Showing Posts For BigHammer.5367:

Why Do We Hate Rangers?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: BigHammer.5367


Three words: Point. Blank. Shot.

I should also mention I’m primarily a PvE player and play a lot of fractals and dungeons, where stacking both the party and the mobs is standard. I see far too many bearbow rangers that love to just hit all their skills regardless of what’s going on, and PBS just loves to knock enemies out of all of the carefully stacked AoE, or out of range of the melee classes, etc.

It’s supremely frustrating, but it’s more to do with PvE content not challenging the average Ranger to become a better player before this point in the game.

I don’t want rid of the skill or anything, I just have a personal grudge against the players that spam it regardless in PvE content.

Can we not have the wings require 500?

in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath

Posted by: BigHammer.5367


You can safely choose your stats and upgrade later, I did. It’s only transmuting that prevents upgrades (ie, changing its appearance).