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Gold missing from Inventory [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Bigtalon.5827


I guess I’ll just say goodbye to my 8 gold, and start earning it all over again.

It shows in my transaction history that I bought the items, but it has been over 48 hours and they are still not in my pickup tab.

I might just have to say goodbye to the game and go play something else. Having the tools to fix disasters like this is crucial to games like this and it appears Anet is performing without, umm, a net.

Do devs even know about this yet? All I can seem to find is posts from CMs basically saying it’s probably “our” fault still. I don’t have much confidence this won’t happen again. Problems are going to happen occasionally. I understand. But it’s appeared to have happened several times all ready and the response has been “nothing we can do, tough luck, sorry.”

I don’t think the Devs know about this at all, As Gaile said this “So I’d like to be sure I don’t ask for dev time unless there’s a real issue….” Apparently all these reports don’t make it a real issue yet :P

Gold missing from Inventory [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Bigtalon.5827


I have checked ALL my accounts, None of them have my missing money “Why would they though right ? I only play on 1,” Its been over 24 hours since I lost my gold, so the wait a few hours and It will be back theory is also thrown out the window. It is crazy that you guys keep acting like its our fault, This is a glitch in your system, and it needs to be addressed immediately, because I forsee a mass loss of players when Mists comes out if this isn’t fixed, No1 wants to play agame where everything they earned is taken from them, and then the only response is, well its your fault we have a perfect game!

Responses like this will get you nowhere. Perhaps it is a lesson that you’ll learn as you grow older and experience the way of the world, but I’ll give you a tip….

The general rule of thumb is this:

If you’re in the position where you would like someone to help you out with something then the last thing you should do is spew anger and negativity at them

I bet if you went back and read your post you’d realize how you were probably so frustrated at the situation that you made a few mistakes yourself.


“I have checked ALL my accounts, None of them have my missing money “Why would they though right ? I only play on 1”

when in reality Gaile said

“Check all your characters.”


“you guys keep acting like its our fault”

when nowhere in her post did Gaile say it is our fault


“the only response is, well its your fault we have a perfect game!”

where was this said?

We are all in the same boat. It’s best to stay calm and give the facts….

Its because they give responses like this:

“Hey, I have some really interesting info for you. We have not been able to find a single case of gold going missing from an account unless:
It was hacked
The account holder is not considering that gold is based on characters and not the account, is looking for gold in storage instead of on a specific character
If things look normal but you feel you are missing gold, check all your characters and I bet the vast majority of you will find you do have the gold, after all, just on a different character.
If you think you may have been hacked, please change your password immediately and contact Support for assistance.”

Basically saying hey its not our fault it has to be yours, but the thing of it is that this happened to far to many people for it not to be a problem, and even Gaile said they don’t want to contact the dev team unless its a real issue, but it is quite clear that this is a real issue, and our tickets our being ignored, our problem is not being addressed, so where stuck here being frustrated with no answers because it isn’t being reported where it needs to be. This has been going on for atleast 2 weeks, and yet the devs don’t even know about it ?

Gold missing from Inventory [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Bigtalon.5827


I’ll post some tips again, because they helped a LOT of players, and also share some info. Your gold is not across your account, but on each character. Sometimes when a player looks in each character individually he/she finds the “missing” gold on another character. I hope you’ll give this a try.

Additionally, what we’re finding is that sometimes there is lag in a transaction — not just a few seconds, but occasionally an hour or more! So before assuming that the issue is permanent:

  • Check all your characters.
  • Log out of the game completely.
  • Check again several hours later.
  • Be aware that even if you cancel a transaction, you will still be dinged for the 15% fee, so that that into account when calculating what you should have.

Having said all that, we should be able to look at logs and see if we can figure out what happened. But the reason I’m offering the suggestions above is that we’ve done some of that research and we’ve found the player got his gold or stuff and all is well. So I’d like to be sure I don’t ask for dev time unless there’s a real issue.

I’ll speak with our expert on this subject and get an update on this.

I have checked ALL my accounts, None of them have my missing money “Why would they though right ? I only play on 1,” Its been over 24 hours since I lost my gold, so the wait a few hours and It will be back theory is also thrown out the window. It is crazy that you guys keep acting like its our fault, This is a glitch in your system, and it needs to be addressed immediately, because I forsee a mass loss of players when Mists comes out if this isn’t fixed, No1 wants to play agame where everything they earned is taken from them, and then the only response is, well its your fault we have a perfect game!

Gold missing from Inventory [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Bigtalon.5827


Gaile is still pointing people making similar threads to this one, so they do have their eye on it, though another ANet post here would be comforting.

>.< she is also telling us we were all hacked.. see her post in this thread.

I was online the whole time that’s not possible. Just suddenly when I went to a shop to sell junk a gold or so was missing from my inventory.

Ya… 100s of people hacked all at once right lol, If that is the truth, then that would mean there servers where compromised, So either they A. Got hacked, or B. Have a glitch, Either way its there fault and we should be given our money back!

Gold missing from Inventory [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Bigtalon.5827


@Shy Ya thats whats happening to all of us, We ordered items, Did not recieve the items, but yet after the TP went down, it vacuumed up our money… and the lack of response or assistance is appalling.

Gold missing from Inventory [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Bigtalon.5827


Sarlack that is almost exactly my same problem, The TP came back up, Im like oh ya I can buy stuff now, Put in about an 8g order, It then comes back and says my order didn’t match what they had or something, Then I check my pick-up, nothing there, But my moneys fine. I go to bed, Wake up, and ALL my moneys gone, TP is down, and nothing is waiting in pick-up. To this moment, I still have had NO RESPONSE from support and my money is STILL GONE. I think they realized they made a huge mistake, and don’t know ho wto fix it, so they just ignore it… The support for this game is by far the WORST I have EVER SEEN on any game I have played, and believe you me I have played alot, Doom, Heretic, Hexen, Wolfenstein 3D… ya thats when I started gaming.

Worst part is, they keep saying we must have gotten ourselves hacked…. Even put out a big article on security from hackers “” Who wants to bet that they got compromised, and try to spin it of like we got ourselves hacked, and its not there fault…. 90% chance that GW2 servers where compromised, and thats what happened if we did get hacked. No way 1000s of people get hacked at he EXACT SAME TIME, and its not there fault its ours… GET REAL!

Has anyone got a response from a support ticket about this matter yet ? IF you do get a response, please share, as They seem to be ignoring the entire playerbase currently.

(edited by Bigtalon.5827)

Gold missing from Inventory [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Bigtalon.5827


Thats the problem Mooshke they DON’T CARE, they have already said That this is all OUR FAULTS, and that they are in no way to blame for this, and that no matter what they WILL NOT return our gold… So if you think your going to get anything back, you won’t they say they won’t give you crap back.

Gold missing from Inventory [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Bigtalon.5827


so, Trading post is Back up, All my money still gone… YAY!….

Gold missing from Inventory [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Bigtalon.5827


Ok, so all the GW2 staff has said, is that “Its not an issue on there end….” Yet there is 100s of people with this EXACT problem “Me included.” The Trading Post has been down for almost 2 days straight now… So your saying 100s of people where hacked ? Well if that is the case, Then that means YOUR servers have been compromised, because theres no way 100s of people are hacked out of the blue, unless it was your servers that where hacked. So… Our possibilies are: A. Someone hacked ArenaNet Servers, and stole our info / and thusly robbed our accounts, or B. The TP Glitched up and stole all our money… Worst part is only response we can get is “Its not our fault its yours!”… Ya sure

Serious Problem with Precision

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Bigtalon.5827


Something is terribly bugged with precision and Crit chance, or Minor runes of the ranger, I’m not sure which but here is whats going on. I have 2 armor sets, 1 set is level 17 +precision gear for a ranger, In them I have Minor Runes of Infiltration “They give +6 Precision, and +1% Dmg to foes under 50% Health,” The other set is Also Level 17 +Precision gear for a ranger, In them though, I have Minor Runes of the Ranger “They give +10 Precision, and +1% Crit Damage.” I have 6, With all them on, and 3% Crit damage from my traits, I have a total of 5% crit damage “should be 8.” This could be a cap, not a bug Idk. But! When I am wearing my items with the +6 Precision runes, I have a total of 46% crit chance, and +122 to precision, With my items with the +10 Precision runes, I have a total of 44% Crit chance, and +116 to precision… So with less + Precision Items, I have higher crit chance and higher precision, this doesn’t make sense.