Showing Posts For Birdflu.8120:

Abbadons Mouth Vs Gandara Vs Riverside

in WvW

Posted by: Birdflu.8120


I have a joke guys… Please don’t take this too serious, it’s all in good fun.

-How many Riversiders does it take to change a lightbulb?



Ssenz – Mesmer – Semper Dius [Dius] (R.I.P) – Gandara

(edited by Birdflu.8120)

Female WvWers

in WvW

Posted by: Birdflu.8120


In todays world I guess we are not allowed to joke about anything.

Let me just link you a funny old movieclip with Mel Brooks

Ssenz – Mesmer – Semper Dius [Dius] (R.I.P) – Gandara

Female WvWers

in WvW

Posted by: Birdflu.8120


Gj Anet… Show those jokers (me) that jokes will not be tolerated. facepalm

Talk about feminists getting too much power when they can have jokes removed without entering the forums, or even reading the actual joke

I got the impression people found it rather funny.

But I guess there is allways the odd chance that someone, somewhere will be offended. And we all know we must isolate the world with plenty of cotton so that noone EVER will get a bit hurt :’(

Ssenz – Mesmer – Semper Dius [Dius] (R.I.P) – Gandara

Riverside VS Gandara VS Aurora Glade [EU T4]

in WvW

Posted by: Birdflu.8120


Yer that’s one game breaking exploit they’re using, you go boy and tell them what you think!

I think I just did…. Kiddo!

Ssenz – Mesmer – Semper Dius [Dius] (R.I.P) – Gandara

Riverside VS Gandara VS Aurora Glade [EU T4]

in WvW

Posted by: Birdflu.8120


Maybe I’m a bit tired and more sensitive to this s**t than normal, but this kind of behaviour just makes me so darn-diddly-irritated.

Well if it is irritating for you maybe you should stop shooting at people with an invulnerability buff i guess.

I was shooting so I would get the invulnerability showing.

What do you expect from that guild ?

To play fair and square.

When you are outnumbered you use what you have at your disposal.

Even if that is true, we were the outnumbered ones.

These safe spots exists since the beginning and as long as Arenanet decides that this shouldn´t be fixed (which they should imo) it will be used against opponents.

Not by everyone, not by me.
I’d rather die with my sword in hand than live holding my ballsack.
Also, do you know what else has been there since the beginning.
Adapt strategy?!

So please stop to make it look like using an exploit and invest your time in adapting your strategy to deal with such a situation.

I should stop making exploits look like exploits?!
Yeah, that makes alot of sense…

Ssenz – Mesmer – Semper Dius [Dius] (R.I.P) – Gandara

Riverside VS Gandara VS Aurora Glade [EU T4]

in WvW

Posted by: Birdflu.8120


Lords Of Thunder[LoT] from Aurora Glade when they know they can’t fight for s**t.
“Run for the ‘glitch’ boys!!”

There is alot more of them on that hill (maybe not all from [LoT]), but since we have this new and, ehm, ‘improved’ culling, screenshot didn’t catch them all.

Way to go [LoT], way to go…. * shakes head *

Maybe I’m a bit tired and more sensitive to this s**t than normal, but this kind of behaviour just makes me so darn-diddly-irritated.


Ssenz – Mesmer – Semper Dius [Dius] (R.I.P) – Gandara

Culling Poll: 1327 votes 23% Better 64% Worse

in WvW

Posted by: Birdflu.8120


Worse. Much worse.

Ssenz – Mesmer – Semper Dius [Dius] (R.I.P) – Gandara

Show us your Mesmer!

in Mesmer

Posted by: Birdflu.8120


My little rascal slacking for a min in wvw.


Ssenz – Mesmer – Semper Dius [Dius] (R.I.P) – Gandara

Gandara Vs Aurora Vs Dzagonur

in WvW

Posted by: Birdflu.8120



Ssenz from Gandara here.

Just wanted to say thx to both servers we’ve been battling last evening/night.
I’m just getting into this wvw thingy for real and I’m enjoying the hell out of it.

Hope to kill more of you in the future

Cya and take care.

Ssenz – Mesmer – Semper Dius [Dius] (R.I.P) – Gandara