Showing Posts For BigPopov.9743:
I’m not sure if some of you realize this, but just because one person on one huge server posts something doesn’t automatically make it true. (in reference to there being an official alliance against EB and we’re all now out to get them for no good reason)
I guess this is EB’s “thing,” the victim mentality. Everyone’s out to get them. When they had a huge lead, poor us! And now that TC has a extremely small lead (which can be overrun in less than an hour), they’re really the victims!
Here’s the thing, having played Maguuma for over a week now, they do what they want.
The 24 hour wait time was to fix people from jumping server to server to farm orach materials quickly. It won’t do anything for RvR
LOL at all the Dragonbrand that are like we’re so good, see our squads using all these tactics, all skill son.
Queue data was released. Needs no explaining what happened in this matchup.