raids, but then again, you could still “pre-order” just some hours before release. So if you bought a package without knowing what’s inside and end up don’t liking it, don’t blame the one who sold it to you, blame yourself for not checking the contents.
And yes, it is as simple as that.
i did not buy raiding game …
Yes you did. You bought such a game with HoT. They announced long before release that raids would be added and that said raids would have unique rewards that are unobtainable anywhere else.
So why are you whining now? Did you just preorder HoT before any content was known? That’s your fault. You could preorder as late as some hours before release.
You don’t go to any car dealer, “pre-order” next years convertible without getting any information on it and then rage around like “I thought it would get from 0 to 200mp/h in 2 seconds, you betrayed me…”
Seriously, do you guys even read what you write?
the raiding with full info announced last, few weeks before the lunch…not including data mining and speculations.
wait a minute you are saying you do not know when Anet constantly advertising non traditional mmo.
interesting how fanboy defending this at least ask anet to give you some money or something because if you defend them on your own then get life.
they lied they added traditional stuff to the game.
you read what you write before defending a company that advertised their game as non raiding non traditional game for 3 years and few weeks before the lunch suddenly announce raiding is coming.Please never edit your post. It’s hilarious.
i wont because anet said there will be challenging content never directly and officially said it is raiding with legendary armor.
as matter of fact people who were asking is expansion worth the price they were asking what is this challenging stuff exactly even wooden potato had video about it just soon after pre order announcement and asking what is this challenging was speculation and no official announcement.
now that person saying anet announced raiding months before with detail..where is the source??The source? Here:
Announced on the same day that they announced the F2P-Model, at Pax East. So where exactly is your point?omg do you have reading issue,you can not read dates.
first you said months before release now you link announcement made few weeks before release.
really?? you can not read dates?? you do have issue with numbers READ THE DATE OF ANNOUNCEMENT.
never say months before release again because that is lie.
Maybe you should read my post again? Never said anything about months, that was you. I only wrote they announced it “long before release” – a month before release counts as long before, at least in my book. So maybe just maybe, don’t throw arround insults about reading issues while having those issues yourself
i did not buy raiding game …
Yes you did. You bought such a game with HoT. They announced long before release that raids would be added and that said raids would have unique rewards that are unobtainable anywhere else.
So why are you whining now? Did you just preorder HoT before any content was known? That’s your fault. You could preorder as late as some hours before release.
You don’t go to any car dealer, “pre-order” next years convertible without getting any information on it and then rage around like “I thought it would get from 0 to 200mp/h in 2 seconds, you betrayed me…”
Seriously, do you guys even read what you write?
the raiding with full info announced last, few weeks before the lunch…not including data mining and speculations.
wait a minute you are saying you do not know when Anet constantly advertising non traditional mmo.
interesting how fanboy defending this at least ask anet to give you some money or something because if you defend them on your own then get life.
they lied they added traditional stuff to the game.
you read what you write before defending a company that advertised their game as non raiding non traditional game for 3 years and few weeks before the lunch suddenly announce raiding is coming.Please never edit your post. It’s hilarious.
i wont because anet said there will be challenging content never directly and officially said it is raiding with legendary armor.
as matter of fact people who were asking is expansion worth the price they were asking what is this challenging stuff exactly even wooden potato had video about it just soon after pre order announcement and asking what is this challenging was speculation and no official announcement.
now that person saying anet announced raiding months before with detail..where is the source??
The source? Here:
Announced on the same day they announced the F2P-Model, at Pax. So where exactly is your point?
(edited by Beshbaliq.3724)
i did not buy raiding game …
Yes you did. You bought such a game with HoT. They announced long before release that raids would be added and that said raids would have unique rewards that are unobtainable anywhere else.
So why are you whining now? Did you just preorder HoT before any content was known? That’s your fault. You could preorder as late as some hours before release.
You don’t go to any car dealer, “pre-order” next years convertible without getting any information on it and then rage around like “I thought it would get from 0 to 200mp/h in 2 seconds, you betrayed me…”
Seriously, do you guys even read what you write?
Hey all.
1: The creation of ‘Challenging Content’ should not be taken to unreasonable extremes.
Now, don’t get me wrong, it’s not challenging content in itself that I do not like. In fact, I love challenging content. But what I don’t like is when the completion of challenging content is not dependent on my own skills, but rather the skills of 9 other players who I have to hope are incredibly competent… ~snip~
This is pretty much where I stopped reading. Last time I checked, this game was still labled as MMORPG – Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Game. I stress the 2nd word: multiplayer, as in multiple players. More than one.. Raids are not for Solo-Players. They have never been and will never be aimed at this group of players.
So if you’re a solo-player – get over it. If you aren’t, get a good guild.
Something that worked really well for me was to use Valkyrie on Chest and Legs and use Berserker-Gear everywhere else. With the Reaper-Traits and a little bit of soul-reaping, one can easily stack vulnerabilty on enemies, which in turn gives crit-chance without the need of Dexterity. Sure, more dex = even more crit-chance, but I like to have a pool of roughly 40k Health if I combine Shroud and regular HP. Makes me feel even more like a monster. Kind of ustoppable, wading through hordes of enemies without stopping or dropping
Personally, I’m quite happy with the size of the scythe. Seems like my Necro could slash up dozens of foes with it each time he swings that thing around. And regarding our as of now rather limited AoE from simple weapon skills, that makes me really happy.
My Feedback regarding the Reaper: overall I’m quite happy with the Skills and changes from BW1.
Still, a little bit more Life Force generation couldn’t hurt. Not that much, just increase the % on the Auto-Attack Chain by 1% with each swing and we’d be golden, I think.
Nightfall could use some changes so that either the skill starts with a higher radius and doesn’t grow as much, or that the skill itself moves with the character, which would be even better.
If you’d consider option 2, the skill could remain at the starting size it is now.
Death Spiral could use a slight damage boost. Nothing to drastic, just a slight tweak so it doesn’t feel as if it’s only there for the vulnerability and life force.
Your Soul Is Mine could do with Insta Cast. It’s not that strong a heal, if compared to others and while the Life Force is a “Nice to Have”-Thing, the damage is totally neglectable.
Also, please let us use these Shouts – especially the Elite one – underwater.
I can’t think of any other class with this restriction and Ele, who also gets shouts, can use those while submerged – so please, consider giving us these skills for underwater-use, so as to not let Necros be the only class not capable of this.
Another small addition that I noticed and that probably isn’t that high on the list of things to do: tweak the particles for all the GS-Skills regarding the Use of a Legendary GS. While I have to say that the usual effects are really well made, the few Particles for Legendary-Use that are in place do feel kind of klunky. For Nightfall, instead of the green swirl, you could use whatever window is used for the Legendary in place. As for the pull on #5: skip the throwing swrods, but color the “Fangs” the same way as the blade of the sword. Skill #2 + #3 could also use some color-adjustement on skill use while wielding a legendary, as could #1, the whole chain. Just skip the green and add the whole window-trail-thingy.
Most likely not a high priority thing, but I bet it would make a lot of players really happy. I know a few who went ahead and forged Twilight/Eternity and even Sunrise just for the Reaper (including myself).
(edited by Beshbaliq.3724)
Same here, can’t really create a character this way as the “overall look” just isn’t available to me, since I tend to favor large characters. Their heads just go through the upper border of the creation-screen and disappear unless I zoom in, hence the missing overall-look.
Only way to properly create a character is the total makeover kit, but that isn’t really a solution, more of a somewhat expensive workaround.
Well, that explains a lot, actually. Thanks
…for maximum damage?
Hey guys.
I’ve leveled up a pure Hammer-Guardian before and am currently leveling my 2nd Guard, this time with GS. I’m currently lvl 40 with her, but have yet to manage to actually hit a foe for the full, “advertised” damage of Whirling Wrath.
I know, turn off the melee attack assist and step inside the enemy. Thing is, it doesn’t work (aside from really big enemies like, for example, oakhearts – which only works if I don’t have aggro).
I usually step up to the enemy or just use Leap of Faith or Judge’s Intervention if I’m lazy, but as soon as I step inside the enemy and start Whirling Wrath, the enemy gets pushed back. Now I know that I can move while using WW, but still I can’t seem to get it right. My tooltip tells me that I can deal around 650 Damage with it, but I usually end up with something around 260 to 360 (the latter with crits) points of damage – which is, ofcourse, just a fraction of w hat this skill is capable of, as far as my tooltip goes.
May seem low for my lvl, but I’m completing the lvl 15-25 Zones right now, one after the other, as I aim to get 100% with this toon anyway, so what the heck.
So, what am I doing wrong? It’s really starting to get on my nerves but somehow I can’t seem to find anything on it, except for the above mentioned method.
Help me out here, guys