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2v2s are coming?

in PvP

Posted by: Bhagwan.1784


This is so saddening and maddening, why add a 2v2 map without a queue? How is it different that what we have today already?

The feedback is overwhelming yet they do this half a job add a map no queue and a statement that “2v2 won’t ever be supported” for the final buzz kill.

Why ANet why? I really wanna play this game sometimes but NotLikeThis

2v2 is the only chance for me actually playing pvp in this game, just the thought of another conquest season with horrible matchmaking and having to play vs top 10 at silver cuz no population is giving me cancer already.

No ICD on Empowering Might?

in Guardian

Posted by: Bhagwan.1784


Or did I get this wrong?
Does this mean a guardian can be a solid might stacker?

Did you know...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Bhagwan.1784


That if you stand with one leg on higher ground your toon is gonna do this?
So much thought was put into these little things that just make the game so beautiful, chapeau ANet


S/D Thief Solo Roaming Video - Beyond B

in Thief

Posted by: Bhagwan.1784


Simply amazing… I wouldn’t survive 5 secs vs an entire group of who knows how many where there at the end lol
Is this your twitch channel?

Review my WvW solo roam build?

in Thief

Posted by: Bhagwan.1784


Now with a bit more experience under my belt I actually changed the build to 2/0/6/0/6 with all zerk accessories:

I find that the extra HP doesn’t really help me much when I make mistakes so I bettet kill them quicker lol, also people play much worse being on the defensive – take them down to 50% on first burst and it’s a whole other game…
Before I have 5/5 guard stacks I may use 2 soldier rings but I change them to zerk/valk as soon as I have the stacks and have 16.5k hp this way which I feel is fine.

I underestimated the 6 on trickery and daze on steal previously but I find it absolutely necessary vs certain classes it just interrupts everything in an emergency (guardian whirling wrath as a good example) and just overall amazing trait with lower recharge, I feel I need much less dodges this way and I also have sword 3 for extra evade, for roam speed I just switch BP with signet of shadows for running distances.

As for cloaked in shadows I feel it saves me every single time when I go stealth and see misses around me of peops hammering my last seen spot or my shadow refuge area, haven’t really tested lower CD on deception (master of deception) – might try that.

The way I use this build is I open on S/D with basilisk, burst as much as I can evade a bit mess with their minds with jukes and when I’m ready to go for the kill (HP <50%) I switch to D/P for full on close combat melee with tons of blinds and when they are really close to dead I start using HS, before that I just use shadow shot, p5 / auto and steals.
If I’m fighting a group or another thief I find sword much better to pin them down and cleave better inside refuge, basically just experience experience until your fingeres go auto mode and you don’t have to think which skill/combo to use

I can post my skill rotations for bursts / gap closing / emergency exit if anyone is interested.

Review my WvW solo roam build?

in Thief

Posted by: Bhagwan.1784


Helly, this build is meant to be 100% selfish solo roaming fun if I want to roam with a group and provide team support I just use my guard or war – both excellent for that purpose, Thief IMO is meant to be solo assassin style able to vanish into thin air when he wants to.
Hell even ANet describes thief as “Experts at stealth and surprise, thieves can move through the shadows, vanish into thin air” – but I guess to each his own.
As Ario said me being a nub thief all SA is giving me is basically some room for error, I still notice my mistakes when my health goes down too quickly, without it I just become discouraged from being 2-3 shot especially when someone gets the first hit on me or die too much and have to run again from the wp – what fun is that?
Anyways thanks for the feedback.
Btw Ario I’ve been playing diff weapon sets for a while now and I think I’m gonna settle on s/d d/p – after getting used to the style of combat d/p feels much strong than p/d for finishing off the opponent with HS.
I’m still conflicted as for dagger storm vs basilisk venom for the elite, dagger storm inside P5 or against rangers especially just feels too good

Review my WvW solo roam build?

in Thief

Posted by: Bhagwan.1784


Helly, I guess it’s more of a philosophical debate on thief play style, I personally like it assassin creed style, for the in your face active playstyle I have a war and medi guard.
And TBH, for now it’s not like I have a choice the 6 in SA saved my life every single time lol

Review my WvW solo roam build?

in Thief

Posted by: Bhagwan.1784


Thank you for the thoughtful answers guys.

Doug, yes I def I went a bit more defensive than necessary as I wanted to feel safer a bit being kinda new to all glass cannon build but I think you guys are right, dead opponent is more important than being a bit more tanky :-)

Ario, I tried d/p as main and loved it too in some cases but felt s/d was safer for me with the evades and the teleports, as for having it as 2nd set I tried that too but p/d proved itself great for me as 2nd set when I’m against classes I don’t know their skills so well or if I wanna go a bit on the defensive, p3 is also great as a quick gap opener while doing dmg.
You and Doug basically said the same (about the solider pcs/crit chance) but I think I’ll stay with 2 valk/4 zerk as I want this set to be PVE as well, eventually if I get to the same stats with accessories/weps (armor being only 50% or so from stats) I don’t think it would matter which armor I chose, isn’kitten
I’m gonna take the trait change you suggested for a test drive, I sometimes run out of initiative as I’m not super efficient, I also thought about changing the stealth speed trait to the vigor region one as I already have 25% speed from pack runes but both of these traits comes from me wanting an “exit” from the fight – stealth, blind the enemy and run run run LOL

Mompen, I tried everything even S/P, I liked it too but S3 felt like I was a warrior doing 100b or maybe I was doing it wrong, plus no cloak on demand on that set gonna be kinda hard for me being kinda nub

Review my WvW solo roam build?

in Thief

Posted by: Bhagwan.1784


Hi guys,

There are no infusions or food on purpose as I’m unsure yet what to use.

I’ve been playing war/guard so far and been struggling with thief first few days being so squishy with no room for error and was getting my kitten handed to me way too many times but after lots of practice in pvp and WvW I’m kinda settled on s/d p/d – I didn’t really connect with SB and while I do realize p/d is mostly for condi I managed to get some nice kills on p/d with this build. I had some fun with D/P P/D but I really liked the sword cleave and the infiltrator strike/return, I do miss the blinds tho…

My questions:

1. S/D P/D thoughts?
2. Since I wanna minimize ascended armor crafting what do you think of the 2 Valkyrie / 4 Zerker (as I wanna use same armor in PVE as well)? Would you use more valk/pvt?
3. Is 33% crit high enough for s/d thief?
4. What do you think of the 2/0/6/3/3 vs 2/0/6/0/6 – I really like the dodge speed for WvW and endurance return for constant evade – can I live without the steal daze & boon strip (note sword 3 LS is also boon strip)?