Like many others, I don’t have an issue with the fact that Anet are choosing to release a lot of BL Skins. It’s that simple fact that one does not have time to act as each new set is released.
I really liked the Merciless set when it came out, so I started ‘farming tickets’ through map completion/LW/HoT Story to get enough tickets to at least cover the cost of a couple of skins, and saved up gold to buy the other weapon skins that I wanted from that set. Alas, after many, many hours and many, many evenings and many, many gems (yes, I even bought keys on the gemstore) I wasn’t able to complete a single ticket before the price of the Merciless set went up to two tickets. So thanks for that Anet. You’ve left me feeling pretty bitter about Wintersday this year.
Anet, either slow down with the releases, or keep the prices at one ticket for the same amount of time that you used to, so that those of us that can still be bothered to try and get tickets from Black Lion Chests, actually have the time for RNG to do its thing. At this point, I’m almost convinced that full claim tickets have been completely removed from the loot tables…