Showing Posts For Birigui.6857:

Lag issues in Latin America

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Birigui.6857


I already lose all hope, obviously they don’t care about this and obviously they are not going to do anything to fix it, they don’t even assume the problem (the very first step to solve a problem),

And please… you don’t ask to submit a ticket when the issue is general,

There’s a bunch of f2p MMO games out there that i can play flawless, PROBLEM IS NOT THE ISP,

The real problem in my opinion is that the game has been oversold and the servers can’t handle this, maybe i’m wrong,

I agree with almost all you’ve said, however I don’t think the problem is that the game has been oversold, because I’ve got this game just few days after its launch and it was fine to play. I guess they did some crap on recent updates OR are trying to reduce costs with servers.

Lag issues in Latin America

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Birigui.6857


So, we’ll have to wish for more players to suffer from the same issue to Anet take some measure, or they’ll just keep blaming our ISPs.

Lag issues in Latin America

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Birigui.6857


Even with vpn/tunnel there’s still lag, I don’t use it myself but have a friend who uses it and it’s not solving the issue.

Lag issues in Latin America

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Birigui.6857


The GM Ashley said to open a ticket to solve the issue, however I’ve did it before coming here and all I’ve got was premade answers asking me to run serveral kind of testes (Game Advisor, Ping Plotter) and in the end it was said it was my ISP problem and there was nothing they could do for me.

Funny thing is my game was perfect until 7/1/13, after this date I can barely play due intense lag spikes and delay.

I’m not having the same issue with another online game (and I play serveral other titles).

I’m hopeless now after reading this post.